Help with Pandora v3.0
Pandora v3.0 FAQ:
1. Why won't Pandora use my old PASSWORD.NDS/RESTORE.PAN file from v2.0?
Changes have been made to the file format. The new PASSWORD.NDS file is
no longer compatible with older versions. Use Extract from v3.0 and make
a new PASSWORD.NDS file. And use Manipul8 to get your RESTORE.PAN file
back to where it left off.
2. Extract doesn't get all 30,000 objects from the tree.
Very large trees are somewhat of a problem. Make sure you have plently of
drive space when playing with large NDS trees -- Extract does not check
the amount of free disk space. Also, on occassion it will simply not work
on extremely large trees during BACKUP.DS, usually stopping with an error
refering to a negative number. Even though your DSREPAIR says you are
fine, we believe this is due to problem with a backlinked record or some
other cross reference.
If you are desperate to get into very large trees, take a look at Imp by
Shade, located at Imp
will require to load the entire tree in RAM, so you should have plenty
of memory. For example, I had a 47MB tree Pandora was choking on, but
Imp loaded it fine (once I ran it on an NT workstation with 64MB RAM and
128MB swap). It took a while to load, but worked perfect. And the Pandora
routines Shade included really haven't changed much in v3.0, so from a
password-cracking perspective it should be the same.
3. Crypto won't get my 18 character password.
Unless you are the NSA, you probably do not really have the time to crack
an 18 character password anyway. Besides, to simplify the code Pandora
will not work with passwords over 16 characters. We have no reason to
extend this, although if someone wants to know how, write to Jitsu-Disk
or Simple Nomad. In your request please explain why your life is so
pathetic that you must crack a password this long.
4. I can't get Havoc/Level1-1/Level3-1/GameOver to work. What's
Well, there could be several different problems. Here are a few:
- Network card does not support promiscuous mode. We've personally tested
with a few cards personally, and can say that most modern 3Com cards do
just fine. Let us know about success with others.
- Packet driver does not support going into promiscuous mode. We only
know this might be a problem because of playing with Gobbler, an
Ethernet sniffer. Get the latest driver you can for your card.
- Not loading at interrupt 0x60. This is very important. Our code hooks
into this. Let's say your packet driver is 3c5x9pd load it with an
extra parameter like so: 3c5x9pd 0x60
- Play with the source code. We have some values hard-coded here and
there, especially with Level1-1. If things are not working exactly
like you think they should be, let us know something about your
- You've loaded a mystery patch. A mystery patch is a typical patch
Novell puts out to fix several different problems, and either
"accidently" fixes the security problem or is designed to fix the
security problem and there is no reference to this aspect anywhere.
Once again, report server and client versions and patches applied if
you think you've discovered a problem.
5. Where's the GUI you promised?
On the way. Check out Imp, mentioned in question 2 above. Imp implements
the password cracking routines only, it is quite nice. The NMRC GUI will
have the Denial of Service stuff along with the client attack tools
built in. We just had to release what we had because it was too hot to
sit on. This way we can properly implement the GUI and fully test it.
6. Why are you doing this? You are giving crackers tools to break
The NCP exploits were orignially explored in v2.0 of Pandora as a direct
result of hackers using 3.x attack tools against 4.x servers and gaining
access. Several different hackers in eastern Europe were reporting to
NMRC about their success, and several administrators wrote in asking for
help. Simple Nomad discovered several flaws in mid 1997, and Jitsu-Disk
expanded on these in 1998 for v3.0 of Pandora. Since these exploits were
already being used in the underground we felt there was a greater harm in
NOT bringing these things forward.
We understand that there will be people that abuse these tools -- we
also understand these tools will help administrators protect their
systems. If you must complain, complain to Novell.
7. So Pandora uses bindery-based attacks?
Yes and no. Many of these attacks will work fine against Netware 3.x
servers, but will still work against 4.x servers even with bindery
context not turned on. Novell has mistakenly stated that these are
bindery-based attacks implying that they will not work against a
Netware 4.x server that does not have bindery context set. These
attacks work against flaws in NCP, and many of the same NCP calls that
work against a Netware 3.x server will still work against a 4.x server.
CALLS VIA NCP. The problem is with NCP, not the bindery calls used
during login that need a bindery context to place them in the tree
at the proper spot.
Updated July 16, 1998