=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP-UX: A Security Overview, Part One revision02 17mar98 by tip of the LoU http://www.legions.org --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: 1) Intro and Disclaimer 5) The Trusted System 2) HP-UX: an Overview 6) Resources 3) The Setup by Default 7) Exploits 4) HP-UX Security Measures 8) To Be Continued --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Intro and Disclaimer a) This text is designed to complement to general Unix knowledge. All Unix OS's are different in their own right. This text will delve into HP-UX- specific areas. This is not a Unix tutorial, rather a supplement to fundamental Unix hacking knowledge. b) This text will cover HP-UX version 10.x primarily. Specifically, 10.10 and 10.20 will be in mind. 11.0 has been released and I haven't gotten to checking it out yet. 9.x is old, and no longer supported by HP. Thus, the most logical choice (and most popular version of HP-UX) is 10.x. c) I'm not perfect; please notify me of any errors in the document. Also, if you see anything you want added to this file, feel free to send them to me. d) This text was written for educational purposes only. e) Thanks to HP, rootshell, and the various other hacker folks that have helped me write this article. Special thanks to Colonel Panic for find- ing many exploits, some of which I have used as examples. Shouts out to my fellow LoU members, the SOD, and the Chicago crew. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) HP-UX: an Overview Largely based on SysV, Hewlett Packard's version of Unix, HP-UX, has un- dergone many changes and many version updates (current version is 11.0). While robust in many areas (ie, memory management, overall performance, etc), security leaves much to be desired. HP's vision of Unix seems to come from that of a closed network with non-malicious users (ie, /usr/local being world-writeable); only recently has the Internet been an explosion, and HP seems to be playing "catch up" to network and internal security. HP's solution to security problems have been patches. Lots of patches. You can see the patches on a system by typing "swlist -l product" (substitute "fileset" instead of "product" for more specific information. Patch and software information is stored in /var/adm/sw; so you can check out older pre-patched binaries there. As usual, system logs are kept in /var/adm (along with btmp, utmp, and wtmp). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) The Setup by Default By default, HP-UX is VERY insecure. Yes, most Unixes are (by default), but HP-UX even more so. Here is a brief following of what is insecure by default: o /usr/local and subdirectories are world writeable. o Many applications by default are installed as world writeable (ie, measureware database module for oracle installs this way. o root's umask is set to: 02. o cue is installed (see section 6 for the exploit). o System is un-"Trusted." See section 4. o Direct login as root possible from all ttys (as result of being un- "Trusted"). o System logging is set pretty minimal (see /etc/syslog.conf); not that it matters, as system logging is pretty minimal no matter how you have it. o /etc/logingroup non-existent. While this is not an insecurity, it's worth mentioning. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) HP-UX Security Measures o Suid scripts not possible This is a popular trend in newer Unix OS's. Basically, if you have a suid script, it will not be run as root. Binaries are what's important. o Dialup passwords You can set an additional password for a dialin device. If you dialed into an HP-UX server with dialup passwords enabled, you would enter your usual login and password, then an _additional_ dialup password. Each dialup password is dependant of the shell; the shell is used as the "login" field. To explain further, look at /etc/d_passwd: /bin/sh:qKrbuYLg9B2vU:0:0::: /bin/csh:4LcBNqYbmdp3Y:0:0::: /bin/ksh:zKanqUcdEzh3Q:0:0::: What's important here are the first two fields (obviously). Two other things to note; Firstly, if the system is relatively secure, the "login" field can only be eight characters long. This creates a problem if your shell is "/usr/local/bin/tcsh" (19 chars). Thus, what's done is either: a link is created that is less than eight characters (ie, /bin/tsh -> /usr /local/bin/tcsh) or dialup passwords just aren't used. Secondly, the file to reference which tty the dialin is located is /etc/dialups: /dev/ttyd0p7 That's it. That's the format of the file. o lanscan and ioscan Just a side note to the standard commands, ifconfig and netstat. lanscan will tell you what interface cards you have on the system, which are up or down, etc, etc. ioscan is similar, but covers the entire system, ie, hard drives, I/O adapters, memory, etc. Might be useful in getting more intimate with your system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) The Trusted System What is a "Trusted System"? Check for a /tcb directory. The existence of a /tcb directory signifies that the system you're on is a "Trusted System." The conversion to this is done through /usr/sbin/sam by root. Here is what converting does to a system: o Pseudo-shadow password scheme (actually uses a "protected password database"). o A stricter password authentication system. o User auditing. o Access control lists (acls) [note: only supported under hfs, not vxfs] [second note: being phased out]. o Terminal and time-based access control. Basically to put this all together, in the /tcb/files/auth directory, there are a number of subdirectories by capital and lowercase letters, ie, "e," "T," and so forth. This is the initial of the login. In that directory is a file per user. Thus, root's file would be /tcb/files/auth/r/root. What's in this file? It's basically like a password entry, with more fields. ie, /tcb/files/auth/r/root: root:u_name=root:u_id#0:\ :u_pwd=Z1Po84UVyBbGE:\ :u_bootauth:u_auditid#0:\ :u_auditflag#1:\ :u_pswduser=root:u_suclog#8895646615:u_lock@:chkent root's entry in /etc/passwd would then be: root:*:0:3:root:/:/sbin If it isn't obvious, the login and user id of an /etc/passwd are there, along with additional information. The above example has only a few fields listed. The full contents of an HP-UX password database file would contain: a login and user id b encrypted password c account owner d single user mode boot flag e audit id and audit flag f minimum time between password change (not in example - u_minchg) g password max length h password expiration time (not in example - u_maxlen) (not in example - u_exp) i password lifetime j time of last password change (not in example - u_life) (not in example - u_usucchg & u_unsucchg) k absolute password expiration date l max time allowed between logins (not in example - u_acct_expire) (not in example - u_max_llogin) m max days before expiration when before acct is locked warning will appear n user or system generated password? (not in example - u_pw_expire_ (not in example - u_pickpw) warning) o type of sys-ten passwords p triviality check on user-gen (not in example - u_genpwd) (not in example - u_restrict) q can pick null password? r userid of last person who changed (not in example - u_nullpw) this password (not in example - u_pwchanger) s random # that user must supply t can user generate random # for a (given to him by the admin) when password? (not in example - password is reset (not in example u_genchars) - u_pwd_admin_num) u can user generate random letters v time of day when user can login for a password? (not in example (not in example - u_tod) - u_genletters) w time of last successful login x time of last unsuccessful login (not in example - u_suclog) (not in example - u_unsuclog) y term or remote hosts from last z number of unsuccessful logins, this successful and unsuccessful logins # clears upon a successful login (not in example - u_suctty & (not in example - u_numunsuclog) u_unsuctty) 1 max number of login attempts 2 account locked flag (not in example before account is locked - u_lock) (not in example - u_maxtries) In /tcb/files, in addition to auth, there are two files, devassign and ttys. devassign contains device access info and ttys contains term access info. Here are a few lines from devassign: console:v_devs=/dev/console:v_type=terminal:chkent: ttyp0:v_devs=/dev/ttyp0:v_type=terminal:chkent: ttyp1:v_devs=/dev/ttyp1:v_type=terminal:chkent: The format of this file contains: a device name b aliases to that device c device supported (ie, printer, d users permitted on that device, if terminal, tape, or remote) not specified, all users may use it Here are a few lines from ttys: console:t_devname=console:t_maxtries#777:chkent: tty:t_devname=tty:chkent: tty00:t_devname=tty00:chkent: The above example only has a few fields listed. The full format of this file contains: a device name b last user (id) to log into that tty (not in example - t_uid) c last successful login time d last unsuccessful login time (not in example - t_logtime) (not in example - t_unsuctime) e number of consecutive logins f terminal lock flag before tty is locked In all actuality, not many HP-UX systems are setup to be Trusted. Managing a password database and tweaking is more work than neccessary. In addition, remote commands are not possible on a Trusted System, unless it is done _from_ a Trusted System. Lastly, mapping files to sync /etc /passwd with /tcb/files/auth are contained in /tcb/files/auth/system. These are called pw_id_map, gr_id_map, and aid_id_map. It is very likely that these mapping files will get out of sync with the database files. The solution is removing them and letting them regenerate. However, all in all, having a Trusted System can prove to take as much maintanence as an un- Trusted System. It's really the admin's call. I've seen maybe about half and half these days. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Resources o If you have a question about a patch, check out ftp://us-support. external.hp.com. All the current patches are available there for your peruseal. o http://www.rootshell.com, http://get.your.exploits.org, http://www.hha. net/hha/exploits, http://www.dhp.com/~fyodor/sploits_hpux.html: Very good sites with Unix and HP-UX-specific exploits. Both explanations and source code/scripts are available here. o Usenet: comp.os.security.announce and comp.sys.hp.hpux: Sometimes regular updates of weaknesses. Avoid alt.2600 at all costs. o And of course, the ever-so-handy man command. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Exploits These are only a few of many. I only added a few, as I wanted to explain about HP-UX security in general. Part 2 will delve deeper into exploits (as well as auditing, system calls, and acls). o cue bug The first thing after gaining access to an HP-UX system is to check if cue exists (typically in /usr/bin/cue). Make sure it's an suid binary (which it is by default). Simply set your umask to 000. Now start cue. In your home directory, do an ll. You'll see that the name of the file created by cue (in my case, it's called "IDMERROR.ttyp1") is owned by root. You'll also see that the umask follows and is world-writeable. Now exit cue. Remove the *ERROR* file created by cue. Think of a file like /etc/passwd or /.rhosts. Do an "ln -s /etc/passwd ~/IDMERROR.ttyp1" (or whatever suits your needs). Now start cue again. Exit it. You'll see that the root owned file that wasn't writeable by anyone not only is now truncated, but it has world write permission. Do whatever you want with it. o ftp mget bug This won't do you much good if ftp isn't suid root (most likely it won't be), but this still works (not as root though). In /tmp, create a separate directory (we'll use "test"). cd to that directory and execute this command: echo "date > /tmp/BLAH" > "|sh". Notice that /tmp/BLAH does not exist. Now, ftp to localhost. cd to /tmp/test and do a "mget *". ftp that file. Now quit ftp and check for a /tmp/BLAH. It exists! cat it. Now what if ftp was suid root, and the echo command you used to create "|sh" was this: echo "chmod 777 /etc/passwd" > "|sh"? o Old SAM bug Typically, when SAM (System Administration Manager) is being run by an admin, a temp file is created in /var/tmp. Newer, patched SAMs use arbitrary file names, ie OBAMDBAa01687 or aaaa01990, etc. But older SAMs used a consistent file name when writing this temp file. It was called: outdata. Since SAM is typically run as root, you'll see what I'm getting at here (duh, the temp file is owned by root). Simply create a link to a file, such as /etc/passwd to that temp file (ie, ln -s /etc/passwd /var /tmp/outdata). Now if root's umask is set to 000, then you'll own /etc /passwd next time the admin runs SAM. This trick is unlikely these days, as most SAMs are patched and most admins don't use umask 000 on root. o Old SAM bug 2 On older versions of SAM, a user named sam_exec was created with uid 0. The default password for this on 10.x is: x7vpa5jh Simply login as sam_exec, and hit control-c right away for a shell. o ppl bug Another symbolic link exploit. ppl's log file is: /var/ppl/log. Now, you can simply remove or move this (so that /var/ppl/log is non-existent; also /var/ppl is world-writeable on default, thus you can do this). This log file is owned by root (ppl is an suid program). Next, think of a file that you'd like to nuke and own (if you don't want to get caught, try /.rhosts instead of something like /etc/passwd; in addition, save the old /var/ppl/log somewhere to put back when you're done). Now do a: ln -s /.rhosts /var/ppl/log. Then type: ppl -o '\ + + ' or whatever you want to place in /.rhosts. You get the drift. Now you can remove /var/ppl/log and put the old one back in place. You can now rlogin as root. o Educational Centers HP's educational centers are protected mainly by firewalls. But if you happen to get in, the root password on nearly all machines is simply: hp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) To Be Continued Part Two will delve deeper into the Trusted System, specifically cover- ing auditing and acls. Exploits will also be covered in greater detail. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 1998 tip of the Legions of the Underground http://www.legions.org =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=