carrying the great torch of anarchy, úúúúú Ú¿  ڿ Ú¿ Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú¿ Ú¿ ÚÚ ÚÚ Ú Ú¿ úúúúú úúú úúú ³³³ ³ ³³ ³³ ³ à À¿À¿ ³³³ ô À´ ô à ³³³ úúú úúú úú A úú À À Á ÀÀ ÀÙ À À Ù Ù À À ÀÀ ÄÙ ÀÀ À À À úú A úú úúú úúú presents úúú úúú úúúúú úúúúú file number 24 in our series Another file by GREAT ONE Greetings! This time we didn't have to wait too long after the last issue to get a new one going. Call it what you will, but I have some extra time and decided to sit and see how much I can bore myself before finding something to write about. It's about 1:32 am on Oct 1st, and so far I haven't had any users threaten to kill me yet. A new record! This issue will have some of the following: o Questions on the existance of fighting games o Answers to those questions Fun Fad's and Video Games ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since the beginning of video game history (not too long ago), games that have done well have seen mysterious counterparts that look much like the originals. Take Pong for instance. Mr. Nolan was very bright to make this game; people loved it, and the machines broke down very often because the coin box was often too filled. As soon as Atari was able to make a home system (and fend off complaints that it was hurting the arcade game world) they made Breakout, something that I still play! And then came Super Breakout, and arkanoid, and arkanoid ][, and blockbust, and you get the idea. Why, breakout was even included in an atari computer decompression program, because the decompression time was SO SLOW that breakout seemed to be a good thing to play while the computer worked (hey, would that be an early form of multitasking?). But who cares, right? One of those days over ten years later, Street Fighter came out. I didn't hear much about it then, but then the sequal came out and then all of a sudden people are shaving their heads and dressing in their worst clothes so they can wait in line to play it. At least, that's what I see at arcades. As soon as the other companies heard of this, they decided to get a piece of the pie as well. So now we have millions of these games, all played by the same people. We got World Heroes, we got World Heroes ][, Samuri Showdown, Time Killers, Final Fight (or was that Fatal Fury? I don't know, I don't play them), etc., etc., etc., MORTAL KOMBAT. Why didn't they go nuts over Karate Champ? That even talked when it came out! Talk about ahead of its time! But now mortal kombat is here! And even MORE throngs of people that have no real fighting skills at all rush to arcades to beat people at a game and brag to their friends. What is this? WHO CARES how good you are at a video game? Ok, so I admire your ability to memorize all of the moves, and even some of your dexterity because you can execute them so quickly! For most mortal kombat players, there aren't going to be job openings for their chosen profession of MK playing. One thing I don't understand is why they are dropping so many quarters into the games. I like to play pinball, and I gave mortal combat and street fighter a try once or twice only to have some crazed fucker come up and beat the crap out of my guy and gloat to his friends. Thanks for the chance! Here is a true story: A friend of mine went to an arcade. He is big (bigger than me!). He donned a baseball cap so he'd fit in with the rest of the people. He went to the mortal kombat machine and played. Within moments of him starting a one player game, some dweeb started the second player without asking. Then the kid proceeded to end the game for my friend. Dweeb started to gloat to his friends. Friend went outside. Dweeb came out a while later and got the shit kicked out of him from Friend. Friend is quoted as saying, "Yeah, you're REAL tough!" The moral of the story is: Just because you know fighting moves in a video game does not mean that you are going to lead a better life and attract all of the girls. In fact, how many girls actually have Fighting Game Skills on their 'good things to look for in a guy' list? Now admittedly, Mortal Kombat has great graphics and neato sound. This does not mean we make a Temple of Mortal Kombat and then worship. I liked the Dr. Who pinball game. I played it often. I didn't break down and buy as much Dr. Who propaganda as possible! In fact, I didn't even buy a plastic garbage can and put it upsidedown to make an "Instant Dalek". This did not stop people from making a TV show about the game (Mortal Kombat) and a movie is also in the making. I swear, this is as bad as NINTENDO gets folks (Mortal Kombat is not a Nintendo game). The Wizard was one long commercial, but at least the Mortal Kombat movie will have violence. . . I never really cared much for fighting games because despite all of the "its so realistic!" comments from people, I don't know of any people that get their powers from the negative material plane, nor do I know anyone with super fighting powers. Pit fighter at least is based on statistical advantages, not cool special effects! But then, Pit Fighter really was pretty lame, poor scaling etc (but I couldn't do any better...) So anyway. I probably will recieve an uproar of cries that I have been unfair to Mortal Kombat. Well, if I do, I'll give your regards to the Demonseed Elite (sp?), and his board will be sure to call you. And hey, did anyone notice that the real name for Smash T.V. is Super Robotron, and Total Carnage is Super Duper Robotron Plus? -- Oh great I have to come up with another topic. Oh yes! Well this has nothing to do with anything, but some XXXX equiptment I got was sold to a local counties XXXXXX station, for use in their XXXXXX. They also want word perfect 6.0 and a phone test set because they can't afford to pay full price. Do I have connections or what? We believe that censorship XXXXX! -- Remember when I said Matt is going to jail? I forgot to sing: "Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead." -- Now for some more neat things along the lines of the true original nature for this file group/thingie if you can call us that. A bunch of kids in a Lyon Township were making a bunch of bombs! They got caught. In fact, they got caught this morning, oct 7th 1993. I don't know who any of them are, but they claimed that they got their information from computer bulletin board systems. Apparently they didn't my last text file saying SHUT THE FUCK UP about computer related stuff! Well then again, what I am writing here is perfectly legal. You just can't make the bombs or set them off! They were very industrious people. And best of all, they proved that files like mine WORK (and that you need The Works to make any real sort of household chemical bomb). They would plant some in mail boxes apparently and then the bombs would do what bombs do. What's really cool is that their bombs looked like mine, only I think they filled theirs ALL THE WAY with gunpowder, since they didn't exactly divulge what they did (other than make bombs and set them off). They apparently started their bombs early in the year; since May, at least for the mailbox bombings. The media is under the impression now that people like them (us) are evil people. Well, while blowing up mailboxes is fun, it makes it more difficult to get supplies now that they know that anyone can do it. I was wondering when someone was going to be dumb, and these kids were doing it in broad daylight in their own neighborhood. Now I'm not against doing them in daylight, but I like to see the flash at night. Call me odd, but that's the way that I am. It also is a lot easier to escape when you can't be seen. I usually do not stick around after I light the fuse. Just like it says on the instruction packet for any box or brick or whatever of fireworks, "LIGHT FUSE AND GET AWAY". They did, however, do most of them at night. This I can deal with, I would suggest the same course of action as that (doing them at night) unless it was in a secluded area like a forest and you were planning to make craters or fell some trees or something. Oh well! The neighbors complained about it. I think I would too, after all, who wants their mailbox destroyed. Then there are the people that decided that after the (dumb) kids put the item in question into the box, they come out to see what it is, and then get either to slam it shut real fast, or get to see it go before their eyes. I think some more careful planning was in order, but thats the way the ball bounces (or bounced in their case). MacGuyver was unavailable for comment. The youths were about 16 years of age, so no identities were available at the time of this file being written. However, they do think that there are at least ten other kids that they can get that were also involved in the situation. Hope they don't screw up! Incidentally, if you want to make your bomb more exciting, wrap copper wire around it and tape spray paint cans around it! But by no means attempt such things, as they aren't legal to do! There's a mild ring to the WAS kids here, because at least one of them was into the dark side of violence. There's anarchy and chaos, and then there's violence. I support semi anarchy, because that way there are fewer casualties and there is still a government to pave the roads when they get shitty. Who do you think will do it if there wasn't one, eh? -- Speaking of youths with explosive capabilities, my new favorite TV show is the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Yes, it's true, its a kid show that involves "teenagers with attitudes", much like the above segment. The only difference is that these kids didn't assemble their metal pipe bombs, instead they get to play with obviously plastic swords. Anyone that has gone to the Medieval Times restaurant knows that there is NO way that sparks would fly every time the swords of the knights would clash. Well, that would apply to this show as well. It seems to me that their plastic weapons throw off a shower of sparks EVERY time they hit some creature with it. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the show, its about an old lady and her alien creatures that are trying to take over the world, but are stopped only because of the MMPR's uncanny ability to get in her way all of the time. Each of the morphins have a special power coin that enables them to turn into their spandex clad counterpart. AND, they get their powers from dinosaurs, so you know that they are really cool (smirk). When required, which is every episode, they can summon their dinosaurs which are made out of plastic and look really bad, and then climb inside of them (they're like a motor vehicle gone bad) and take control to combat the monsters. What's odd is that they never do that. Instead, they use the stunt they stole from Voltron and transform into the Megasaurus by combining all of the robots/cars together. It can also go into a tank mode, too! The robot is never able to beat the monster, much like voltron, so they have to get their Power Sword (sorry, there's no cry of "Form Blazing Sword" with the cool music), which shoots out of the sky and lands in its hand. The creature that attacks is usually one that was made out of clay and then put into a weird fog machine that eventually spits out a full sized monster (My personal favorite was Chunky Chicken). The monster then does the bidding of the empress (the old lady) and attacks the Earth. So the morphins do their thing. The mini-series they had of it was great! The leader of the morphins was captured, so they had to rely on their combat dinocars without the help of the full sized robot they could form, because the leader was not there to operate the middle section that pretty much controlled the whole thing. What is really really odd though is that they form the robot anyway, EVEN THOUGH the dinosaur that was the backbone, nerve center, NEVER SHOWED UP. It was just THERE. Eventually they had to abandon toy because an evil ranger came and kicked their butts. Odd how one guy can do it and they cant do shit without their cool toy robot (which is now being marketed in the stores). One thing that I forgot to mention was what happens when the dinosaurthingies come out, is that there is some sort of environmental disaster that never is noticed by the townspeople. One of the dinosaurs bursts out of the ground and dirt flys everywhere (its the same footage for all of the episodes), and theres no detection of this on any seisographmicocounter or whatever they are called. Then, the pteryldactyl flies out of an erupting volcano. DOESN'T ANYONE NOTICE THIS? And what town is it that is situated next to a volcano that erupts everyday without anyone noticing this? Each power ranger as mentioned before are in a specifically colored costume. The black guy, for example, is in black spandex. The girl that wears the pink leotards all of the time is in pink spandex. The guy that always wears blue plad or something is in blue, the thug guy that wears red ALL THE TIME is in his red suit when needed, and the asian girl in yellow has yellow spandex. Speaking of all the time, the Evil Green Ranger also wears an entirely green outfit when he goes to school. I am planning on getting the pink action figure, just because I've never had a pink action figure before. Someone in pink spandex just doesn't seem too threatening. However, she's also pretty good looking so maybe thats another reason why I'm thinking of buying it. The music for the show is also top notch. The lyrics go: Go go power rangers! Go go power rangers! Go go mighty morphin power rangers go-ohhhhh! etc., repeating. LOTS of work went into that I'm sure. I'm not rating the show, you have to watch it because I'm telling you to. If you haven't, do so! 'Tis a great half hour of action packed toy sword wielding weirdos in spandex! - Home Board to Mindless Mayhem is- - DESTINY KNIGHTS 708 307 3768 - Leaders: Great One among others much less significant such as The Beastmaster and Genocide Holdings: Meager 16.8k Dual Standard modem, Many megs of hard drive capacity, several hundred text files, plus ALL GREAT Mindless Mayhem releases Listen you: If you are a K-RAD d00d, don't call. People like you should be shot. And if you like Windows, we don't like you either. And if there's a new user password on the board, usually my typical response is "Here is the password". But, for some odd reason, complete losers are applying. So nyah. There may or may not be a NUP. If there is, and you are long distance calling, I apologize. If you are local and trying your twelth time to get access, I don't. And remember, to really get someone pissed, don't TP their house, break a bunch of 8-tracks and chuck the film all over the place!