Carrying the Great Torch of Anarchy, úúúúú Ú¿  ڿ Ú¿ Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú¿ Ú¿ ÚÚ ÚÚ Ú Ú¿ úúúúú úúú úúú ³³³ ³ ³³ ³³ ³ à À¿À¿ ³³³ ô À´ ô à ³³³ úúú úúú úú A úú À À Á ÀÀ ÀÙ À À Ù Ù À À ÀÀ ÄÙ ÀÀ À À À úú A úú úúú úúú present‚ úúú úúú úúúúú úúúúú file number 17 in our series Neato Ways to have Fun Brought to you by the SysOp of Destiny Knights, Great One 'DA' DISCLAIMER: We take no blame or hold no responsibility for any acts carried out whether suggested, implied, or inspired by this text. This should be used for informational purposes only. We ask that this file be uploaded around in its original unedited form ONLY. Finished on: 3-25-92 (took about an hour or so) As always, we have some free information that may prove to be of some use for your entertainment, whether you decide to act on it or not. Within THIS exciting issue, We shall cover (But not limited to, since I don't write this in one sitting): o Fun with train tracks, o Re-hash of capacitor blowing, o Projectiles, o Something to do at a party, and o Maybe a little fun mixed in there. . . All of which has been written and tested by: Great One Train Tracks and Fun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was scanning through some of the older messages in the anarchy section on the board (No NET, so if you don't read my messages you haven't heard it before), and a user named Rapheal had written about his experience with trains and police , both of which were involved in the same evening. Here's a new statement that contains his basic ideas (and happenings) and other fun things to do, if you live near a train track. Rapheal had posted that he and some friends had decided that the wooden horses in the neighbourhood beared little relevance to their current purposes, and decided to liberate a few and relocate them to a more appropiate, if not more convienent, locationing. I can see you know where I this is leading to. Not a bad idea, eh? After his friends arrived, they had difficulty choosing which track was the correct one, for there were several to choose from, and there wouldn't be much time to place one and hide once they knew which track the train was indeed coming on. The more brave of you would also have to show some suicidal tendencies, because I know I would not be waiting on a track once the train had indeed acknowledged it's oncoming presence to the immediate vicinity in which I was located. (In other words, I would have gotten the hell out of there, because when the train is blowing its whistle and moving what seems to be VERY fast, I can't stop it, but I'm sure I can slow it down. But since that's not my main intention [at least not with MY body, anyway. . .]) So they placed the horses on the track, and they hid. Viola! Chunks of wood and metal flew everywhere. It was fun, it was great, and he posted it with pride. He also mentioned that they also had (later on) placed some horses on the WRONG set of tracks. Not good. The conductor (engineer, whatever, train-driver-guy) had seen the horses, and decided to take the responisbility upon himself to call the cops. Of course, Rapheal and his friends, like most teenagers, stuck around to see what was going on (well, maybe squeeze some more horses in there), which was a pretty lousy idea, as they soon found out. The police came. And Rapheal and his friends left. The police left too, right after them. Fortunetly, there was a fence in the way that they had scaled, and the police had not. Thus, they got away pretty well scathless, and got a good rush out of the deal as well. Not bad, eh? Another fun thing to do is to place coins and things on the track. They get pretty smashed, almost to paper-like consitency. Blocks of wood, bricks, Star Wars figures (one's you've lost the weapons to, cause they are worth Mega-Moola nowadays, but I won't go into that, this is a text file, not a sales pitch), or whatnot. You can play Dastardly Whiplash, and tie a few barbie dolls from your sisters collection down to the track, or, for the more adventureous, do what we suggested in our bigwheel file... You take this bigwheel you see, and you place a dummy in it. . . Then you tie a rope to it. . . And when the train comes. . . Capacitor Blowing (sorta short) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Capacitors make a good crackle, fizz, pop, or all out BLAMMO! if hooked up correctly. A capacitor is often a cylidrically shaped component with arrows pointing to one piece of wire (so I'm lousy with laymens terms, alright?), and the other lead is just hooked up to it. They have neato things written on them, like '.01uF 50v' which means .01 microfahrads, maximum of fifty volts. To skip the electronics lesson, you aren't supposed to hook up more than 50 volts. Most electric outlets (say, all of them) are about 110 volts, some of the monsterously sized ones are 220 volts. You would hook it up backwards to this (either one). Now, I didn't say hook it up DIRECTLY, did I? That would be a lousy move unless you live in the house that Rubbermaid made (Just ask Jack). ZZap! comes to mind immediately, but you wouldn't really be thinking about that. If you have an extension cord at your disposal, one with the plug on one side, and the socket at the other, hook up the capacitor to the socket (of the cord), and suggestively place it under a bucket or something, unless you have something to hide behind, or if you are just stupid, ignore all this and hook it up to the wall. Lead the cord (plug end) to the wall, of course, and make sure you are at least 10' away, or you may be digging capacitor shrapnel from your skull. This may prove to be fun or beneficial to some of you, but I still advise against it. Chances are, you have noticed the lights on your floor have gone out, and theres no power. You are pretty observent. It's my suggestion that you read this file in complete before you did that. For those of you snickering at the idea of dumb people doing that, here's a solution to that problem for those of you that haven't quite reached that point yet (or started) and for those of you that already did it and are reading this print out (If your computer went out with the power, well, too bad, you should have printed it out). Go to your power box and flip the circuit breaker. Not that hard. If you have fuses that go spittzensparken (German for how do you do), You're outta luck unless you know what type to replace it/them with. Most of all, be safe, and have fun! Projectiles ~~~~~~~~~~~ Nothing beats lauching something into the atmosphere on a sunny day, or seeing the flame licking out the end of a pipe on a summer evening (and then hearing the crash of something in the distance) right? If you know how to make gunpowder, or you happen to have some, or you have learned how to peel open firecrackers without getting the powder all over yourself in your hair, I congradulate you. Put all that stuff in a pipe, preferably metal. (We are NOT making a bomb, sorry to say.) Pack it down, but make sure you have some sort of a wick in there leading out through the top of the pipe. The pipe should be standing on one end, or leaned on an angle, so the wick actually DOES come out of the top, and the powder is at the bottom. Do not put a cap on the top (But obviously put on on the bottom). Place a coffee can on top of the pipe, and brace the pipe against something, like a tree, a rock, a friend, an arch-nemesis, you name it. As long as some sort of support that won't give way is used, you should be pretty well off. I'll draw one of those cheap pictures that are in those huge 144k zipped text files, to show you what I mean. |~~~~~~~~~| | :\]/:] | <---- Coffee can (cut away view | : ] :] | showing pipe) `--:-]-:]-' : ] :] <---- Pipe : ] : \ :p]p: ] <---- Wick :p]p: <---- Propellent in pipe. Black ~~~~~ powder, rocket engines. So it was a bad picture! Sue me! You should be able to visualize it anyway. Light that sucker and take off. The can SHOULD go way, way up into the sky. If you're unlucky and didn't secure the pipe, the pipe will also go, but in a way, way different direction unless it skips and flys upwards. There are better ways of doing this, but we are a small group, and we don't really have the time to make big GIF's and 300k text files, so you can check those out, I'm sure you got them or can get them. Another fun thing to do is get sparklers and place them (lit) in a sling shot. I find this to be more exciting than the above idea. When used properly, and in the fall, you can set MANY things ablaze, and you can do your best Robin Hood imitation by shooting flaming arrows (or sparklers) into the sky. And just to get you excited, Later on (not promising next issue, but get the idea that it will come), we'll include the plans for making a flaming tennis ball launcher, with modifications for a flaming basketball launcher. Both need not be flaming, but flame seems a little more romantic. Something to do at a Party. . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For those of you that aren't squeemish, this is for you. As I'm sure you've seen, water and electricity can work wonders. Therefore, this next anarchic idea is sure to be a hit. I've only been to a few tea and cake parties in my life, And I'll take for granted that you don't go to them (because I only go if I have to). The only real type of party left is the HEAVY DRINKERS party! Yes, the party where you all drink till you puke and piss and go drink some more. We'll get to the piss part in a moment. Make sure you are at one of these parties before attempting this stunt, so no one remembers who did it (if you are stupid and get caught setting this up). This only costs a few dollars to do, and even if only one person gets affected, it is worth the cost. All you need is: o A 6-volt lantern battery, o A spool of copper wire, and o A toilet. Typically, the average party go-er must urinate at frequent intervals, because of the amount they have drunk. Urine, like water, is composed mostly of water (WOW! Thanks for telling us that, Great One!), which can carry a current of electricity with NO problem at all (at least, under most conditions. I doubt you will see urine vapor during this). Here's what you do with your goodies: Hook the wire up to the battery, so that one long lead comes out from each polarity. Take the other end of the wires, and place them in the water tank or in the bowl of the toilet, depending on how drunk the people are (Buzzed people may notice the leads feeding into the bowl). There is the possibilty of the current not reaching the water in the bowl from the tank, because oftentimes the water is cut off from it until you flush. So you may have no choice. If you bought an extra toilet to do this, go take it back, because I've assumed the party host has at least the most rudimentry forms of utilities in their home. Most males stand on the floor when they urinate, and most females will also have their feet on the floor. This is good. In both cases, they have been GROUNDED (don't ask). If there is a fuzzy carpet to keep the feet warm in their, or a rubber mat to keep you from slipping, dispose of it where the host can find it the next day (You want to be invited again, don't you? If you CRASHED the party [good for you!] just dispose of them in any fashion). This will prevent any unwanted obstructions. If you are lucky, someone will come in and puke and miss the toilet entirely so that there is even some moisture on the floor. When the urine flow begins from whichever sex it may be, the current will RUSH straight up into that very spot where the urine is coming from. We all know how it feels to place our tounge on a 9 volt (if you do not, go find a 9 volt battery and try it, and then pass go and collect 200 dollars) battery. Imagine the same effect magnified a few times. People become noise generators soon after doing this (urinating in your trap), and often sound like I do when I make my early morning yell of horror when I discover that I'm not rich and most likely will never be. If you do not believe this, send me a cassette tape, and I'll make a recording for you. OH, haha, I didn't mean that, I meant the the current thing. Silly me. If you are indeed skeptical, try it out yourself. I didn't think you would. In any case, people won't use that bathroom for a while, unless everyone is drunk off their ass, then they won't care, remember, or even make a connection about what's going on. Several social diseases (obtainable at any reputable party near you) often cause a similar feeling in the groin area. Hope you liked it! (I'm refering to watching other people use this.) General Fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Publicly embarrass someone you know. They'll love you for it. At high school, college, or work, get your friends' license plate numbers, and inform the main office that their lights are on. Place some red coloured cardboard tubes tied to an alarm clock next to a gas main. Place some red coloured metal pipes filled with gunpowder tied to an alarm clock next to a gas main. Interrupt people when they are speaking, and do so continuously. Say that you don't understand what they are saying so they can keep repeating themselves until they give up. Eat garlic and talk to people. Play ding dong ditch with smoke grenades. Play capture the flag with roach bombs and gas masks (Actually, that is pretty fun) without informing the other team. Get a paint pellet gun and stand on an overpass and take aim. Get this dummy, and tie a rope to him, and on the same overpass. . . Answer the phone and say your name, and then place an order for a pizza. That's guarenteed to cause confusion. Call Destiny Knights at 708-307-3768. Guarenteed to have a hard questionairre, and a pretty good amount of text files. More Astounding, beautiful, cool, dastardly, evil, fahrfegneugen (well. . .), gnarly, heinous, incredible, jubilant, knightly, lethargic, mindless, nauseating, operational, putrid, quaint, radical, sub-degenerate, touching, useless, varocious, whimsical, x-zot-ik (Hey! I couldn't think of an x word. . . Besides, I run that software), Yodelling and zany text files are available at Destiny Knights BBS located In Sunny Seven-oh-Eight (dash) Three-oh-Seven (dash) Three-Seven-Six-Eight {708-307-3768) for a time in your life. We got a lot of text files, and a 10:1 post to call ratio. We even got online games! And several have unlimited download contests! So don't be a loser, call now! Or later, perhaps next week, whenever you got the time. . . Oh hey, how many of you readers are out there? Send me (Great One) or The Beastmaster mail on any board that we happen to be on. I don't know where he calls, and I won't disclose where I call. I am, sorry to say, only at 2400 baud. I have considered purchasing a higher speed modem, and when I HAVE, they never seem to work! Guess I should get an HST, eh? So that means the board (Destiny Knights) is only 2400 baud. If you are calling to transfer text, I wouldn't worry about it. If you are too high and mighty to call a puny 2400 baud board, well, then go stick your head in a pig. --EOF (or is it?)