********************************************************** *How to steal files from RENEGADE bulletin board systems...* ********************************************************** By: DoMiNioN Pop Quiz, Hot Shot. You're running kind of low on credits, and you just don't have enough to download those 24 Windows '95 disks you want. What do you do? Shoot your partner in the leg? No, of course not. Upload whatever you have available? No, too time consuming. But there is something you can do, given the proper circumstances. Here's what your choices are: Different kinds of files: .ZIP Files: Files zipped with PKZIP 2.04g and below can easily be "stolen" on one condition. The last file stored in the archive MUST be a file that is not needed. Such is a text file, a bogus ad, or one of those annoying FILE_ID.DIZ files that Renegade BBS systems are so famous for. You can find this out using the 'V' (View archive) choice in most file menus of Bulletin Boards. Then you proceed with the download (make sure you have enough credits to initiate the download to begin with) and just as the download procedure is at the last few bytes (and really try to cut it close here) abort the procedure. You won't get a time refund, but on most BBS's, your credits won't be deducted either. Then, once you have the almost complete, but not quite, PKZIP archive, attempt to unzip it. If it does not allow you to unzip it, simply use PKZIPFIX to fix the file into a format that PKUNZIP likes. All you will lose are the last few bytes, which is the file that you don't want. *Why this works: PKZIP works by storing by compressing files, and then storing them sequentially. This is the same way that it reads the files, so that when you abort the download procedure at the last few bytes, you are only hurting that last stored file. .GIF Files: Aaah, who can ever resist a GIF, especially when it's free. You can get GIF files free also, although it is much more risky then .ZIP files, because there is no fixing program, but if you cut it close enough, like to the VERY last few bytes, you should be able to pull it off. Follow the same procedure as outlined above, and when you finish the download, view the GIF. I'd say you have about a 75% chance of it working. Your chances, however, are about 85% with the GIF87a sig- nature, and about 65% with the GIF89a signature, due to the way that these files are set up. If the GIF does work, though, all you will be missing is about the last few lines, which, in the long run, is no big deal. *Why this works: Just like PKZIP, the GIF algorythm functions by saving each line of data sequentially, so that when you cut off at the end, you only lose the last few lines of data. However, this is not always so for the GIF89a signature, which has imbedded comments and the such, which kind of mess up the procedure. You can find out whether a file is a GIF87a or a GIF89a by also using the 'V' (View Archive) option that most BBS's have available. **Last note: Although I have not tried these methods out with other file formats, such as JPG, ARJ, PCX, ARC, etc., that is no guarantee that it will not work. Hey, it's worth the try, isn't it? Well, have fun, and enjoy your free downloads! }:> Thanx, DoMiNioN