Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth
Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth
Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth
Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth
Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth Raping Bandwidth
CYB0RG/ASM 1/1999
The process of using up someones website bandwidth in a useless
fashion. Lo-tech, but it does the job.
Because some people deserve it and in some circumstances it can be a
useful way to use up your own bandwidth when you havn't used up your
20 gig download limit on your cable modem. These lamers often have
their sites hosted on such elite servers as geocities and angelfire.
They will not tolerate a pathetic site full of vulgar language sucking
up their bandwidth and will likely kick the site. Or if the offending
site is hosted on some space that came with the victims crummy dial-up
account there will be tight restrictions and you can burn up their
allowed downloads in a matter of days if not hours. Alternatively
you'll push them over the limit and they will have to pay for the
bandwidth that you suck.
This will only be effective if you have a very popular website.
Find a large image on your victims site. Note: Lamers are expert at
making bloated crappy graphics so finding a large one should be easy.
Put a link to it at the bottom of your leet site's most popular page.
Like so:
Make sure you have the width and height set to zero so your guests
don't have to waste their eye-time looking at ugly grafix. Now every
hit to your page will be indirectly a hit to their fat graphic and
their bandwidth is duly sucked.
You're obviously going to need some fat bandwidth yourself for this
method. But like I said, when you have 20 gigs to burn up you might
as well put it to good use.
Find a large image on your victims site.
Make sure you set your browsers cache to zero and to check for newer
versions everytime it hits the page. Create a file similar to the
following and run it on your machine. Or run it somewhere else for a
more anonymous approach. For example you could load it on a geocities
account and run it from there.
Filename = "rapedem.html"