Subject: Re: One more 3Com SNMP vulnerability To: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Hi all, Well spotted. To be more accurate, this bug can be found on 3Com SuperStack II Port Switch Hubs running software version 2.10. The bug disappeared from version 2.12. New software versions are available at es.htm Arnaud Bienvenu. -- Hi, It seems that 3Com does not pay much atention how its SNMP is implemented. In 3Com SuperStack II hubs MIB there's an OID: . Its name decodes to rity.securityUserTable. What You need to know that's read-only community and this OID will give you entire table of communities (read-write and read-only). If somebody knows how to contact 3Com with such reports forward this info to them. Half an hour exploring 3Com web site i found no e-mail's (not even Amazing... -- Nerijus Krukauskas Bank of Lithuania Division head IT department, Networking division Tel. +370-2-680731 Zirmunu 151 2012 Vilnius, Lithuania