carrying the great torch of anarchy, úúúúú Ú¿  ڿ Ú¿ Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú¿ Ú¿ ÚÚ ÚÚ Ú Ú¿ úúúúú úúú úúú ³³³ ³ ³³ ³³ ³ à À¿À¿ ³³³ ô À´ ô à ³³³ úúú úúú úú A úú À À Á ÀÀ ÀÙ À À Ù Ù À À ÀÀ ÄÙ ÀÀ À À À úú A úú úúú úúú presents úúú úúú úúúúú úúúúú file number 23 in our series Another file by GREAT ONE with contributor: The Beastmaster THE DISCLAIMER: We take no blame or hold no responsibility for any acts carried out whether suggested, implied, or inspired by this text. This should be used for informational purposes only. We ask that this file be uploaded around in its original unedited form ONLY. ------- Sorry it took SO long for a new text file, but hey, I'm lazy just like everyone else. Oh well, right? In any case, I have no idea how much time has passed since my last file. I guess maybe 8 months? I wrote another MM between this one and the last one, but it was placed in eternal stasis when the computer it was on ceased to function. I have yet to retrieve it off of it, and it was a whopping 17k and I hadn't even gotten to chapter 2 of the WAS story yet. I had a lot to say, and now that I think about it, most of it isn't any good anymore anyway, because it had to do with current events at the time, sports, all that stuff. [The Beastmaster notes Great One peed on the motherboard.] I did discover that there is, somewhere, another Great One with a bulletin board system. All I can say is 'go away'. I was here first, nyah. He's a dist site for SIN/TKO, the people that can't check their software for copy protection before they release it. Yes, SIN/TKO surely knocked me out. Spaceward HO! was certainly not copy protected! At least not for the first 5 minutes anyway. Yet the .NFO file it came with stated that there was NO COPY PROTECTION AT ALL, blah blah blah. I guess we need more cracking groups. What ever happened to PTL and the FiRM anyway? I miss the runme.bat files. Well in this file, after hearing me whine, will include the following: - General information - Phone stuff - Chemical manipulationary stuff (is manipulationary a word?) - my PO box number because no one seems to send me mail Part 1: General information! ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What we have on our hands is a teenager watching too many shows of Macgyver." Is it me, or do all of the police think that the thermonuclear devices that the teenage anarchists are making originate from MacGyver? These cops seem to have trouble realizing that nothing on that show works. Don't let anyone fool you into believing it does. The stuff where he mixes flammable gas with flame will work, yes, but his concoction of sand and flame will not spontaneously combust. . . Apparently, there has been some mailbox bombings in the area near my home. Small pieces of metal were found in the neighboring area. It seems that some kid, or kids, had set off something inside of it. The cops concluded that it was a Dry Ice bomb. This makes me laugh. I don't know of ANYONE stupid enough to put dry ice in a metal container and then seal it, place it in a mail box, and wait for it to explode. You just don't do things like that. A 2 liter bottle, maybe, but certainly not an actual metal PIPE. MacGyver once mixed household chemicals to make gases and cause a door to pop open. Police blame that for the sudden rash of mail box explosions involving 2 liter bottles, rather than the dry ice as one would expect. Lye bombs simply don't generate much to work with. You have to either have The Works (a cleaner) and the other special ingredients and then Viola, you got it. But MacGyver used soap, bleach, and water. When I mixed soap, bleach, and water out of curiosity, I closed the bleach bottle back up because I didn't enjoy the fumes coming out of it. Other than that, I got a container of soapy, diluted, bleach. Here is how police see things: Kid + Anything = MacGyver. If you were caught burning leaves, MacGyver would be blamed because you know that there's SOME episode SOMEWHERE where he used flame and organic material. Why can't the police get a clue? You can get the information in the PUBLIC LIBRARY, let alone particular sources (such as this very file) as how to assemble, create, and detonate (but by no means do either this file or the books at the library encourage you to do so) such creations. You can always go out and get the Anarchists Cookbook. It's not expensive, but then, it's not very good, either. It's something you show your friends and then never let them borrow it. That's all it pretty much is, a coffee table item. Getting back to the police, if you say you saw it on MacGyver, you are almost instantly let off the hook. DO NOT mention the library, text files, books, anything. Of course, what you CAN do is say that you got the information out of the newspaper, as shortly after the Trade Center explosion they published how to make all sorts of things before someone there got wise when they got thousands of calls telling them how stupid they really are for running the stuff in the paper. Don't implicate us! More General Info ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Recently on MTV there was a show on Hackers. These hackers are the stupid people that get caught trying to stick their hand up a pop machine in the hopes of getting a free can of Dr. Pepper. All of the hackers they had were (what I would consider to be) losers. Some of them had real talent, others of them merely read text files and quoted things from them, but you know they never really tried any of it (well you know they DID, otherwise they wouldn't be in jail). But something on the show made me cringe even more. Several of the hackers admitted to TRASHING! WHAT WERE THEY DOING? You can't admit that! It's not fair to all of US! I go trashing more often than I go shopping! I do NOT want security to be watching this show and then say "hey, they went in the dumpster, lets look outside every once in a while" because that would not be nice. Yes, these were truly stupid beings indeed. They even showed someone at a payphone with an acoustic modem and an executive model commodore 64 (a portable commodore 64 with monitor, disk drives, the works, in a 13 lbs package) attached to the modem. Like I believe this. There would have to be an outlet near by, and the guy would have to own a red box. Granted, it's not difficult to find a TTD set and call out to boards with that with the TTY emulation it has (TTD is for the deaf people), so I don't know why they didn't show that. . . But the acoustic modem WOULD work provided it was a good payphone, the modem firmly attached itself to the handset, and there was power nearby. It would be easy enough to patch a call through a PBX or a calling card number. But that's not what I'm talking about. . . Anyway, these people were bragging about things you don't brag about, explaining things you don't explain to the police, let alone the media, and making themselves look stupid in general. If you can find the re-run on MTV, I suggest you watch it. Part 2: Chemical manipulation ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are many files out there on how to make black powder. This part of the file is a tried and true method of how its created. Why, just the other day me and genocide made the stupid mistake of lighting the stick we used to mix it and then watched two pounds of the stuff go up in flames, leaving only behind the white, hard, residue that spent blackpowder leaves as waste. There was NOTHING recognizable left (lucky for us it was in a box and not a metal pipe). Despite contrary belief, it's easy to find the ingredients if you have access to the car. You merely climb in, go to dominicks or omni (or DOMNIcks as I prefer to call it) and buy it. Not all of those stores carry it, but if they do, its by the rubbing alcohol, first aid, and boric acid jars. I've got pounds of the stuff from stores within a 20 mile radius, so it's not hard to get. On with the directions. You need: - Two buckets, roughly a gallon sized each - Natural Charcoal, wood charcoal, either or. NOT the briquette stuff that comes in little round squares or pellets [or briquettes]. - five (5) liters of alcohol - 3 cups of saltpetre (KNO3 for those that want to know) - 1/2 cup of sulfur (flowers of sulfur works better than sublimed sulfer, but both will work) - Disposable shirt, rag, something to strain with - A screen - A box - And, a heat source, stirring utensils Fill one of the buckets with 2 cups of water. Heat it until its almost boiling, not quite. The little bubbles should be coming up when you are ready. If this is your first time doing this, then you might want to start heating the water after you've done the next part, as you will have boiled the water away by the time you finish it. Make sure everything you have is FINELY POWDERED. I don't care how you do it. You can use a sledge hammer (as I have), mortar and pestle (I've done that, too), a tire iron (used that once), you name it, something to crunch the stuff with. This is important. You want tiny grains, as the tinier it is, the more surface area each will have and the easier it will be to light. 8 containers of saltpetre found in a store makes 3 cups. A 4 oz container of sulfur is slightly too much, so use most of it. leave about 1/8th in the container. Roughly 4 or 5 pieces of decent sized charcoal are needed. Now here is what you do to them: After making sure that each is as powdered as you can get it, mix them all together in one of the buckets. Pour your heated water into the bucket slowly, while stirring it. Make sure EVERYTHING gets wet, and everything is stirred. Now, pour the alcohol in it. 5 liters of it. Stir rapidly as it's poured in. After you are certain that its as mixed as you can do it without getting out the blender, allow it to sit for about 5 minutes. Do not worry if anything forms on the top during that time. After the five minutes, place your shirt (or rag, or towel, whatever) over the top of the other bucket, and make sure it does not fall in (a friend or a rubber band can hold it in place). Pour the contents of the first bucket into this second bucket. After all of the liquid is in the second bucket, and the black wet mass is on the shirt, wrap the shirt around it (the black wet mass) and squeeze. Try to get out as much of the liquid as possible. When you are finished you can either save the liquid to use as alcohol or you can dispose of it. It's up to you. When you are certain you have squeezed it all out, get your screen ready and place it over the box. Now, gently rub big hunks of the powder- to-be over the screen. It should separate into granules that DO NOT stick together when through the screen. You may have to repeat this more than once. If it sticks, it is still too wet. When you are satisfied with your screening of the powder, place the box of powder (personally I use a shoebox lid) out in the sun to dry. The longer it takes, the less potent the black powder will be. If the powder is grey, then you did not use enough charcoal. After a little while, test some of the powder by placing some on a stick and lighting it. Do this AWAY from the box of powder. You won't believe how many sparks go up and over through the air until you try it. If it is good, it should light easily. More charcoal will help it light more easily. Remember, do not go overboard on the charcoal. The net outcome should be roughly 2 pounds depending on how much was left in the bucket when you poured it. It is a good idea to go back and scrape the bucket clean. You can get (usually) at least a golf ball sized amount of powder, and that can be used for many things. Granted, now that I've told you how to make it, you can't use it or own it once you've made it unless you've got a firearms card or a demolitions license. That never stopped me, or even slowed me down, (well the lack of a firearm card got me stopped ONCE, but not in the creation of this stuff) so it's up to you on what you do with it. If you can't locate any saltpetre, refer to the Mindless Mayhem on how to make it. It works, but it is more work than what most people want to do. I got the instructions to do it directly out of a munitions manual, so don't think it's a scam, because it's real. Now that you own two pounds of black powder, you might want to put it to a good use. -- Next are a few questions that maybe you all can answer for me. What does ELiTE mean? Why's the "i" lowercase and the rest is capitalized? I don't understand! HELP ME! Am I not cool enough? Have I, after 8 years of calling boards, fallen out of synch with the rest of the media? WHATS HAPPENING TO ME? Maybe I still am normal and the rest of the world has gone nutsy. Yeah, that must be it. But do I have to call the text file MiNDLeSS MaYHeM just so I can fit in with the rest of you? HAHA, well I wouldn't do that if I had to. At first, I thought all of the new groups suddenly appearing in my area (no offense to ANY OF THEM) were formed around acronyms. I'm wrong! AXiS, ViCE, iCE, ACiD, just to name a few. I thought they were actually acronyms (if you don't know what it means, you are stupid. Since I spelled it for you, you can look it up in a dictionary). Am I totally off base? Heck, here are some of the most weird things I've seen go on: People are starting to memorize the ascii table People are starting to think that everyone else is k-rad, while they themselves are not. (note that I don't think everyone else is, just the people that do the top line here and the ones that can't deal with being deleted when they apply as a new user, and of course, the complete idiots that we all know) People are also starting to TYPe LiKe THiS Someone told me you can turn a 486 SX into A DX by moving a jumper on the motherboard. He was very smug about it. He also fits with the top line as well. People are complaining that files over 1.4 meg are too slow at 14,400 bps. People, you don't know the MEANING of the word slow. Try getting a 2400 and downloading the file. You would die if you got anything less, so I won't suggest it. And the list could go on, and does, but the micacle of modern editing and author boredom has prevented it from continuing. So someone tell me, why ELiTE? Why not just say piracy? it sounds cooler (to me) and it enables me to say HAR! and other things like that. You know, like Gimme yer booty, etc, and that can mean more than one thing! (Note: only say that in another way to a female user, IF she understands that its not true sexual harassment!) I love it when people log on my board and say 'uh, aren't you ELiTE?' and I say "No, i'm not in the uppermost ranks of a top military group. And you are only 14. Why would you even care?" NO! I AM NOT (using the more cool spelling so be careful) ELiTE! But I do say HAR! a lot and have to clean my shoulder off when the parrot poops. -- I recently discovered that someone that I deleted a good few months ago still carries a grudge. He wants to learn all he can about me and said that I'll be "... getting it." Hoho! Well, oddly enough, his criminal record is clean, as I checked that out (but in the process I found a 14 year old with a similar name that was pulled over for speeding and reckless driving, driving without a license, all that cool stuff). But, should he attempt to do anything to me I'm sure I can do something! After all, I *DO* know how to make explosives, and I *DO* know some electronics and I *DO* know that its very easy to tap someones line. Oh well, should he mess with me, I shall mess with him. I just hope he makes the right decision! After all, if someone came after you, wouldn't you like to do something after he hits you? I'm not one to start fights, but I'll be more than happy to finish one! Hmm that sounded more triumphant that it was supposed to. Oh well. Should he read this, he should be able to tell that I don't care a thing about him, but I will suddenly pick up an intense interest should he do something, ah, unwise. -- I hear that BLaH is dead (That's an acronym! YES! YES!). Alas, that's too bad. I did not read very many of their files, but its never nice to hear a fellow text file group bite the dust. What's happening to the era of text, anyway? Maybe the fact that I reject 99% of the people that apply is hampering my view on the world (albeit it is pretty comical that I ruthlessly erase new users with great vigor) of text, but still. I'm on three bulletin boards, one of which I have the number memorized. No, it's not local to me. I'm not afraid to call out of the star range! But it's not a text board! I understand there are MANY out there, but hey, what good IS a text board, anyway? Most of the stuff that I've seen is old and decrepid anyway (that decrepid is probably spelled wrong, but since I use the greater glory of MS-DOS Editor to write my files, it will remain that way). But the question remains, how many of you avid text readers are out there? Drop us at MM a line! The box number will be at the end of the file. Don't be afraid to send an envelope, people! I don't rip my mail like I rip through my new users, so if you mail us, you may hear back from us! Wow, I'm good at getting off the topic! So much for the professional approach I so much strive for (heh). -- Here is something that I've heard that some of the local sysops are doing. They are thoroughly testing the programs that they get and then putting them into a special section specifically made for files that they have tested. All this tells me is that the sysop has no life whatsoever. If all that Op can do is sit at home and unzip games (which is the brunt of what they are 'testing') then I feel no pity for them! Let them do what they want! Just as long as they DoN'T TyPe LiKe THiS. And then the other half of them also call boards when they are finished with their games so they can get MORE! Now, getting more for the board is fine. Getting more so they can play them is not. Now, I can understand the SysOp that sees that the file area is slacking, so he calls a board to get a few files to help jump start things, but I think there is a serious problem with the fellow (or fellowette) that calls another board so more games can be added to the personal playing collection! I just bought Phantasie 1 and Phantasie 3! And that was 3 weeks ago! I haven't even looked at 3 yet! And I BOUGHT THEM! This would lead some to think that I am stupid, why pay for something you won't use? Well, why waste your life away playing video games day in and day out, run a board AND call other boards to get more games? I think my choice was a BIT better! -- As it turns out, Genocide jumped bail and I don't know where he is at the moment. So, I lied about the cool phone stuff. He has all the manuals we got out of the garbage. So what next? I started writing this two months ago. Things came up, and well, this wasn't one of them. I have a bit of writers block when it comes to gEORGE, and besides, those people seemed to have simmered down a bit from when I last heard of them. But never fear! Our interprid authors will come to the rescue in our next exciting release! For those that know him, Matt Zahler was finally arrested on that $50,000 bond he was on. And that was after his phreaking court date! So: The morale of Matt's story is: Don't claim to all your associates that you are going to change your identity and move if you are going to hang around in area of three counties where the police actually know what you look like. - Home Board to Mindless Mayhem is- - DESTINY KNIGHTS 708 307 3768 - - - - To send us mail: Address your envelope to yourself and in the upper left hand corner of the envelope write: Mel J. Woznikki PO Box 958542 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195-8542 NO postage required! - - - Leaders: Great One among others much less significant such as The Beastmaster and Genocide Holdings: Meager 16.8k Dual Standard modem, Many megs of hard drive capacity, several hundred text files, plus ALL GREAT Mindless Mayhem releases Listen you: If you are a K-RAD d00d, don't call. People like you should be shot. And if you like Windows, we don't like you either. And if there's a new user password on the board, usually my typical response is "Here is the password". But, for some odd reason, complete losers are applying. So nyah. There may or may not be a NUP. If there is, and you are long distance calling, I apologize. If you are local and trying your twelth time to get access, I don't. (And why did they hire such a dork to yell MORTAL KOMBAT in their commercial?)