lndrmat (by jerodd@ibm.net) version 1.0c The lndrmat is a simple tool to search for and use WinGate hosts. This was the tool the troll on news.admin.net-abuse.email used (see: http://www.roddsite.home.ml.org/troll.html) to spam the users and post to the newsgroup, in my opinion. The original copy of the tool (version 1.0) had an option to send mail or post news to the WinGate host. Version 1.0c (crippled) has that removed. This edition will only search for affected hosts; it will not actually send mail or post news. The modified code to lndrmat can be found in lndrmatc.c; it should build under any system with TCP/IP. Under OS/2, compile normally and be sure to link in the so32dll.lib/tcp32dll.lib libraries. Under Linux, you may need to fiddle with the headers. The program was last built under DOS (Microsoft QuickC 2.5/ IBM DOS TCP/IP Toolkit 4.0) and ran OK. There is a seperate OS/2 version which I am not releasing which uses multiple threads and processes to scan much faster. I'll let you guys figure out how to do that. I'm also not releasing the port scanner (prtscnnr.c) which was part of the original DOS version. Go find it yourself. To use, type: lndrmatc telnet < hosts-to-check > hosts-that-worked The original version scanned an entire network. I'd rather people weren't doing that, so I changed it to require a hosts list. The hosts-to-check file should look like this: etc. where the IP addresses are hosts you suspect may be running WinGate. You could use the results of a zone transfer, or just an entire netblock. If you want to search for a service besides telnet, put in another services. Ones to check for are 'ftp', 'smtp', 'www-http', 'nntp', and 'pop3'. You may need to add these to your services file. The hosts-that-worked file will contain the IP addresses of all hosts that answered the TCP/IP request. You can then check these hosts to see if they are running WinGate. Please don't use this program for unethical purposes such as spamming or harassment. I've got enough guilt about that already. Well, try not to have too much phun, and you can contact me at jerodd@ibm.net. Do not ask me questions about lndrmat as I will not answer them unless you are computer security enforcement personell. I will hint that there is a way to launder a connection to *any* TCP service on another host which as many layers of anonymity as you want, but I'll leave that up to the "l33t" crackerz to figure out. The home page for this tool is: http://www.roddsite.home.ml.org/lndrmat.html My general home page is: http://www.roddsite.home.ml.org/ And my apology home page is: http://www.roddsite.home.ml.org/troll.html