*************************************** Hacking ARPANET -- Part III by The Source *************************************** ARPANET can't be faulted for the amount of information it is willing to disclose to anyone who knows the number of a dial-up and knows enough to type in "@N" and then follow directions. But the EXEC is, after all, limited to managing inter-computer phone calls. Even more interesting material is available once you get onto what is known as one of the network's "server" computers. OPENING THE DOOR ---------------- Once you have reached the Exec on a TIP, getting the door to a server machine to open to you is no problem. At the "@" prompt type "O" for open followed by a space and then by two numbers separated by a comma. The numbers represent the address of a computer system. The first number may be from 0 to 3, and the second number may range from 0 to 15: @O 0,11 TCP Trying...SU-AI WAITS 9.17/H Assembled 06/17/84 .Open The ".Open" shows that you're in. There is a great deal you can do at this level, and you don't evel have a password yet -- as far as the system knows, you're still "anonymous guest"! Most server systems operate under the UNIX operating system, so any good manual on UNIX should tell you more than you need to know. But now that we've reached Stanford University's Artificial Intelligence Lab (having been switched there by SRI, formerly Stanford Research Institute), let's take a look at what's available. First, list the HELP files: .HELP Job 3 SU-AI WAITS 9.17/H Assembled 06/17/84 Type HELP followed by any of the followiNg, then carriage return: ACCESS COMPIL EDITOR HOSTS MICROS PPK SORT UNDELE ACCOUN CNPY EDKEY HOWBIG MIDAS PPSAV SOS UNPROT ACRONY CPRINT EFTP IIIPOX MLISP PRESS SOUP VERIFY ADA CRDIR EKL ILISP MLISP2 PRINT SPASM WEAVE ADAEDT CRE EMACLS IMPRIN MONCOM PRLISP SPINDL WEB AL CREF ESC INTERN MOORE PROLOG SPOOL WHEN ALIAS CRYPT ESCAPE JARGON MUSIC PROTEC SRCCHK WHERE ARKTEX CSD ET KILL NCOMPL PROVE SRCCOM WHO ARM D ETEACH KJOB NET PRUNE STICKY WHOLIN ARPA DART ETV KRL NETDOC PTYJOB SUTIP WHOPHN ARPANE DDFONT EVENT L NETWRK PUMPKI SYMBOL WL ASSIGN DDKEY EXT LATER NEWIO PUPTIM SYSTEM XGP ATSIGN DDQ FAIL LATEX NEWS RCV TALK XGPSYG ATTACH DED FASBOL LAWS NOEKEY REMIND TANGLE XGPSYN BAIL DFTP FCOPY LEDIT NOTEBK RENAME TECO XGPTYP BATCH DIAL FELT LIFE NSL RESOLV TELNET XIP BBOARD DIALNE FILES LIFXGP OPTION RESTOR TEMPER XPART BIBOP DIR FIND LINGO P RETRY TERMINK10 PAM SAIL TEX78 YUMYUM BMP DISPLA FONT LISP PASCAL SAVE TEX82 Z80 BOISE DM FORWAR LIST PASSWO SCHEME TFM ZERO BOOK DMKEY FRAID LOADAV PC SCIP TIP 370 BOYER DO FTP LOGIN PCP SCRIBE TTY 6500 CANCEL DOC GEOMED LOGOUT PHONE SD TTYCMD 6800 CANON DOVER GRIPE MACLIS PHONES SEND TTYASC 8080 CC DRAW GRUMP MACLSP PIX SERVIC TTYSET CHARGE DRD GUEST MAIL PK SIMPLE TVFONT CHRMAC DSKSIZ H19KEY MAP PLAN SLAC TYPE CKMAIL DTN HELP MAXTEX POLL SLR1 TYPREL COLIST E HELPER METAFO PONY SNAIL UDPUFD COMBIN ECL HOST MF POX SNOBOL UFD Type "HELP HELPER" for one-line descriptions of most of the HELP messages. MORE HELP --------- If you'd like, try "HELP HELPER" for yourself. Meanwhile more detailed listings of some help files follow. ..... .HELP GUEST There is no general guest account on this system. There are some commands that can be given without an account, as listed below. If you need to know more about any of these, type "HELP ". For information on special control characters and commands, type "HELP TTY". WHO, FINGER, WHERE, WHEN provide information about people and jobs currently running. MAIL, SEND, GRIPE permit you to send messages and converse with people on the system. (You can use SEND to ask someone who is logged in to fobm a two-way link with you.) DIR lists the files in specified directories. TYPE lets you type out the contents of text files. FIND searches text files and prints those paragraphs that contain specified keywords. If you need to do more than the above programs permit, say "HELP LOGIN". .HELP NETDOC Job 5 SU-AI WAITS 9.17/H Assembled 06/17/84 (Much network information is available from the Network Information Center at SRI-NIC. Please consult the network liaison, Martin Frost (ME), for more information about the network or the resources available to you at the NIC.) A large library of source and documentation files about the network, NOT including the hosp table, live on the [S,NET] directory. Even more hardcopy documentation is available in the bookshelf in ME's office for the general SAIL community (please ask ME before borrowing anything). The host table files can be found on [HST,NET]. The NETWRK library of network subroutines can be found in NETWRK.FAI[S,NET] and NETWRK.MID[S,NET]. Some interesting files are: HOSTS.TXT[HST,NET] The source of the host table SUAI.TXT[S,NET] Our write-up in the Arpanet Resource Handbook. Most of the network user-level documentation is contained in the Monitor Command Manual, which can be found online by giving the mOnitor command READ MONCOM. Large online directories of network documetation exist at SRI-NIC as and MIT-DMS as NETDOC;. Type HELP NETWRK for information on programming for the network. Kjob ...HELP HOST Job 5 SU-AI WAITS 9.17/H Assembled 06/17/84 The HOST command is used to look up information in the host table about a particular host name or host number. This information includes the official name of the host if the name is a nickname, all host numbers known for that host, whether the host is a user or a server, the host machine and the host operating system. To use HOST, type HOST followed the host name (or any abbreviation) you want to look for, or the host number, and return. The program will print all hosts (and nicknames) which match the input specification. A null specification will type out the entire host table, but only if you are logged in. For example: .HOST MIT-MC (describe MIT-MC) .HOST CMU (describe all CMU sites) .HOST (describe Internet host .HOST 50#302 (describe SU Ethernet host 50#302) .HOST (print out the host table) Note that even non-unique abbreviations are accepted. For example "SU" will print out ALL of the Stanford University hosts. This is different from TELNET, etc., which only accept abbreviations which are unique to a single host. Kjob (In Hacking ARPANET Part I,:b1A=IQ5RtK R.++$[KW$Z[8ortant help files.) example "SU" will print out ALL of the Stanford University hosts. This is different from TELNET, etc., which only accept abbreviations which are unique to a single host. Downloaded from Just Say Yes. 2 lines, More than 500 files online! Full access on first call. 415-922-2008 CASFA Another file downloaded from: ! -$- & the Temple of the Screaming Electron ! * Walnut Creek, CA + /^ | ! | |//^ _^_ 2400/1200/300 baud (415) 935-5845 /^ / @ | /_-_ Jeff Hunter, Sysop |@ _| @ @|- - -| | | | /^ | _ | - - - - - - - - - * |___/____|_|_|_(_)_| Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! / Specializing in conversations, E-Mail, obscure information, entertainment, the arts, politics, futurism, thoughtful discussion, insane speculation, and wild rumours. An ALL-TEXT BBS. "Raw data for raw minds."