MSN Messenger Service 1.0 Weak encryption
Executable file to decript MSN Messenger Service 1.0 Sources of MSN Messenger Service 1.0 decripter (Turbo Assembler 5.0)


MSN Messenger Service allows users to save their e-mail password using the

"Save this password so I don't have to enter it every time i log on" checkbox when try to logon in the Messenger Service.

The e-mail and the password are stored in the registry key KEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\9C53B920-A2E8-11D1-A59D-008048B12C6E\Software\Microsoft\MessengerService\

PasswordMSN Messenger Service

{9C53B920-A2E8-11D1-A59D-008048B12C6E} = this change in all machines

This information can be decrypted using the MessengerServiceEmailPasswordDumper 1.0

Published by: Ussr


If a user does not click the 'Save this password so I don't have to enter it every time i log on' checkbox prevents the password from being stored and decrypted.


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