MCI Telecommunications internetMCI Security Group Report Title: iMCI MIIGS Security Alert Report Name: "interNIC" Registration Scam Report Number: iMCISE:IMCIMCI031497:01:P1R1 Report Date: 03/14/97 Report Format: Formal Report Classification: MCI Informational Report Reference: Report Distribution: iMCI Security, MCI Internal Internet Gateway Security (MIIGS), MCI Emergency Alert LiSt (MEALS) (names on file) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- internetMCI Security has become aware of an e-mail scam that appears to be targeting several Internet domains, attempting to solicit credit card information from users while fraudulently claiming to represent the InterNIC Registration Service. The email informs users that they have the ability of registering for .WEB domains and that users must fax their Credit Card Information to an included fax Number, when in fact the originator of the email has no association with the InterNIC and may be using collected credit card data in a fraudulent manner. Users are encouraged to do the following: * Check the email headers to ensure the "FROM" address matches the "RECEIVED" by address: >>Received: from localhost ( by >>From: * Never provide sensitive or confidential information to anyone, under any medium without taking steps to confirm the identity and validity of the source (eg; sending email or calling InterNIC in this case). * Report any suspicious activity to your Internet Provider. A sample of the email is included below; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEAR INTERNIC REGISTRANT, 1. THE .WEB DOMAIN WE ARE GLAD TO INFORM YOU THAT A NEW DOMAIN, THE .WEB DOMAIN, HAS BEEN CREATED. NOW, YOU CAN REGISTER .WEB DOMAIN NAMES, LIKE "NAME.WEB" REGISTRATIONS FOR THE .WEB DOMAIN ARE NOW OPEN. THE REGISTRATION FEE IS $100 FOR THE FIRST TWO YEARS, AND $50 FOR EACH YEAR AFTER. WE CAN ONLY ACCEPT PAYMENT, AT THIS TIME, BY CREDIT CARD. THE POLICY IS FIRST COME FIRST SERVED, SO IN ORDER TO MAKE THE PROCCESS AS CLEAR AND SECURE AS POSSIBLE WE REQUEST YOU TO FAX YOUR PAYMENT INFORMATION TO 08882770295 IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE RESERVATION(S) OF YOUR DOMAIN(S) NAME(S), SEND A MESSAGE TO: REGISTER@WEB-DOMAIN.COM WITH THE FOLLOWING SUBJET LINE: "NAME1.WEB,NAME2.WEB",(THE .WEB DOMAIN NAMES YOU WISH TO REGISTER SEPARETED BY COMMAS), AND THE INTERNIC DOMAIN NAME YOU HOLD AT THIS TIME IF ANY. 2. EXAMPLE OF DOMAIN NAME RESERVATION IF YOU SEND THIS EMAIL MESSAGE: TO: REGISTER@WEB-DOMAIN.COM SUBJET: SHOP.WEB,STORE.WEB - GAMES.COM THIS MEANS YOU WANT TO REGISTER THE DOMAIN NAMES SHOP.WEB, AND STORE.WEB, AND THAT YOU HOLD THE DOMAIN NAME GAMES.COM 3. FAXING YOUR PAYMENT INFORMATION AFTER YOU REQUEST YOUR DOMAIN NAME THROUGH EMAIL YOU SHOULD FAX YOUR PAYMENT INFORMATION TO THE WEB-DOMAIN REGISTER, TOLL FREE NUMBER 08882770295 (OR 12122082919 FROM OUTSIDE U.S.): PLEASE INCLUDE: CREDIT CARD TYPE: MASTER CARD OR VISA EXPIRATION DATE NAME ON YOUR CARD ADDRESS AMOUNT YOU AUTHORIZE US TO CHARGE YOU ON YOUR CARD YOUR SIGNATURE WHY DO YOU RECEIVE THIS E-MAIL? YOU PROBABLY HOLD A DOMAIN NAME, (.COM,.ORG OR .NET), AND THE SAME ONE HAS BEEN REQUESTED FROM SOMEONE ELSE WITH THE NEW .WEB EXTENSION. OUR POLICY IS TO NOTIFY YOU, AND GIVE YOU THE CHANCE TO REGISTER IT, AS WE FEEL YOU SHOULD BE THE NATURAL OWNER. WEB-DOMAIN REGISTER DFZ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the internetMCI Security Departmet at "" or the InterNIC Registration Service at "".