Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 21:27:02 -0500 From: SecureXpert DIRECT Sender To: Subject: SecureXpert Labs Advisory [SX-98.12.30-01] SecureXpert Labs Advisory [SX-98.12.30-01] This advisory updates advisory [SX-98.12.23-01] DoS vulnerability in Novell Intranetware Client Reported by: SecureXpert Labs WARNING: this information is based on early analysis. The subject matter is still the subject of active research by SecureXpert Labs and others. Legal: Summary The previously reported Denial of Service vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 98 has proven upon further investigation NOT to be a vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows 98 product. Microsoft Windows 98, in a default installation without third-party software, is not vulnerable to the attack reported in [SX-98.12.30-01]. However, a vulnerability exists in the Novell Intranetware Client version (as distributed with Novell Netware 5) which affects all Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems on which the Novell Intranetware Client version is installed. Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems with the Novell Intranetware Client installed experience a critical error (Blue Screen) when scanned with the popular port-scanner tool "nmap" ( in "half-open" scanning mode (-sS). Specifically, the vulnerable service in the Intranetware client is the SLP Request service on TCP port 427. The command "nmap -sS -p427", which scans only port 427 on the target system with a TCP half-open sequence, causes an immediate Blue Screen condition. This condition is recoverable; however subsequently the affected system loses all TCP network connectivity. Similarly, any "nmap -sS" scan which includes port 427 in the range of scanned ports causes the same fault (on most systems this includes the default scan with no ports specified). The nmap tool includes features which permit it to scan large regions of Internet address space. Any Windows 95 or Windows 98 systems with the Novell Intranetware Client installed found within any scanned region will be affected. Novell Inc. and Microsoft Corp. have received advance notice of this vulnerability. SecureXpert Labs wishes to thank Bruce Allison of Obsidian Networks for his valuable assistance in the reproduction of this vulnerability.