ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ How to Hack Prodigy and America On-Line ³ ³ by Dä’Dá“DY ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1> Prodigy 1........................... How to obtain the software and ID 2........................... How to obtain false information 3........................... How to get the Credit Card numbers 4........................... What to do once you're on-line 5........................... How to keep the ID as long as possible 2> AOL 1........................... How to obtain the software 2........................... How to obtain false information 3........................... How to get the Credit Card numbers 4........................... What to do once you're on-line 5........................... How to keep the ID as long as possible 3> Questions and Answers Prodigy ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. How do I get p* software and ID? Okay there are several ways to do this.If you subscribe to some computer magazine like PC Computing, PC Magazine, or CD-Rom World, you can just use the slips inside there to order a free kit.If you do have one of those slips, write down a false name and phone number (hey, they never call you anyway,it's just for intimidation.Like some 17 year-old clerk working for Prodigy in some backwards hick-town is gonna think "Gee, this looks suspicious.I better call the phone number!") but put down your real address. They have to send you software and ID. Even if you already have the software, you need the ID they send with it.If you have like 15 slips (although I don't wanna know why) don't send one every day.Space them out.Use diffrent names. So you don't subscribe to some techno-babble computer magazine and you don't want to go into some bookstore and start shaking some magazines upside- down for slips.What do you do? Go right for the source.Call 1-800-PRODIGY. When it says "if you are not yet a subscriber, and would like to obtain the prodigy software; or, if you're responding to an advertisement, press " press that number.After listening to some crappy elevator music, you get a representative.Say your name is Bob Smith, and you're friend urged you to get prodigy software.If he asks who that friend is, tell him to fuck off and mind his own damn buisness.He'll ask for your name and whatnot, along with some other information which has nothing to do with prodigy, but they ask you anyway (I'll elaborate on this later).Give false information, but the right address.It really doesn't matter that you're giving him your address, what's some telephone operator working for prodigy gonna do? In a couple weeks you'll get the kit.Congratulations. If you don't have enough balls to call them, there's a wuss way out. Write them a letter.But, there is an advantage to writing them a letter.You don't have to tell them everything you would normally have to if you called them, like what you did to you're fourth grade teacher, how many times have you tried on women's clothing, etc.When you write them a letter, make sure to include that you want 3.5DS/HD Prodigy for Windows disks.Now, since you may be reading this file years from when it was written, I suggest you call 1800PRODIGY and ask where to send it to, but currently, you can send them to: Prodigy Serive Co. P.O. Box 8667 Gray, TN 37615-9967 2. How do I get false information that they ask for when I log on? First let me say it really doesn't matter what you tell the Prodigy Reps, you could put down the name "Boom-shocka-locka-shocka-locka" and they would take it, but not for when you log on. Information is power.You need to have an address.Only part of it is picking up the phone book.I do what I call "building an ID".Get your phone book.Look in the white pages.Pick a town.For now, we'll call it the town "Xanth".Now get a common name.Like "Smith" or "Robertson" or "O'Malley".We'll take a Robertson.Look at all the Robertsons in Xanth.Look at all the Robertsons with a middle initial.We'll take Larry E. Robertson from Xanth. Now look in the front of the phone book.They will have the area code and zip code.Give ol' Larry a call.ex: RING RING [LARRY] "Yeah?" [YOU] "May I speak with Larry Robertson?" [LARRY] "Speaking" [YOU] "Mr Robertson? I am from the Xanth Star.We're taking a survey of the ages of prominent members of neighboring towns.Can you tell me your age?" [LARRY] "Uh..I'm 45" [YOU] "Thank you Mr Robertson" [LARRY] "Yeah, whatever." See how easy it is? Now you got the address, phone number, zip code, area code, EVERYTHING, except..... 3. How do I get the credit card numbers? Come on! Any self-respecting hacker AT LEAST has Cmaster2. Or you can go trashing.There are lots of texts on /C. 4. What do I do once I'm on-line? Weeell there are several things you can do.You either belong to some crappy prodigy club and you want to bash, or you're looking for wareZ.Try Ziffnet.That has some files.You can do the download superstore, but after you do that, and log off, your ID dies.Another good thing on Prodigy is the WWW. There's always somthing cool on the Net. 5. How do I maximize the time I have my ID? Many things you can do. ù change the CC number every couple a days.That delays billing. ù Don't use the ID excessively.When you do some big $$ someone always decides to check it out. ù Make a B, C, D, E, anf F.Use one of those, and pass the rest out to friends as favors.That way, you gain favors and friends along with information.Information is power. ù Use it every day.Don't skip it for a couple days and expect it to be there when you get back (just like women). ù Download things such as Mail Manager and Email Connection.That way you can send files to your friends.FREE! ù Don't go around bragging you're on a fake ID.Someone's just gonna end up reporting your ass. ù If you're using Cmaster2, extrapolate off of a real number.If you don't, as soon as you log off the ID, it will go bad. America On-Line ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. How do I get AOL software an ID? This is only slightly diffrent than Prodigy.First, I guess you can call, but I've never called AOL (Prodigy, like a billion times, but never AOL) .I usually see ads on TV like at the end of the Ricki Lake show where you can write to or call for AOL kits.For AOL, I usually use the "slip-in-the-magazine " method.It's quick and easy. 2. How do I get false info? What, you think it's diffrent for America On-Line? Well, it is in one small way.If you're using Cmaster2, they ask for the name of the bank, so remember to write it down. 3. Shit you know what I'm gonna ask, and you know what I'm gonna say, so let's just skip this part 4. What do I do once I'm on-line? There are more things available to you on AOL.You can d/l files, but that kind of blows.The best thing is the Internet access.Wherever you got this file from probably has some good FTP sites also.Join some newsgroups, and whatever you feel like doing.You can also send files on AOL, but it doesn't cost you anything (at least I think I doesn't, but what does it matter? you ain't paying for it). 5. How do I maximize the time I have my ID? Same ways as for Prodigy. Questions and Answers Q & A ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. Q: Isn't it true Prodigy and AOL sucks? A: Yes 2. Q: If it sucks, then why am I hacking it? A: Because Prodigy and AOL do serve one purposeful function-you can meet people.You just got to be in the right place.Also, it gives you a chance to do whatever you want. 3. Q: What is Cmaster2? A: If you don't know, then you shouldn't be reading this. 4. Q: I want to call P*, but my voice is not deep.What do I do? A: If your voice is not deep, then you're probably not old enough to be reading this.Go play Nintendo. 5. Q: You mentioned /C, what is that? A: /C out of H/P/A/V/C. 6. Q: I don't have a phonebook, how do I get info? A: Go to the library.If there's no library, go to a public payphone.If there's no payphone you probably live in a bubble somewhere in NASA and wouldn't be reading this anyway. 7. Q: Have you tried all strategies listed yourself? And, if so, do they work? A: Yes, and yes. 8. Q: If I already have the software, and I just need an ID, can I just call and say that my frined gave me the software I just need an ID? A: If you have a real CC number, yes.If you're using Cmaster2, no.Because they ask for the number on the phone and they use a special thing to check it. 9. Q: Okay, I went trashing and found a number and name.How do I get his address? A: Call 555-1212 or 411 and say the guy's name.They will give you his phone number.Then call 1-900-288-3020 and give the phone number, they will give you his address.Bingo. 10. Q: Dä’Dá“DY, did you know there's a Cmaster3? A: Yes, but I hear it does the same as 2, so does it matter? 11. Q: Did you use Cmaster2? A: Like 40% of the time.The rest were from trashing. 12. Q: How do I read a carbon? A: Get a file on /C. Okay I hoped this helped all of you would-be hackers.Good luck! __3/95 by Dä’Dá“DY