Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 09:39:08 +0100 From: Tomas Halgas To: Subject: nmap can crash microsoft telnetd Nmap 2.01++ can crash microsoft winnt telnetd. Only need to have option -sS enabled when scanning... You will get a aplication popup with message like this - program made an illegal operation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 14:13:47 +0200 From: Stefan Laudat To: Ken Williams Subject: Re: [Fwd: [SecureXpert Labs Advisory SX-98.12.23-01] Widespread DoSvulnerability] > > not true. winnt telnetd goes down like a $5 whore with a simple > nmap-2.02 'nmap -sS' tcp SYN stealth port scan. That little fuss about win98 has been proven to be a Novell Intranetware Client stupidity, so it's 20.42% true. :) -- Stefan Laudat System Engineer - Dragon Art "Power comes from the barrel of the gun" -- Mao Tze Dong