MSN Messenger Service allows users to save their e-mail password
using the
"Save this password so I don't have to enter it every time i
log on" checkbox when try to logon in the Messenger Service.
The e-mail and the password are stored in the registry key KEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\9C53B920-A2E8-11D1-A59D-008048B12C6E\Software\Microsoft\MessengerService\
PasswordMSN Messenger Service
{9C53B920-A2E8-11D1-A59D-008048B12C6E} = this change in all machines
This information can be decrypted using the MessengerServiceEmailPasswordDumper
Published by: Ussr
If a user does not click the 'Save this password
so I don't have to enter it every time i log on' checkbox prevents
the password from being stored and decrypted.