Prior to performing this modification take the following precautions to insure that damage does not occur to any component inside of your Uniden scanner. A) Try to perform the modification in a low static electricity environment. B) Avoid wearing wool clothing or walking across a carpet (in low humidity areas) as well as touching your scanner or any component inside the chassis. Required tools: A small phillips screwdriver and a fine-pointed snipping tool. MODIFICATION PROCEDURE 1) Disconnect the antenna and slide off the battery pack from the scanner. 2) Remove the two screws from the back of the scanner plus the two screws that hold the battery pack retaining spring in place as well as the spring itself. 3) Carefully pry the bottom of the rear of the cover from the radio then remove the cover. 4) Locate the two small screws at the base of the circuit board and remove them. Gently pull the front panel from the mainframe at the BASE (the two halves are connected by a plug so their will be some resistance) and separate them. 5) Consult the illustration below and locate the IC labeled "UNIDEN UC-1147" and the 10K chip resistor positioned above the letters "DEN" on the integrated circuit. (The resistor will be color coded brown-black-orange). +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | BC200/205XLT PC Board | | | | (Speaker) [] <------10k Chip Resistor | | |||||||||||||||||| | | - UNIDEN - ||||||| | | - - - - | | - UC-1147 - - - | | |||||||||||||||||| ||||||| | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ (It makes no difference whether the 1147 is an UC-1147 or UC-1147A) 6) Using the small wire cutters, cut the resistor in half. (Be careful as the resistor may shatter causing debris to scatter along the PC board). Be sure to remove all left over residue by blowing or brushing it away. The solder pad that the resistor was soldered to may peel up as you remove the resistor. You may peel the pad off if done carefully not to disturb the surrounding area or components. 7) To reassemble insert the top of the front panel into the slot under the volume/squelch control panel while noticing the alignment of the dual in-line connector at the bottom of the board with the mating socket and finally pressing it (the front panel) in place. Be sure that the holes in the PC board line up with the holes in the plastic standoffs under the board. 8) Insert the two screws and gently tighten. Replace the back cover by inserting the top of the cover into the slot under the volume/squelch control panel. Press the cover into place, insert and tighten the screws. Replace the battery retaining sprint with the slotted side facing the notched hole. Insert the two remaining screws and gently tighten them. Slide the battery pack into place and switch the scanner on to make sure the display comes on. If not, check that the battery is charged and/or the battery retainer spring is properly mounted or dual in-line connector was misaligned during reassembly. Assuming the modification and the reassembly was successful, switch the scanner on, press manual, 845.0, E and within a couple of seconds you should see the frequency 845.000 MHz displayed. The modification is now complete!