ADP Forum 2.0.2
ADP Forum is a Forum that saves data in TXT files. It doesn't use SQL database. In the config.php file , you should assign the administrator account by which the forum is going th be controlled .
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Another point is that in the Users folder , the user name ( the member info ) is saved on TXT . For example , if we assign the nick name "admin" for administrator , the file will look like this : ../users/admin.txt .
According to variable (variable) $admin_user , the administrator is "admin" , the file that belongs the this user will be : ../users/admin.txt . This file contains the encrypted password . In addition to that , there is an code in template.php file and I will try explain how it works in short .
--- snip ---
$messread = fopen("$mess_dir/$nm.txt", "r");
$messaggio = fread($messread, filesize("$mess_dir/$nm.txt"));
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The threads posted by the members are automatically saved in messaggi folder which it variable value is : (variable) $mess_dir , also the variable (variable) $nm determines the file that contains the thread .
You can assign for the variable $nm a value through the URL . so what if you assign for ( ../users/admin ) the following :
it will be open the file , but the file will be empty. Certainly , you know why this happened .
This vulnerability exists in many places , including the reply.php file . it's only simple procedure that enables you to read that files in ../users and delete them , the files can be written in ../messaggi with a different name .
Surely , this action will lead you to delete the admin . Try this , put this URL :
Name rootextractor
Username Only for members
Password Only for members
Subject [ huh ]
Message huh too
Then press post . now you have deleted the file ../users/admin.txt , and you have written on identical copy of it in messaggi folder with the name , let's say 1029201290.txt .
Go now and register by the name "admin" , and you will have the admin's permissions .
There is also another problem , in the Upload Avatar that comes along with the Member Profile , anyone can upload any kind of files like ( .cgi , .php , .py ) not only pictures . There are no filter !!!
Version: 3.12
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O-- M-- V- PS PE-- Y- PGP--- t--- 5-- X+ R+ tv+ b+ DI-- D+
G e h! r- y?