/\ This file/message brought to you by the / \ wonderful people of the American Anarchist /----\ Association. / \ /\ /\ Founding Members: ˇmerican ˇnarchist / \ / \ The Mˇilmˇn /----\ /----\ / \/ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: The members of AAA are in no way responsible for this "educational" file, regardless if you "tell" on us for "corrupting" the "minds" of "youth." The disclaimer is "over" as I am "running" out of "quotation marks." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Long live the tild‚!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: AAASCHBR.TXT - Break into school computers Typed by: ˇmerican ˇnarchist (Who else?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well one day, during 6th hour at Wheaton-Warrenville South, I discovered a way to break into the school computers. I am positive this method will either work for other people, or give people ideas, and they can figure out the rest in the same manner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first step was to get into DOS. It had a password protect on this, so it became extremely hard to get into. I was typing in a zillion passwords one day, and I found BUSINESS to work. Well that was convenient, but I couldn't do much, except delete all the files on the drive. That was fun, but I had a quest to do better. I tried a different computer, but it had a different password. "How will I get the password?" is a thought which I never had. I went to WordPerfect. Shell with Ctrl-F1, and just dropped to DOS from there. That was an extremely inconvenient way to get there, but what the hell, I still got there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I typed "TYPE AUTOEXEC.BAT" to see what it did upon booting. It went to a subdir called MENU. I changed to that subdir. I then hit TYPE MENU.MDF (Mike Ditka Football?!?). That worked. The screen looked like this:  Č{ĖNˇ6 BUTTCHEESE ĆdŪ8ę_ Etc. Well, using my brain I figured it would be very awkward for a set up file to "accidentally" type BUTTCHEESE using random charachters (pardon the spelling). I tested it and it worked fine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then I went into the setup menu, and I got in to change all the stupid files. I made the selection for WordPerfect run the Resume Maker, the Graphing program run the Print Shop, etc. Then I made another dir called Porno files. It had one file, although all it did was reprint the Autoexec.bat. Then I renamed the passwords. Now the teachers had to decide whether it was worth it to reformat the drive, or to just leave the porno section on there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you do this, you might as well put a .GIF up on there, or someother stuff you think would be fun to scare a teacher. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi to Centurion. If he wants to join its fine with me.