The following is a Security Bulletin from the Microsoft Product Security Notification Service. Please do not reply to this message, as it was sent from an unattended mailbox. ******************************** Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-030) -------------------------------------- Updated Patch Available for Office "ODBC Vulnerabilities" Originally Posted: August 20, 1999 Revised: August 23, 1999 Re-released: October 08, 1999 Summary ======= Microsoft has released an updated patch that eliminates security vulnerabilities in the Microsoft(r) Jet database engine. A patch originally was released in August 1999, but an additional variant of one vulnerability, the "Text I-ISAM" vulnerability, was subsequently discovered. The new variant could allow a database query to delete files on a user's computer. This bulletin has been re-released to discuss the vulnerabilities in their entirety. The vulnerabilities in total could affect any application that runs atop Jet, and could allow a database query to take virtually any action on a user's computer. Microsoft recommends that all customers who are running applications that use Jet, especially users of Microsoft Office 97 and Office 2000, install the patch. Customers who applied the original patch should apply the new one to ensure that they are fully protected against all variants. Customers who did not previously apply the patch need only apply the new version. Additional information and frequently asked questions regarding this vulnerability can be found at Issue ===== Jet is a database engine used by Microsoft products such as Microsoft Office97 and Office2000. Two vulnerabilities exist in Jet: - The "VBA Shell" vulnerability, which affects all versions of Jet except Jet 4.0. An operating system command embedded within a database query could be executed when the query is processed. This would allow a spreadsheet, database, or other application file that contained such a query to take virtually any action on the user's computer when the query was executed. - The "Text I-ISAM" vulnerability, which affects all versions of Jet. Jet provides a way to modify the contents of text files, as a way of allowing data exchange between it and other systems. However, a malicious user could use this capability to modify system files via a database query. The original patch for this vulnerability allowed "drop table" operations to be used, which could allow files on the user's computer to be deleted; the new patch eliminates this variant. Microsoft Office uses the Jet engine, and Office users are particularly at risk from these vulnerabilities. (The "VBA Shell" vulnerability affects all versions of Office prior to Office2000, and also affects one member of the Office2000 suite, Access2000. The "Text I-ISAM" vulnerability affects all versions of Office). The vulnerabilities are an especially serious threat to Office users for three reasons: - Scenarios for exploiting these vulnerabilities via Office documents are publicly known. - The ubiquity of Office would make it an attractive target for mounting attacks via these vulnerabilities. - The ability of Office documents to perform Document Object Hosting would permit users to be attacked simply by visiting a malicious user's web site. (Please note that a tool that prevents this attack was included as part of the original patch for this issue, so customers who used it are no longer vulnerable to attacks via web pages). Microsoft Jet also is used by several other Microsoft products, as well as many third party applications. However, the ability to exploit this vulnerability through these products is highly dependent on the specific application. Although Microsoft has not identified a means of exploiting these vulnerabilities through any Microsoft products except Office, we recommend that all customers who have Microsoft Jet installed on their computer update it. This will ensure that they are protected against any possible attacks that may be developed. Affected Software Versions ========================== - Microsoft Jet, all versions NOTE: Jet serves as the database engine for a number of Microsoft products, including but not limited to: - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Visual Studio - Microsoft Publisher - Microsoft Streets & Trips Jet also serves as the database engine for many third-party software products. The patch does not require any change to any of the applications that use Jet; instead, it operates directly on the Jet database engine and restores proper functionality to it. Patch Availability ================== - NOTES: - The above web site provides separate pages for Office97 and Office2000. This is done in order to provide specific information about the vulnerabilities affecting the products. The patch for Office97 and Office2000 (and indeed for all affected products) is exactly the same, and both pages link to exactly the same patch. The patch will determine what version(s) of Jet are present on the machine and apply all of the needed corrections. - The patch is suitable for use by all language packs. - The patch applies to Jet 3.5 and all subsequent versions. Older versions of Jet are no longer supported, and we recommend that affected customers upgrade to a supported version. - The patch is suitable for widespread deployment via Microsoft(r) Systems Management Server(r). Users who wish to manually apply patches for specific versions of Jet should consult the FAQ for information on how to do this. More Information ================ Please see the following references for more information related to this issue. Please note that it may take 24 hours from the original posting of this bulletin for all of the KB articles to be visible on the Microsoft web site. - Microsoft Security Bulletin MS99-030: Frequently Asked Questions, - Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article Q239114, ACC2000: Updated Version of Microsoft Jet 4.0 Available on MS, - Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article Q172733, Updated Version of Microsoft Jet 3.5 Available on MSL, - Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article Q239482, ACC2000: Jet 4.0 Expression can Execute Unsafe VBA Functions, - Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article Q239104, Access97: Jet Expression can Execute Query with Unsafe VBA Functions, - Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article Q239471, ACC2000: Text I-ISAM Allows Users to Append Lines Into System Files, - Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article Q239105, ACC97: Text I-ISAM Allows Users to Append Lines Into System Files, - Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article Q172733, Updated Version of Microsoft Jet 3.5 Available on MSL, - Microsoft KB article Q141796, How to Identify the Jet Database Engine Components, - Microsoft Security Advisor web site, Obtaining Support on this Issue =============================== This is a fully supported patch. Information on contacting Microsoft Technical Support is available at Acknowledgments =============== Microsoft acknowledges Juan Carlos Cuartango of Spain for bringing this issue to our attention and identifying the additional variant of the "Text I-ISAM" vulnerability. Revisions ========= - August 20, 1999: Bulletin Created. - August 23, 1999: Revised to provide updated patch location - October 08, 1999: Re-released to provide patch that corrects additional variants of the "Text I-ISAM" vulnerability -------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use ******************************************************************* You have received this e-mail bulletin as a result of your registration to the Microsoft Product Security Notification Service. You may unsubscribe from this e-mail notification service at any time by sending an e-mail to MICROSOFT_SECURITY-SIGNOFF-REQUEST@ANNOUNCE.MICROSOFT.COM The subject line and message body are not used in processing the request, and can be anything you like. 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