Mindless Mayhem #14 Make an inexpensive Fake ID! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diclaimer: This file is for entertainment purposes only, and not to be taken seriously. Remeber, fake IDs are illegal, so if you're under 21, that's a no-no. So Do not try to use the IDs you make in public. You are free to make copies of this file as often as you, like and may upload anywhere you like, but please out of courtesy to me the author please do not alter it in any way. Supplies: Scissors, Glue, contact paper, ID you wish to alter. Access to a copy machine. Now, I'm sure everyone has a pair of scissors and some glue laying around the house, and you can get the contact paper at any office supply store for about a buck a sheet. And everyone knows where they can find a copy machine STEP 1.... Make two copies of the ID you wish to alter. STEP 2.... Now you need to alter one of the copies. The best way to do this is to cut the number you want off one copy and glue it over the other number on another copy. That sentance seems pretty unclear, so I think an example will illustrate it better. Say my Birthdate was 01/21/73. Now I have two copies of the ID. Let's say I wanted to change my birthdate to 01/21/70 which would make me 21 years old (how convienient eh?) I would cut the 0 off of one copy, and glue it over the 3 on the other copy. So now there's one ID with a birthdate of 01/21/70. STEP 3.... Now take that contact paper, and peel off the sticky part, and apply it to the altered ID. Press it down firmly, and let it sit for about 1 minute. Take the ID with the contact paper on it, and run it under warm water for about thirty seconds. Then gently rub the paper off the contact paper. The excess paper will rub off, but the ink will stay on the clear part of the contact paper. STEP 4.... Let the contact paper dry, and you will have a sticker with your "NEW" ID information on it. i.e. the changed birhtdate. You then apply the sticker over your ORIGINAL ID making sure that the print overlaps exactly, and , you have an ID with the changed information on it. You can then peel off the sticker if you need to use the ID legitametly. SOME FINAL NOTES.... This method will not work on IDs with multi colored print, unless you have a color copier. Make sure the ID you are altering, or the portion you are altering is all black ink, or it will look awkward. This method takes a little patience, and practice, so don't get frustrated if the first one you make looks bad, keep at it, and you will eventually have a fake ID you can be proud of. If yuo do have a multi colored ID and don't hve a color copier, like The Illinois ID in which the state outline is in blue ink, It is more difficult to change the ID, try changing only the numbers that need changing and mot mess with the rest of the ID. This is gonna take a lot of trials, but once you finnaly get it right, you'll have a perfect fake ID. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Look for more text files from your favorite tennis player...Ivan Lendl And from (quite possibly) your favourite T-Group... <\/> /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to copy this file all over/around. Just do us text writers a favour and not edit the contents! We don't need some sap editing the file and saying 'The Dork Wrote Dis!' or anything like that. Editing this file is strictly forbidden and punishable by being forced to view the Swedish Bikini Team fully clothed. Don't say we didn't warn you! Mindless Mayhem 1991 --EOF