SGI Name Service Architecture

This document attempts to document the Irix name service implementation. The Irix name service is made up of a set of C library routines, cache files, a resolver daemon, and protocol libraries. Each of the elements is considered separately in some depth.


Historically, Unix was designed with a number of configuration files containing information about system resources, accounts, etc. For each of these configuration files a number of library routines were written to parse the files into C data structures. This set of routines has been grouped into a name service API which is standardized across all Unix implementations.

As networking was added, and the number of machines grew, the concept of distributed name space administration was conceived, and code was added in the C library name service routines to look information up in the remote name space on each access. This code base has become very large and complex, and performance has suffered. The new name service implementation for Irix attempts to address all of the problems in the current implementation.


The name service API is left unchanged from previous releases so as to maintain library level compatibility. No applications should need to be recompiled to take advantage of the new name service features. All of the protocol code which once existed in the specific API routines is moved out of the C library into separate shared libraries.

When a C library routine such as gethostbyname() is called in an application memory for the returned data structure is allocated, and the routine ns_lookup() is called with the key, a domain, and the name of the table containing this information.

The ns_lookup() routine will mmap in a global shared cache database corresponding to the table name and attempt to lookup the key in this database. If the lookup fails then the routine will open a file associated with the key, table, and domain, and parse the data the same as has historically been done with flat configuration files. The file that was opened is generated on the fly by a cache miss daemon which acts as a user level NFS file server.

The daemon will determine the resolve order for the request then call routines in shared libraries for each of the protocols supported to answer the request. Once the data is found it is stored in the global shared cache database and a file is generated in memory using the format of the flat text file.

The gethostbyname() routine will then parse the result into the appropriate data structure and return.

C Library Routines

The routines ns_lookup() and ns_list() were added to the name service API in the C library, and all of the old library routines which once contained protocol code to directly converse with name service daemons are now all wrappers around these routines.

Each getXbyY() style routine will simply set up a global memory buffer, call ns_lookup() with a normalized key and the name of a map containing the data, and the domain in which the map lives, then parse the results into a map specific data structure. Reintrant routines of the form getXbyY_r() have been added which behave exactly as the getXbyY() routines except that they use passed in memory buffers instead of a global space. All of the standard routines are simply wrappers around the reintrant versions in order to reduce code space in the C library.

The getXent() style routines are wrappers around the ns_list() routine which will provide a concatenation of all records in each of the supported backend databases for a table in what appears to be a flat ASCII file. Reintrant routines of the form getXent_r() have been added which behave exactly as the getXent() routines except that they use passed in memory buffers instead of a global space. All of the standard routines are simply wrappers around the reintrant versions in order to reduce space.

The ns_lookup() routine mmaps the cache file for the given table if it has not already been opened, opens a lock file containing shared writable locks for all of the cache files if that had not previously been opened, then attempts to look up the given key in the cache. The cache is a shared, multi-reader, multi-writer, hash database written specifically for this name service implementation named MDBM.

If the cache file cannot be opened, or the key does not already exist in the cache, then a separate daemon is contacted to act as the cache miss handler, locating the information within some name service and inserting it in the database. This daemon is contacted through the NFS protocol and the result of the lookup is returned to the client in the format of the flat system configuration file.

The ns_list() routine contacts the daemon through the NFS protocol and asks for a concatenation file for a given domain and table then returns a file pointer to this newly formed concatenation file. The getXent() wrapper routines then use stdio to walk through this file, parsing each line into a C data structure, and returning these sequentially. The getXent_r() routines are identical, and use the same file pointer, but they use passed in buffer space to hold the return data instead of dynamically allocated space.

The arguments to ns_lookup are a table structure, the domain name for the query, a key for the query, a buffer to place the results in, and a length for this buffer. The table structure contains the name of the table, a database pointer, a lock pointer, and a flags field which determines whether the cache file needs to be closed between calls. It will return an integer result of NS_SUCCESS, NS_NOTFOUND, or NS_FATAL (All return codes and structures are defined in the /usr/include/ns_api.h header file).

The arguments to ns_list are the domain name, table name, and an optional protocol name. It returns a file pointer.

Cache Files

The cache files are multi-reader, multi-writer, mmap'd hash database files based upon the SDBM file format. This new database, MDBM, was written specifically for this name service implementation, but there are plans to use it on a number of other projects. This is a very simple, but very fast, single-key, file format.

There is a cache file for each table maintained by the name service daemon in a well known location. The C library routines will always look for the cache files in the /var/ns/cache directory, and the daemon can be started with flags to override this location. This allows for the creation of cache directories inside of a chroot() environment which uses different rules than the primary environment.

The cache files are writable only by root, and the C library routines always open the cache files read-only. A seperate lock file is mapped writable by all aplications to provide a shared memory segment for database file locking. This is imperfect, and alternatives are being discussed.

Locks in the lock file are of the abilock_t defined in the SGI mutex library routines. And a name service specific version of the mutex lock routines is used. In the case where an application is unable to get a lock on the database it falls back to calling the daemon which will reset the locks if it has problems getting the lock. Currently the lock file is persistent, and if it is corrupted would require that the file be removed and the name server restarted.

The cache files can be set to a fixed size which allows them to be mapped once, then the file descriptor closed, and the mapping remains throughout the processes life. If the caches are a variable size then they are remapped on each lookup unless the "stayopen" flag is given to the setXent() call associated with the table. This is similar behavior to the treatment of files in the historic file-only name service implementations.

Cache file entries are made up of a time_t which can be compared to the current clock for timeouts, a status character to support negative caching, and the data. Timeouts are handled sporadically by a separate daemon walking the cache, or by all applications. When an application notices that the information is out of date is requests new information from the daemon. If the daemon is unreachable the information in the cache is used anyway. When a cache file is opened with a fixed size then the cache is presplit to that size, and anytime adding an element would result in the splitting of the page, a shake function is called instead to free up space for the new data. When the fixed sized approach is used the timeout daemon is never run.

The format of keys in the database is "key\0domain\0protocol" where domain and protocol are not given when they are the default, not specified in the lookup.

Name Service Daemon

The Irix name service daemon acts as a cache miss handler for the name service cache files, and implements all of the protocols to speak with remote name servers. The protocol handlers are seperated into protocol libraries which get opened dynamically when the protocols are needed according to the resolve orders in the daemon configuration file. The basic daemon implements a base set of functionality needed by the protocol libraries.

Name Service Configuration Files and Data Structures

The daemon behavior is completely controlled by the daemon configuration files. A configuration file exists for the client behavior in /etc/nsswitch.conf, and a similar file exists under /var/ns/domains/DOMAINNAME/nsswitch.conf for each domain supported by this daemon. If the file /etc/nsswitch.conf does not exist a default configuration is used. Server-side domain directories must contain a nsswitch.conf file, or the domain is ignored.

The nsswitch.conf file is made up of lines of the format:

map: library library library

where each element in the line can have an attribute list associated with it of the format:

(attribute=value, attribute=value, attribute=value)

These attributes may also exist on a line alone, in which case they set the attributes on the domain. And a library may be followed by a control field of the form:


All of the data from nsswitch.conf is maintained in the daemon in four data structure trees. A linked list of libraries which have been opened. A linked list of cache files, one for each table. A btree of file structures and a set of attribute lists.

The library data is kept in a simple linked list; one structure for each protocol library that has been opened by the daemon. The structure contains the library name as found in the nsswitch.conf file, the path name for the DSO, and an array of function pointers to each of the protocol library entry points.

The map structures are also kept in a simple linked list, and contain information about the cache files which the daemon maintains. There is one entry per table which inserted into the list the first time a request has been made for data from that table. In contains the name of the cache file, a pointer to the database structure, and information about the mapping. Cache files will be closed and unmapped when the global shake function is called.

The majority of the information in the nsswitch.conf files are saved in an in-memory filesystem. Each data item is stored in a file structure and placed into a large global btree. The file structure contains a set of attributes, and possibly a pointer to a map structure containing information on the cache file which should be updated when this file is changed, or a library structure which contains the function pointers for changing this structure, or data. The data can either be data as read from the back-end databases or a directory list. The hash used for the btree is the file ID which is simply a 32 bit unsigned value stored in the file structure.

The filesystem tree is rooted with a root file referenced by a global variable. Each nsswitch.conf file results in a new file structure (domain), and a reference in the root directory. Each line in the nsswitch.conf file results in a new file structure (table), and a reference in the corresponding domain directory. Each library on a line results in a new file structure (callout), and a reference in the table directory. Each directory file structure also contains a reference to the parent. When the reference count on a file goes to zero it will be removed, and the reference count will be decrimented for each file it points to. Removing the global reference on the root file will effectively remove all files in the tree.

Attributes are stored in linked lists hanging off of file structures. Each atribute list is terminated by an empty structure referencing the attribute list of the parent directory. When attribute lists are searched they start with the local atttributes then follow the link to the parent list and so on. This has the result that all attributes are inherited by the children. Attribute structures are seperately reference counted so that removal of a parent directory while a file is in use will not necessarily result in the removal of the attribute list it points to.

Name Service Runtime Loop

Once the configuration files have been read the daemon falls into an infinite select loop waiting for input then dispatching to handler routines. On startup the deamon opens a request socket for reading and sets up a handler for this file descriptor. Whenever the select loop wakes up with data on a file descriptor the handler for the file descriptor is called. New descriptors can be added or removed at any time by the protocol library code using the utility routines nsd_callback_new() and nsd_callback_remove().

Only one callback is setup by default. This callback is the dispatch handler for the NFS protocols. A new packet is parsed as an NFS request, and is answered out of the in-memory file system. When a file is referenced which does not already exist in the tree an new file structure is generated and placed into the tree. A list of callout libraries is inherited from the parent directory then control is returned to the central loop which walks the structure through each of the callout library routines until a result is obtained.

The loop through the callout list will call a callout proceedure in one of the protocol libraries. If the library routine returns the code NSD_OK it means that the request has been filled, and the input specific return proceedure is called to return the results to the calling application. If the library returns the NSD_ERROR code then an error occured while trying to handle the request and an error result should be returned immediately to the client. If a code of NSD_NEXT is returned then the library did not find the result and the next callout proceedure is called. If the NSD_CONTINUE code is returned that means that the protocol routine had to send a request to an external daemon or is doing something that will take a long time so the loop should start working on the next request. The protocol code now owns the request so there must be some way for the request to start processing again in the future or a leak will occur. The two typical ways for this to continue is that a result will come in on a socket resulting in a handler being called, or a timeout will occur. At any time in the callout list the default behavior of the return code may be overriden by an entry in the nsswitch.conf file. For instance, if the following line were in the configuration file:

hosts: nis [notfound=return] files

Instead of continuing on to the files callout when a result was not found in the NIS maps an error would be returned to the client. The files callout would only be called if NIS was not running.

Handlers can be setup at any time by protocol code, but typically a socket is setup once during initialization for each library. Timeouts are usually placed on each forwarded request in case the remote agent fails to respond to the request within a reasonable time period. There is a global timeout list for the daemons central select() loop. Each time select() is called the next timeout is first popped off of the stack and used to determine what the select() timeout should be. If select wakes up due to a timeout the handler in the timeout structure is called. Handlers are created using the daemon routine nsd_callback_new(), and removed using nsd_callback_remove(). Timeouts are created using nsd_timeout_new(), and removed using nsd_timeout_remove().

Utility Functions

The name service daemon contains a number of utility functions that should be used by protocol libraries. These include routines to manipulate return values, setup callbacks handlers for new file descriptors, setup timeouts on the central select loop, and handle errors.


The nsd_set_result() function provides a convenient way to set the return status and data for a request.The function takes four arguments: a pointer to the file structure, a status code which should be one of NS_SUCCESS, NS_NOTFOUND, NS_TRYAGIN, NS_UNAVAIL, NS_BADREQ, and NS_FATAL, a pointer to the result string, the length of the result, and a function pointer to a routine to free this string if needed. There are three routines predefined which include: DYNAMIC which is a pointer to the standard free() function in the C library, STATIC which is a null pointer, and VOLATILE which will result in nsd_set_result() copying the data into a new dynamically allocated buffer. It returns an integer which will be either NSD_OK if successful or NSD_ERROR if unsuccessful. If a result already exists it will be free'd using the existing free function pointer, and the new result will be set.

int nsd_set_result(nsd_file_t *, int, char *, int, nsd_free_proc *);


The nsd_append_result() utility function is similar to the nsd_set_result() function, but it will append the given string to the end of an already existing result string if one exists. There is no need to pass a free routine, as this function will always copy the data into a new dynamically allocated buffer.

This function takes three arguments: a pointer to the request structure, a pointer to the result string to be appended, and the length of the string. It returns an integer which will be one of NSD_OK on success, or NSD_ERROR when unsuccessful. On error the current result string and code will be unchanged.

int nsd_append_result(nsd_file_t *, int, char *, int);


The nsd_append_element() function is identical to the nsd_append_result() routine except that the result strings are joined by a newline character. This routine assumes that all result strings it is given are null terminated strings.

int nsd_append_element(nsd_file_t *, int, char *, int);


The nsd_callback_new() function is used to setup a file descriptor callback for the daemon main loop. When select() wakes up with data on a file descriptor the callback handler is looked up in a table, and the corresponding function is called. Protocol libraries can setup callbacks at any time for a file descriptor that they have opened. This routine will register the new handler function and cause select to wake up on new data waiting on the descriptor. If a handler was already registered for the descriptor than it will be replaced.

This function takes three arguments an integer file descriptor, a pointer to the handler function, and a flag which contains options for what events the callback should be used for which should be made up of NSD_READ, NSD_WRITE, and NSD_EXCEPT. It returns a pointer to the handler function on success, or a null pointer on failure. The only cause for failure is that the file descriptor is out of range.

nsd_callback_proc *nsd_callback_new(int, nsd_callback_proc *);


The nsd_callback_remove() function will clear a handler from the list of file descriptors.

This function takes one argument which is the integer file descriptor, and returns an integer which will be one of NSD_OK or NSD_ERROR.

int nsd_callback_remove(int);


The nsd_callback_get() function will return the callback handler function pointer, given the integer file descriptor.

nsd_callback_proc *nsd_callback_get(int);


The nsd_timeout_new() function is used to setup timeout handlers for the central select loop. Any time a protocol routine returns NS_CONTINUE the routine should setup a timeout handler to continue the request processing.

This function takes four arguments: a pointer to the file structure, an unsigned timeout value in milliseconds, a pointer to a timeout handler routine, and a pointer to any local data needed by the protocol code. It returns a pointer to the timeout structure on success, or a null pointer on failure. The local data pointer can be nil if the calling routine does not need data associated with the timeout.

nsd_times_t *nsd_timeout_new(nsd_file_t *, unsigned, nsd_timeout_proc *, void *);


The nsd_timeout_remove() function is called to remove a timeout from the timeout list. This is typically called when a protocol function receives a reply from a remote daemon, and no longer needs the select loop to timeout to continue processing.

This function takes one argument, a pointer to the file structure, and returns an integer result which will be NSD_OK for success or NSD_ERROR for failure. Failure usually indicates that there was no matching timeout on the list.

int nsd_timeout_remove(nsd_file_t *);


The nsd_attr_store() routine is used to add an attribute to an attribute list. Attributes should be used instead of global variables when possible. Attribute lists are tied together from most specific to least specific walking backwards up the daemon data structure tree.

This function takes three arguments: a pointer to the pointer to the beginning of this attribute list, a pointer to a string for the key, and a pointer to a string for the data. It returns a pointer to the attribute structure if successful, or a null pointer on error.

nsd_attr_t *nsd_attr_store(nsd_attr_t **, char *, char *);


This routine will remove the attribute from the given list. Continuations to other lists will not be followed which means that if nsd_attr_fetch() were immediately called with this key it may find a result.

This function takes two arguments: a pointer to the pointer to the first attribute in the list and a pointer to the string for the key. It returns an integer which will be NSD_OK on success, or NSD_ERROR if the attribute was not found.

int nsd_attr_delete(nsd_attr_t **, char *);


This routine will search through an attribute list, following continuations to other lists, searching for a matching attribute. Key comparisons are case insensitive.

This function takes two arguments: a pointer to the beginning of the attribute list, and a pointer to the string for the key. It returns a pointer to the attribute structure if found, or a null pointer on failure.

nsd_attr_t *nsd_attr_fetch(nsd_attr_t *, char *);




These routines are simple wrappers around nsd_attr_fetch(). The take a pointer to the attribute list, a string for the key, and a default value. The nsd_attr_fetch_long() routine also takes a radix. They will return the value of the attribute interpreted as a long, string, or boolean, depending on the function called, or the default value if the key was not found.

long nsd_attr_fetch_long(nsd_attr_t *, char *, int, long);

char *nsd_attr_fetch_string(nsd_attr_t *, char *, char *);

int nsd_attr_fetch_bool(nsd_attr_t *, char *, int);


This routine takes the same arguments as printf(), but will result in a message to the log, or to the console depending on arguments to the daemon. It should be used to print error messages.

void nsd_logprintf(char *, ...);


The nsd_shake() routine should be called to free up resources when allocating new resources fails. This results in a call to all of the protocol specific shake() routines. This will free memory, close and unmap files, and generally try to reduce the resources used. The name service daemon and many of the protocol libraries are agressive about caching results, connections to files or remote daemons, etc.

This routine takes no arguments and returns no results.

void nsd_shake(void);




These routines are wrappers around the standard malloc(), calloc() and free() routines which call nsd_shake() on failure, then retry the allocation.

void *nsd_malloc(int);

void *nsd_calloc(int, int);

char *nsd_strdup(char *);

Name Service Protocol Libraries

All of the name service protocol code which used to exist inside of the API routines in the C library has now been moved into seperate protocol libraries which are used only by the name service daemon. Each library has a small set of entry points which are used by the daemon command routines. These routines are init(), lookup(), list(), master(), version(), create(), write(), symlink(), and shake(). Other routines may be added later.

Library Init Routine

The init() routine in a library is called when the library is first opened, and again whenever the daemon receives a SIGHUP signal. Typically the init() proceedure will read any protocol specific configuration files, such as /etc/resolv.conf for DNS, and setup any global data needed by the library, such as a list of domains or server addresses.

The init proceedure takes no arguments, and returns an integer which should be one of NSD_OK or NSD_ERROR.

int init(void);

The init() proceedure may also setup handlers for new requests of some alternative protocol-specific form such as the "ypserv" library which accepts Sun RPC requests for NIS version 2.

It may also setup handlers for results for forwarded requests. Most of the name service protocols will reformat the request into a different form and send it to some other daemon, then setup a timeout and callback. When the results come back from the remote system they go through this handler routine which parses the results into an internal form again, and returns a successful result code to the main loop.

The init() routine may also create some false requests to take care of initialization that can happen asyncronously. The "nis" and "nisserv" callouts use this feature to register with portmap. They send off a packet to the portmap daemon then setup a handler and timeout and then give control back to the main loop so as not to hang if there are problems registerring.

Library Lookup Routine

The lookup() routine is the most called of all routines in the name server and is the one that most people think of as the protocol. This routine will convert the internal request format into a protocol specific format and send it to a remote daemon. When results come back they will be converted into an internal format again and a status code will be returned. It is up to the initial request handler to setup the reply.

The lookup() routine should take one file pointer argument and return an integer which should be one of NSD_OK, NSD_ERROR, NSD_NEXT, and NSD_CONTINUE.

int lookup(nsd_file_t *);

In the simple case the lookup() routine will simply fetch data out of a file convert it into the proper format and return it immediately.

Library List Routine

The list() routine will concatenate all records together into an internal flat file. This is used by the getXent() routines or for administration.

The list() function should take one file pointer argument and return an integer which should be one of NSD_OK, NSD_ERROR, NSD_NEXT, and NSD_CONTINUE.

int next(nsd_file_t *);

Library Master Routine

The master() routine will return the hostname for a machine which is authoritative for the file or table. This is typically used to determine what host should be contacted when changes need to be made to data.

The master() function takes one file pointer argument and returns an integer which should be one of NSD_OK, NSD_ERROR, NSD_NEXT, and NSD_CONTINUE. It should not change the data on the file, but simply set the "master" attribute on the file.

int master(nsd_file_t *);

Library Version Routine

The version() routine will return the version of the data for the given file or table. This is typically used to determine if cached data is out of date. The daemon timeout handler will occasionally timeout files, or reverify the data in its cache.

The version() function takes one file pointer and returns an integer which must be one of NSD_OK, NSD_ERROR, NSD_NEXT, and NSD_CONTINUE. It should not change the data on the file, but simply set the "version" attribute on the file.

int version(nsd_file_t *);

Library Create Routine

Library Write Routine

Library Symlink Routine

The create(), write(), and symlink() routines are designed to support dynamic updates of data in the backend databases. Currently these routines are not implemented in any of the callout libraries.

Library Shake Routine

The shake() function is called when the daemon runs short of resources. This function should free up any resources used by the protocol library which are not needed. For instance the "files" callout shake function closes and unmaps all of the files it has open.

Any protocol routine which runs out of resources, like attempting a malloc() which fails, or failing to open a new file, should call the daemon utility function nsd_shake() which will free any unneeded global data then call each of the protocol specific shake() functions. After calling nsd_shake() the protocol routine should try again to do whatever failed before returning an error. The utility routines nsd_malloc(), nsd_calloc(), nsd_strdup() do exactly this.

The shake() function should take no arguments and return an integer which should be one of NSD_OK and NSD_ERROR.

int shake(void);

The "files" Callout Library

The files library will mmap() flat files into the daemon memory and search through them for matching lines in the same fasion as the C library API fallback routines. The filename is determined by the map name, and the directory is determined by the domain name. By default this is /var/ns/domain/file or /etc/file for the .local domain. Either of these can be overriden using attributes "file" or "directory" attached to the files callout in the appropriate nsswitch.conf file.

The passwd.* map is special. For any line of the form: [+-]@?[\S]+ it will verify the element by making a recursive call into the daemon, and then returning the NSD_NEXT code to the main loop. if the directive [notfound=return] is specified after the files callout in nsswitch.conf then this results in behavior identical to the historic behavior of forcing calls into NIS, except that any library may follow files, not only NIS.

The list routine simply copies the entire mapped file into the result instead of attempting to do any parsing.

The "nis" Callout Library

The nis library implements the client side of the Sun YP RPC protocol, and the YPBIND protocol. Internal requests are reformatted into RPC requests and sent to a remote host, and a callback and timeout are setup, then control is returned to the main daemon loop. When a response comes back to the socket owned by the nis library a handler is called which will parse the YP RPC result packet into the internal format and returns it to the client. Responses are mapped back to the original request structure using the XID field in the RPC header of the response packet.

The library also maintains a socket for incoming YPBIND RPC requests which are answered using data maintained by the nis library.

If any request comes in and the daemon has not already bound to a server, or if a request to a server times out, then a bind broadcast/multicast is sent out, and the request is held until the daemon is able to bind to a new server. If the daemon is unable to bind within a couple of seconds a NS_TRYAGAIN status is returned to the client so that it will resend the request instead of falling back to local files. If the file /var/yp/domain/binding/servers exists then the hosts listed in this file wil be sent unicast bind requests instead of a broadcast sent out.

The nis library fakes for maps which exist in the nsswitch.conf file, but not in the NIS version 2 standard. These include services.bynumber, group.bymember, and rpc.byname. It will first attempt to lookup data using these names, then will fall back to stepping through the reverse map file if that fails.

The list() routine will spawn a thread which connects to the ypserv daemon using tcp, then writes the results back over a socket to the primary daemon which appends them to the result.

The "nisserv" Callout Library

The nisserv callout library implements the server side of the Sun YP RPC protocol. It opens a socket on init on which it accepts new requests. It looks up these requests using the standard callout list, and replies to the requestor using the YP protocol.

When the YP_ALL request is received it will only enumerate the maps for which the boolean "ypall" attribute is set. If this attribute is not set for any callout then it will enumerate the mdbm database instead, provided the mdbm library is listed as a callout.

NOTE: currently yp_all will simply enumerate the mdbm database, and is not supported for anything else. The internal data format needs to change before it can support the other databases.

The "dns" Callout Library

The dns library implements the client side of the Domain Name Service Protocol. New requests will be converted from the internal format to a DNS packet format and sent to a remote server, then a timeout and callback will be setup and control will be given back to the main loop. When a response comes back from the server it will come to a socket owned by the dns library and will pass through a dns response handler. The response will be mapped back to the original request using the DNS header xid field then the packet will be parsed back into the internal format to be returned to the client.

The order for contacting servers is controlled by the resolv.conf file, or by the "servers" attribute attatched to the dns callout in nsswitch.conf. The domain is the same as the request domain except in the case of the .local domain. When the .local domain is used then the domain in the dns request will be determined by the domain or search fields in resolv.conf or by the "domain" attribute in nsswitch.conf.

The map hosts.byname is turned into a class IN, type A request to DNS. The map hosts.byaddr is turned into a class IN, type PTR request to DNS. The map mx is turned into a class IN, type MX request to DNS. Any other map is turned into a class IN, type TXT request to DNS using the DNS domain "table.domain" where any '.' characters in the table are replaced with '_'. For instance a call for the key "uucp" in the "passwd.byname" map for the domain "" will result in a lookup of "" in the IN class, and will return a TXT type.

The DNS callout library does not currently support the list() entry point. This will likely be added in a future release.

The "mdbm" Callout Library

The mdbm library uses the mdbm database format to store data in local files. A set of parser scripts are provided to parse flat files into the databases. This supports a faster lookup method than the files library. The files default to /var/ns/domain/table.m for each table, or /etc/table.m in the .local domain. This can be overriden by setting the file attribute on the table in the apropriate nsswitch.conf file.

The list() command results in a mdbm_next() loop, appending each successive value to the end of the result.

The NFS Interface

The primary interface to the daemon from the API routines is through the Network File System. The name service daemon acts as a user level NFS file server for an in-memory stacked file system. The daemon is mounted onto the local system at startup, and all the API routines simply open files in the filesystem tree managed by the name service daemon.

Currently the name service daemon has a special mount command called nsmount. This command determines the port that the name service is running on, and the initial file handle for the requested domain directory then passes this to the kernel. It is hoped that with future versions of the NFS protocol it will be possible to treat the name service daemon just like any other NFS server so that the regular mount command, automount, and autofs can be used.

It is possible to mount the name service daemon from another machine, and this technique is planned to be used for supporting large networks of systems and trees of domains. The administrator and explicitely restrict a portion of the namespace to the local host by setting the "local" attribute on the top element of the subtree. By default the .local domain sets the "local" attribute to true so other machines cannot read local passwords, etc.

The default location of the mount point is /ns/domain, where domain is the requested domain in the ns_lookup() or ns_list() routines. There is a special domain labled .local which always exists which provides a system local domain to override any parent domain information. All of the API getXbyY() routines currently use the .local domain. There are plans to allow the specifications of alternate domains through the API routines in the future.

The daemon filesystem tree is organized as: /ns/domain/table/key, and there is a special domain .local to represent the local view of the namespace, and "dot" directories under each table to represent the callout libraries. To lookup the login name "uucp" using the local namespace view you would open the file: /ns/.local/passwd.byname/uucp. If only the NIS entry for "uucp" wanted to be found you would open: /ns/.local/passwd.byname/.nis/uucp. The special key ".all" in a map returns a concatenation of all the records in a table, so opening the file: /ns/.local/passwd.byname/.all would give you a giant passwd file containing all users in the local domain. Executing "cat /ns/.local/passwd.byname/.nis/.all" would be equivelent to running "ypcat passwd.byname". Or "cat /ns/.local/passwd.byname/.files/.all" would be identical to "cat /etc/passwd" on most systems.

Removing a file in the filesystem maintained by the name service daemon results in the cached file structure being removed in the daemon. The directory entries cannot be removed. Instead this is done by editing the nsswitch.conf files and sending the daemon a SIGHUP signal. Attempting to remove a directory does result in the timeout routine being run on that subdirectory so that all dynamic elements under that directory will be removed.

In Irix extended attributes are supported on each name service file. The attributes on the file depend on the library which looked them up, but always include: domain, table, key, timeout, source, version and server. The timeout is the time in seconds since epoch that the cache entry will disappear from the daemon. The source is the name of the library as given in nsswitch.conf that provided the data in the file, and server is the address of the system which provided us the data. The server may not be the actual authoritative owner of the information, but is instead simply the machine from which we got the information. These can be read using the xattr command. For example to get the source of a key you would run "xattr get source /ns/.local/passwd.byname/uucp". Only the get function currently works with the name service daemon. The list and set methods may be added later.

All information in the name server tree is currently read-only. Future versions the the name service implementation will support create, write, and symlink operations as well.