MCI Data Systems Division internetMCI Security Group Report Name: iMCI MIIGS Information Report Number: iMCISE:IMCIInfo:100595:01:P1R1 Report Date: 10/05/95 Report Format: Formal Report Distribution: iMCI Security, MCI Internal Internet Gateway Security (MIIGS), MCI Emergency Alert LiSt (MEALS) (names on file) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The internetMCI Security Engineering Department would like to announce its new World-Wide-Web Server. Although in its infancy, it will be constantly updated to provide additional security information for MCI's products and services, as well as value-added informational checklists for systems security techniques. You can connect to the server at WWW.SECURITY.MCI.NET Please provide any comments and feedback to Regards, "Success through teamwork" =============================================================================== Dale Drew MCI Telecommunications Manager internetMCI Security Engineering Voice: 703/715-7058 Internet: Fax: 703/715-7066 MCIMAIL: Dale_Drew/644-3335