+-----------------------------------------------------+ The group that's been around for three years and still doesn't have their act together! // // // // // /\ // /////// ///// ///// /// /// // // // / \ // / / / //// //// // /// // / / // ///// \\\\\ \\\\\ / //// / // ////// / / // / / / / // / // / /// // // / / / / / // / // / / / / / /////// //// //// // // /\ \\ // // // /////// // // /// /// / \ \\ // // // / /// /// //// //// / /\ \ \\// // // ///// //// //// / //// / /====\ \/ \\\\\\ / / //// / / // / // \\ \/ // // / / // / / / // \\ \/ // // /////// / / / Issue Number Twenty-Eight, Volume Three +-----------------------------------------------------+ Contributing Authors for this issue: Blaster Great One Drew A. Blank And nobody else (so far!) Disclaimer: Under no circumstances shall the authors of this file take responsability for the actions and/or effects of anyone following the information contained herein. Fireworks are illegal in many states. Using fireworks may or may not be illegal in your state, it is up to you to check. Under no circumstances shall the SysOps or distributors of this file take responsability for the actions and/or effects of anyone following the information contained herein. The views in this file to not necessarily reflect the views of the authors and those distributors! -- Welcome to another edition of Mindless Mayhem It *has* been some time from the last issue, but thats not an irregular occurance, is it (heh)? It wouldn't be wise to miss out on the 4th of July without a text file that doesn't tell you anything you didn't already know before, but hey, that's what we're here for! We really need some writers. IF you have what it takes, and IF you think you can do it, then give us a call! We are always looking for insight and text users, at the very least. It's been a slow four years since we relocated (Not MM, but the BBS)! We have about 18 megs worth of compressed text files -- some new, some old, all good reading when in the bathroom. We want you! Starting today (whenever you get this file), text users will be let in much more leniently. Total morons aren't going to get in, however. The files will still cost one file point, but it prevents everyone from just raping the board dry (like how it used be! Raped dry, I mean). If there is enough uploads, I'll be nice and make 'em free now and then. Anyway... Subjects covered in this issue: o Hacking Centel systems (small amount of info, yet largely useful!) o Reminders of fun things to do for the holidays (or any day for that matter!) o Thoughts on the "cyber-revolution" and, o A bunch of that lame crap you've grown to love! -- This magazine is dedicated to all of the ugly people, and to Cindy (as explained later). Since the people are ugly, they need all the support they can get! -- Simple enhancements for the Saturn Rocket firework packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The holidays are back, and so am I (Great One for those of you that don't remember. Ok, so its a damned stupid handle, but I was damned stupid when I picked it, and seven years later, here I am)! With the coming of holidays, we have multiple ideas of things you can do with both fireworks and your legs (running very fast, for example). In the realization that many of you that read this will not be able to afford the fireworks that you wish, or even create them, this information is for your entertainment only (or perhaps future reference). However, enjoy anyway! Fireworks and cars have never been a particularly fun mixture, at least not when its your car. Having them go off inside the car is bad, and so is having scorch marks on the side of the car! This information is for people that don't mind scorch marks, or for people with a dark car, or for people that have recently come into the possession of a vehicle that is not their own and need to damage it before dumping it in a lake or selling it. Saturn rockets are very fun, they are the rockets that come in boxes of 40 or so (and they come in different sizes, too, I think) and they ALL launch when the wick is lit. Already, this can have a shitload of fun and opportunity without even having a car! However, Having a car is much more pleasant because: o You can mount the box on your hood (move the hood orament out of the way just in case) and extend the fuse, and then light the fuse when the target is in sight or imagine the fun of getting some beater cars and playing a real life autoduel with no deaths but just plain fun? No, we haven't done it, but it's a great idea! o You can mount the box on the back of your car (trunk hood) and do the same when being followed; o You can aim the box out of the window at a passing car (actually, ANY target will do, just don't be going to fast or you'll be wasting your time. Not only will they be behind you, the ones launched from the hood will be bouncing off your car's windshield!); o And finally, you can scare the shit out of someone walking along the road (40 rockets pelting into your body would be a good cause for concern, don't you think? You'd be more concerned with the rockets than with the car's license plate!). Immature? Rash? The answer is clear: YES! I've been told that *real* anarchists aren't into that sort of thing. So what? Anarchy is for wienies! What we want is CHAOS! Mindless and Mayhem are fun yeah, but unlike our namesake we like a little bit of planning and politics involved (ie, if its wrong, DO IT! But do it carefully!)... Saturn rockets are also capable of being removed from their boxes, and they make very good items in the production of home made items. For example, the propellant in them is a key ingrediant in how I get my pipebombs to work rather than shoot sparks out of the fuse hole and spin around. Who wants a pipebomb that gives off a light show rather than a good window shaking explosion? A good suggestion is to pour out the propellant on the inside of the rocket, and place it around the area (INSIDE the pipe) where the fuse will go. This means you fill the pipe half way, pack it, fill up to the hole (keep packing till its level with the hole, as usual) and place the (probably white) powder on the black powder. Feed the fuse into the hole, and then cover the wick (inside the pipe) with the propellant until the fuse is no longer visable. What this does, my fellow comrades, is it allows the propellant to set off the bomb rather than the wick. The propellant burns faster than the black powder, and there is a much greater chance of the bomb going off (ever have a dud?) if you use the propellant to light the black powder. A lame explanation, but fuck its late and I'm tired and it works, so give it a shot). Saturn rockets are also very handy when they are used for single shot occasions. Get some plastic pipes from your favorite hardware store, or better yet steal some from where they are constructing homes (and then burn the suckers to the ground! If you liked to go the area that was once there before they plowed it all in to make houses for rich ass people, all the better! Nothing like a little revenge!). The pipes must be small enough in diameter to allow the rocket to fit snugly, but not so snugly that it will not move. You can make a simple looking "gun" out of this. Your only drawback is that you have to light a fuse (that you put in, since the rockets taken from the box will not have any connected once removed) in order to "fire" the projectile. If you are creative, such as I, and industrious, unlike I, you can use cap gun caps or percussion caps (they are similar to the shell of a bullet. I found some in a neighbors garbage, so I do not know where they are commercially available. sorry!) and use some sort of rubberband/ hammer device to hit the caps, light the fuse, and shoot the rocket. Personally, I think it would be a lot easier to just stick the fuse in and light it, but to each his (or her) own. You also wouldn't have to empty the pipe after each firing in order to reload. Of course, if you were really good at this, you could incorporate something to do that after it fires, but this is a damned plastic bottle rocket launcher, not a gun! The essence of this pipe is to help you aim the rocket(s), and be able to have a neat looking toy to do it in the process. Note that any type of rocket (that fits the pipe) will work nicely. Use caution and common sense. Don't put in the Megafuckyouup Rocket if you think the thing will jam and blow the pipe to smithereens. -- "CyberCrud" by GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How many of you are truly sick of hearing everyone talk about the "information superhighway"? And how many of you want to strangle the dweebs that call using a modem "jacking into cyberspace"? For all of you people out there, using a modem is just making a phone call! GET WITH IT! Calling the MM home board doesn't make you a net runner, nor does it make you cool (well maybe that, but...). Many people have claimed to be cyberpunks, are trying to be cyberpunks, or are just trying to fake being cyberpunks. A new term for all of the MM readers is CyberCrud. Cybercrud is just about everyone that thinks that calling a board is jacking into cyberspace; everyone who straps circuit boards to their arms to look like they have some bionics; everyone that reads these text files, does nothing contained herein, and then brag to their friends that don't have copies of this file about our exploits as adventures of their own! I'm sure all of you can think of some other CyberCrud definitions. It's a sniglet I like to use (if you don't know what sniglets are, don't ask. Cinemuck is one of them, its the stuff on the floor at a movie theatre that makes it so you can't walk). As a writer, sometime hacker, sysop, and neutral evil being as a whole, I wouldn't claim to be cyberpunk! Remember: Owning a computer and a modem does not entitle you to be cool. In fact, cyberpunks aren't necessarily cool. So remember that! * Another magazine out there recently talked about what makes a "true" cyberpunk. I pretty much ignored the outline (because no one can describe what one would be since there aren't really any cyberpunks out there...) until I came across a description that was along the lines of "real cyber- punks get the best computer equipment possible, blah blah blah etc". This is not true. Assuming they are thinking that a cyberpunk is the typical person that isn't getting everything that they want, we all know that getting the best equipment is not going to happen. So, to go against the grain of the wood and state my thoughts, here is what I think real cyberpunks are (in part): Real cyberpunks like to aquire new shiny hardware, but it is not required. After all, the true cyberpunk has the ability to adapt and make do with what he or she has. I would be infinitely more impressed with the hacker that used his commodore 64 and accoustic modem to break into a system than the fellow that used his 486 and high speed modem to upload a trojan to get the passwords of some accounts on some system! If the means were at hand to USE the 486 to do that, I would say go for it. I'm not stupid. But if one isn't available, the real cyberpunk would do what he or she can as best suits the situation, right? If it means manually hack, then so be it! If it means heaving bricks through the window of a computer store to steal a laptop, so be it! And while you are heaving bricks, steal a laptop for me, eh? If it means hatching an elaborate plan to get the cops going somewhere else while you heave the bricks and load the laptops into a truck, and make the newspaper the next day as "Mafia hits computer store, steals over $100,000!", all the better! -- Some useless story: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was once a girl named CIndy. Cindy met an ugly man named Bob. Bob told Cindy that if she fell in love with him and married him, he would become a handsome prince. Cindy believed Bob, so they married the next day. Bob did not transform into a handsome prince, however. In fact, Bob went bald and got fat. Now Cindy is supporting an unemployed fat man and six ugly children on a waitress' salary. The Moral: If an ugly person tells you that if you marry him/her that person will become beautiful, don't believe it. Magic does not exist. However, heredity does and you will have ugly children, just like Cindy. (the magic does not exist is open for debate if you wish!) -- Hacking Centel's voice mailboxes BY Blaster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all questions and comments should be sent to blaster@phantom.com or on DESTINY KNIGHTS bbs, which is where you probably got this from anyways. Voice mailboxes these days are a modern convienience for society at large, and a neccesity for the anarchist. But as with anything else that has to do with the phone lines, it carries a pretty hefty price tag for the anarchist who would rather spend his money on k0ol stuff like atari 2600 games and dope. So once again the prudent hacker must rely on his subversive skills of number/password hacking to get something that SHOULD be inexpensive but isn't for the simple fact that phone/long-distance carriers suck big dicks. In a carefully planned scan with a-dial or other wardialer of choice, the hacker should come up with a few voice-mailboxes. Once the intro message starts, you should hit either "0" or "*" to tell the voice-mail system that you are the owner of the box, of course you aren't REALLY the owner, but i don't think the machine really cares. After that, the VMB should state the name of the person who owns the box, and ask you for the password. Be sure to the remember the name, as this could be in useful for any follow-up social engineering missions. There are two ways to get into the system, one: use brute force tactics by trying to bust the 4 digit code by random, from someone elses phone or a PBX. Do not use your own phone, with the wide-spread use of caller-id you are good as fucked if you try 10000 different combinations with your own line. Two: using social engineering methods to hopefully yank the password from right under their noses. Your best bet is to call up the firm posing as an agent from Centel saying, there has been a horrible system crash and your password isn't on record anywhere else. I dunno, but be creative, and you never know some stupid fool will eventually give you the password. Once you get in: ---------------- The main menu is set up according to the letters on the buttons on a touch tone phone. IE 2 is ABC and 3 is DEF and so on. (A)nswer message (D)iscard message (G)ive message (P)lay a message (R)eview message (M)ake a message (K)eep message (X)it and send message (U)ser options (*) goes one message backward (#) goes one message forward Some more interesting options: go to the (U)ser menu, and hit 7 to change the password go to the (U)ser menu, and hit 4 to change the intro message, this here could be a lot of fun. For instance, change "Advanced Telephone and Technology company, please leave a message after the beep." to "Welcome to dial-a-erection, if you have have a touch tone fone, for instant hard-on hit the 1 key" or something like that, but once again, i will leave this to the creative mind of the anarchist. -- More rants ~~~~~~~~~~ *ý The same group that released the information on cyberpunks also released some information on how to make blasting caps. Their information is very accurate, but not practicle. For example, at one point the article says "Do not use battery acid, it is not strong enough! Use sulfuric acid, USP grade". After looking in my chemical catalog, I couldn't even find a type of sulfuric acid that was USP grade. There was only ACS grades and non ACS grades. FYI, USP & ACS mean United States Pharmecopeia and American Chemical Society, respectively. My catalog is an Aldrich with 2150 pages. I think its pretty complete. Contrary to their file, all one would have to do is boil the battery acid until white fumes appeared. Just do that in a well ventilated area (make a fire in the yard or put the jar of acid on a hot plate), and you will have no problems. I don't mean to knock the group, as the rest of their stuff was very good. But one cannot just start quoting books with the assumption that all of us people can just go out and get the shit without problems. Sulfuric acid is readily available to anyone -- you can buy a quart of it at a hardware store for a couple of bucks. It is used to clean out really really clogged drains. You can heat that up, and the acid should last you a while if you just decide to pour it into ant colonies or whatever! They also suggest getting nitric acid (90% concentrate) for the production of mercury fulminate. Thats very nice and dandy, but they don't suggest a place to get that. You CAN'T get that in a store, and it's rather difficult to get it from a chemical supply store if you don't know of one to order from. So, to save the hassle of becoming a chemist, you can contact the Aldrich Chemical Company (inc!) at P.O. Box 355 Milwaukee, WI 53201. Their phone number for customer inquiries is 800-558-9160. But don't say I didn't warn you! They typically do not ship to just anyone, but it wouldn't hurt to order a catalog to your college dorm with your name as the head of the department. FYI (again), nitric acid at a >90% concentration (red fuming acid) is listed as $200 per 500ml. Seems a little pricey just to make an explosive, isn't it? Better to stick with what we and other files tell you, like how to make potassium nitrate in your backyard, and how to make blackpowder and thermite! They also will not ship the acid via UPS or ground parcel because its so dangerous, so the only alternative is to get it air freight. None of you will do that, of which I am certain, so what's the big deal? Get the cheap shit and boil it! ALSO, buying from a chemical company is very very expensive no matter what you get. I can get 170 grams of potassium nitrate for $1.19 at my local grocery store, and this place is selling it for $9.85 in 100 gram quantities. Wow, that was boring. I think next time I talk about another group I'll dwell on the good points! Also, if the demand is great enough, we (or that other group I imagine) will scribe how to create nitric acid out of sulfuric acid and potassium nitrate. This can be done at the home without complex machinery or expensive glassware. And with the nitric acid, you can make your goodies that they wrote about! -- The MM team has been working on trying to get Ammonium Tri-iodide to work, and it is like beating a dead horse. If you know the proper formula, AND HAVE SUCCESSFULLY CREATED THE SUBSTANCE, then let us know and we'll publish it in our next file! Yeah, we're hungry for information. Aren't we all? -- Yet another fable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was once a young mermaid named Marcia. Marcia enjoyed watching the men working on the shore. She especially loved watching one man in particular. Day in and day out Marcia would watch the man, sad that she would never be able to meet him, for she was a mermaid and could not run and laugh with him on the land. That night she went to Triton, King of ther Merpeople, and begged him to grant her one wish. The wish to be human! Triton took pity on Marcia and gave her her wish. The next day, Marcia went ashore and met the man she had so long desired. They fell in love and married that evening. Years later, Marcia revealed her secret to her groom. He just wrapped his arms around her and told her that he would love her no matter what. And they lived happily ever after. The Moral: No matter how you slice it, it smells like fish and tastes like chicken. -- That's it for now. Call these Fine Boards in the 708 area! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ° ° ° Destiny Knights BBS Featuring MM files, and 18 compressed megs of ° ° text! 708-307-3768 ° ° ° ° uh ° ° ° ° ° ° uh ° ° ° ° ° ° uh ° ° ° ° ° ° you got any? ° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°