Short but to the point { This is the Assinine 2nd issue of Zero Gravity Busted 1} ----------------------------ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ---------------------------- This Issue is Focusing on the different types of PunKs that are out there and also how the Computer Economy is overturning into a high pricing overload of putird SHiT! ------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: The format of this Issue is different from the rest..OK. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Heading of all those ass FuckS Ok to head this Off the Lusers who think that they are so hot coming on to our boards looking like they are innocent and then out of the Blew upload a Virus that lame ass MHZ.ZIP one going around.....if anyone actually thinks that a computer program can actually do this SHOULDN'T BE USING THERE COMPUTER!!!!! Anyway...this kid uploads this shit and then aks like that it is cool. Of course I notice this and send him E-mail Explaining "listen i know what you are doing...I would do the same thing but come on a Program that is supposed to make your MHZ go from 33-188 BullShiT. So he said "Oh....I didnt know it was a Virus..." ok he says he doesnt know but A Las he says in the RENEGADE description It increased my computer's MHZ to 188. Hmmmmm think about that one jerky. I think he is lying don't You. kinda like this one....this is for U Rancid.....If Jack helped you off the Horse....would you help Jack off the Horse....YEP U WOULD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Business and the Economy Love how a disk these days is costing around ummmm 2.50 come on dude this is a ripe Off. Listen to this...I wanted to bye memory for my computer...because of my recent Bust with mt HPAV group. Do I went to Best But...My computer needs to be bought by fours so i needed 4 1 MB chips...The Tech {who knew nothing} said ummmm it will cost around over $300.00 I said WHAT?!!! aru f-ing crazy....thats nuts. then I went Computer City.....Huh it would of costed me 12% less there..but thats no the Point. Stuff these days are just too expensive. and us people can't afford these things...Unless we win the LOtto like I did...{ I didn't} Well anyway If you have any complanints Just post it on My new Message Base {Overpricing Stuff} OK at Higher Velocity 708-529-2162 call it BeeeeeOOOOOOOchh Leeched from the Origanl Spot Higher Velocity 708-529-2162 Call it!!!!!!!!! 2nd Issue SHort but to the point