I compiled this list of UNIX users from a collection of about six /etc/passwd files that I had lying around because every other list of defaults I have seen only had 7 to 10 users listed... root cdinc admin dialup sysadm daemon cron sys bin adm uucp nuucp asg rsvdrje sysinfo rsvshqer network super lp mail lpadm sync dos ingres rootb keytest uv guest cleanup demo support setup sys-adm cediag nobody rje rlp man I hope you find these useful and don't get caught and this is only for demonstration purposes and all the basic bullshit... !!CARPE DATUM!! _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ / / / / \ |\ |\ \ \ \___ /----/ / /---- ----\ \ \ | \ / / /_____ /_____ _____\ \ \ \ ___| This document originated in Oregon on 2/10/93 (Just so'z ya kin tell how outdated it iz...)