THE EBAYLA BUG AND HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF This page describes a security problem that Blue Adept discovered with eBay's on-line auctions on March 31, 1999 (realaudio interview). The security hole allows eBay users to easily steal the passwords of other eBay users. The exploit involves posting items for bid that include malicious javascript code as part of the item's description. When an unsuspecting eBay user places a bid on the item, the embedded javascript code sends their username and password to the malicious user by e-mail. From the victim's point of view, nothing unusual seems to have occured, so they are unlikely to report/complain to eBay. Once a malicious user knows the username/password of the victim's eBay account, she can assume full control of the account, including the ability to: create new auctions (automtically charging the victim's account) place bids in the victim's name, retract legitimate bids in the victim's name, change the victim's username/password, barring them from eBay, associate bogus negative/positive comments with an arbitrary seller, prematurely close an auction being run by the victim. insert the ebayla code into the victim's auction. (The code could be altered to do this automatically, which would constitute an ebayla virus). The security problem is dangerously easy to take advantage of. A malicious user needs only to embed the javascript code into their description of an item for auction. A walk-through of the exploit demonstrates step-by-step how any user can steal eBay passwords. [1] Blue Adept notified eBay that a 'huge' potential security problem existed on March 31,1999 and offered assistance (but as of April 18, 1999 has only received form letter KMM798062C0KM in reply). Information about the ebayla exploit is being made publicly available to speed the process of fixing the security hole. TRY THE EBAYLA BUG DEMO ON YOURSELF! Visit a working demonstration of this exploit at eBay! The demo works with any javascript-enabled browser, such an Netscape or Internet Explorer. Users must register (free) with eBay to place bids. The demo is Blue Adept's own auction infected with eBayla code. WARNING! When you bid on this item (or even just review your bid without placing it), your username and password will automatically be mailed back to HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF Unfortunately, the potential security issues at eBay are difficult to spot and avoid. If you are unfamiliar with spotting suspect javascript in the docsource of an html document, the best way to protect yourself may be to avoid using eBay until adequate html filters have been implemented. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] THE EBAYLA BUG WALK-THROUGH This page demonstrates how the ebayla bug can be exploited by someone using minimal resources to steal usernames and passwords from eBay users. The resources required to launch the attack are minimal and freely available. The following exploit is written to work with Netscape Communicator only. The goal is to demonstrate that using only the items listed below, a malicious user can aquire eBay usernames and passwords. (To see a more efficient (2 line) version of the code that uses a Perl script, visit the the live demo at eBay.) INGREDIENTS: 1 Computer with Internet Access 1 email account STEP 1: Visit and register for a free user account. STEP 2: Go to the sellers's area to post an item for auction. When asked to enter the description of the item, post the following description, containing the ebayla code. The first line of the script indicates the email address to which usernames/passwords are to be sent. 1 car, comes with windows. crashes frequently. toy.
WARNING do not bid on this item!! This auction is a demonstration of the ebayla bug. If you place/review a bid, your username and password will be mailed to STEP 4: Wait for users to place/review bids on the item. Shortly afterwards, you will receive an e-mail message that contains the user's username and password. Note: In the exploit described above, the part of the program that does the actual "dirty-work" of mailing the password and username is a randomly chosen server-side mailing script we found on the web. There are many equivalent and publicly available server-side mailing programs that can be used in it's place. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 14:11:50 -0700 >From: "Epstein, Jeremy" Subject: Another old-fashioned bug comes back to byte Wired reports in "'EBayla' Bug Strikes eBay" (see that eBay users can enter an HTML description of the item being auctioned. However, the script provided by the seller can also include Javascript, thus allowing the seller to create a fairly simple web page that, when accessed by the unsuspecting bidder, can capture the bidder's eBay username and password and send it to the bidder (or anyone else). This is a new version of an old bug: if you allow users to specify input that can be used by others, make sure there's enough filtering that it can't be harmful. Perhaps the scariest part was the reaction from eBay, as reported by Wired: "EBay's senior director of corporate communications characterized the hole as an 'occasional byproduct' of the service's user-focused design." eBay downplayed the severity of the exploit, noting that "If somebody had indeed used your password as well as your username and started bidding on a bunch of items, you'd be the first person to be contacted by eBay through e-mail, and we'd be able to backtrack on that to make sure that we could take care of that situation." Gee thanks. After it happens, you'll let me know I just bought a velvet Elvis and a set of matching pink lawn flamingos :-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 17:45:47 -0700 From: Paul Festa To: Subject: Re: eBay password stealing with JavaScript They say they won't:,4,35321,00.html >>>eBay acknowledged that the JavaScript exploit works, but minimized its importance. "We know it's there, but you have to put it all in perspective," said eBay spokesman Kevin Pursglove. "We have a very open environment that lets individuals describe what they're selling, and JavaScript is there so people can make the best of their abilities to describe an item."<<< At 08:30 PM 4/20/99 -0600, Michael K. Sanders wrote: >Since 'e-commerce' was discussed recently and I didn't find this in >the archives, may I direct your attention to: > > > >It will be interesting if eBay tries to 'filter' JavaScript from their >listings to fix this. > > Paul Festa reporter, CNET (415) 395-7805 ext. 1313 "Silicon Valley's leading source of up-to-the-minute information about the technology business." --New York Times "A thing called CNET, which is an industry thing." --Bill Gates