READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIB DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement #1.08 (06.12.98) July 31-August 2 @ The Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXXXXxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXXXxxxxxxXXXXXX X X DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXXxxxxxxxxXXXXXXX X DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXxxxxxxxxxxXXXX XXXXXXXXX DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXX X DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXX XX X DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXX DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXX X XX DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXXxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXX XX X DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXXXxxxxxxXXXXXXXXX X DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXXXXxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X DEF CON 6.0 Convention Announcement READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIB IN SHORT:-------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT: Speakers & partying in Vegas for hackers from the world over. WHEN: July 31st - August 2nd WHERE: Las Vegas, Nevada @ The Plaza Hotel and Casino COSTS: $40 at the door MORE INFO: or email IN LONG:--------------------------------------------------------------------- It's time to brave Las Vegas again for DEF CON! This is an initial announcement and invitation to DEF CON V, a convention for the "underground" elements of the computer culture. We try to target the (Fill in your favorite word here): Hackers, Phreaks, Hammies, Virii Coders, Programmers, Crackers, Cyberpunk Wannabees, Civil Liberties Groups, CypherPunks, Futurists, Artists, Criminally Insane, Hearing Impaired. It seems that books about the culture are becoming more popular, so of course reporters are also welcome. You won't be hurt. I promise. Just bring cash for drinks. So you heard about DEF CON V, and want to hit part 6.0? You heard about the parties, the info discussed, the bizarre atmosphere of Las Vegas and want to check it out in person? You want to do weird shit _away_ from the hotel where you can't get me in trouble? You have intimate knowledge of the SWIFT network, and want to transfer millions of dollars to the DEF CON account? Then you're just the person to attend! What DEF CON is known for is the open discussion of all ideas, the free environment to make new contacts and the lack of ego. More people have made great friends at DEF CON over the years than my brain can conceive of. DEF CON is also known for letting the "Suits" (Government / Corporate) mix with everyone and get an idea of what the scene is all about. The media makes an appearance every year and we try to educate them as to what is really going on. Basically it has turned into the place to be if you are at all interested in the computer underground. SPEAKERS:-------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the years DEF CON has had many notable speakers. This year there will be more of an emphasis on technical talks. There will be a separate smaller room for break-out sessions of more specific topics. While the talks of the past have been great, it always seems some tech people drop out and general talks fill in. I will load it tech heavy so when people do drop out there will still be plenty of meat left for the propeller heads. There will be speaking on all day Saturday and Sunday. About 20 people will speak, plus smaller tech sessions. If you are interested in speaking or demonstrating something please contact me. Current speakers include: [> Jennifer Grannick, Attorney at Law - A review of several major computer crime cases from the past year or two. [At this point, I'm thinking Salgado, Kashpureff and one other] This review will describe the hack (in relatively non-technical terms), what laws applied to criminalize the hack, how the hacker got caught, the prosecution that ensued, and the result of that prosecution. Through these case studies, audience members should be able learn what not to do, and why. Jennifer Stisa Granick is a criminal defense attorney in San Fancisco, California. She defends people charged with computer-related crimes, as well as other offenses. Jennifer has been published in Wired and the magazine for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. [> Bruce Schneier, Author of Applied Cryptography - Tradecraft on Public Networks. Dead drops, semaphores, cut outs, telltales...the tools of spying. In a world of continuous communications and ubiquitous eavesrdropping, is there any hope for covert communications? Learn about some old tricks of the trade, and some new ones. Bruce Schneier is president of Counterpane Systems, the author of Applied Cryptography, and the inventor the Blowfish algorithm. He serves on the board of the International Association for Cryptologic Research and the Electronic Privacy Information Center. He is a contributing editor to Dr. Dobb's Journal, and a frequent writer and lecturer on cryptography. [> Ian Goldberg, ISAAC Research Group, UC Berkeley - Cryptanalysis of the GSM Identification Algorithm. About 80 million digital cell phones worldwide implement the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) protocols. Recently it was announced that COMP128, the cryptographic algorithm that protects the "identity key" in the majority of these phones, was extremely weak, thus allowing GSM phones to be "cloned". In this talk, we will examine how COMP128 is used in the GSM protocol, describe the algorithm itself, and demonstrate how to break it. We will also discuss the implications this result has for the security of of the voice privacy features of GSM. Ian Goldberg is a Graduate Student Researcher and founding member of the Internet Security, Applications, Authentication and Cryptography (ISAAC) research group at UC Berkeley. His research areas include cryptography, security, privacy systems, and digital cash. [> Peter Shipley - An overview of a 2 year effort in massive multi-modem wardialing. Security problems occur when obvious security problems are overlooked. One commonly overlooked problem is alternative access methods to a corporate Intranet from an external machine. Many if not most companies are overlooking their secondary vulnerabilities surrounding alternate methods of network access. Mr. Shipley will present research covering an overview of a 2 year effort in massive multi-modem wardialing. His findings will include some personal observations and the results obtained from scanning the San Francisco bay area. When Mr. Shipley started this project he noted that there were no published research references to wardialing or documented statistical results of the types of equipment and computer networks commonly found on the POTS (Plain old telephone system) network. Mr. Shipley decided to change that through his research. Mr. Shipley Is an independent consultant in the San Francisco Bay Area with nearly thirteen years experience in the Computer Security field. Mr. Shipley is one of the few individuals who is well known and respected in the professional world as well as the underground and hacker community. He has extensive experience in system and network security as well as programming and project design. Past and current clients include TRW, DHL, Claris, USPS, Wells Fargo, and KPMG. In the past Mr. Shipley has designed Intranet banking applications for Wells Fargo, Firewall design and testing for WWW server configuration and design for DHL. Mr. Shipley's specialties are third party penetration testing and firewall review, computer risk assessment, and security training. Mr. Shipley also performs post intrusion analysis as well as expert witness testimony. Mr. Shipley is currently concentrating his efforts on completing several research projects. [> Lorenzo Valeri - Why are we talking about Information Warfare? Lorenzo will try to assess the reasons of the growing fame of information warfare subject. The world is changing but not that much. He will speak at continuity and changes in information warfare in relation to military and strategic thinking. Most of the ideas developed in relation to information warfare have been thought at the beginning of this century. Moreover, there is the problem of intelligence requirements for performing information warfare. The main argument of his speech can be that what has changed is the TIME and SPEED factors but not the strategic and military thinking behind. Mr. Valeri is a researcher in the information warfare programme of the International Centre for Security Analysis, which is part of the Department of War Studies, King's College London. He is also a PhD candidate at the Department of War Studies at King's College. His research interests are information security policies, the impact of the Internet and other online services on military and strategic thinking and, in general, non-military threats to national and international security and stability. [> Se7en - Hacking the Travel Industry. Learn how to get permanently upgraded to First Class flying status, be upgraded to luxury hotel suite, be admitted to airport V.I.P. lounges, get your luggage from baggage claim before anyone else does, have hotels pay for your girlfriend's airfare to come visit you at Defcon, be provided with limousines and bodyguards, take home lonely flight attendant babes, nd much, much more, all for free, by learning and using se7en's mad social engineering skillz. [> Super Dave, of the DoC - Copyright vs. Freedom of Speech. As policy and the economics of a world wide economy force us to attempt an information based economy, the manufactured concept of Intellectual Property becomes paramount. Our preeminent corporations have shifted from GM and Ford to Disney and Microsoft; our government struggles to develop and globally enforce laws to protect the profitability of IP. These laws are intrinsically at odds with the free and unfettered exchange of ideas which is central to the validity of democracy. But IP law is built on a weak legal and moral foundation, and it is far from clear that an IP based economy is viable. David Gessel spent his childhood hammering steel in front of a coal-fired forge as a blacksmith's apprentice for seven years. He then went to MIT to get a degree in physics where he focused on robotics and precision engineering. Switching coasts, David joined Apple's Advanced Technology Group and worked on various things including pen-based computers, LCD technology, and digital cameras. After ATG, David worked at Interval Research Corp, researching rapid design/prototyping technologies for mechanical systems. David is now CTO of Spinner, Inc., a startup developing QTVR technology; VP of Engineering for Nebucon, Inc., a startup developing secure Internet services for small businesses; and contracts mechanical design services bicostally. [> Prof. Feedlebom and Technopagan have operated The Voice of Mercury and the Desert Crossing Radio broadcasts for the last four years. They are also responsible for strange radio emissions that have been heard in the Los Angeles area on 104.7 MHz. [> Dr. Byte - Dr. Byte will give a technical presentation on the security of wireless technology. Included in this talk include overviews of: * wireless networks, protocols, systems, and access mediums such as AMPS, GSM, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, CDPD, 802.11, Mobile-IP, and Ad-Hoc Networks * current IP security technology (IPSEC) in IPv4 and IPv6* overview of areas of research and exploration of security in wireless technologies. Dr. Byte is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Engineering and an instructor of Computer Engineering at a major univeristy. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Computer Engineering in 1994 and 1997 respectively. For his M.S., he worked with a real time bit error rate simulator, and developed a next generation real time hardware system for bit error rate simulations. He has developed a 16 bit RISC microprocessor in VHDL in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) able to run compiled 'C' code. His research interests include security over wireless networks, in particular ad-hoc networks using IPv6. He has co-authored 3 papers on IEEE 802.11 and IPv6. [> Ira Winkler - As I have often said, most hackers display skills that can be picked up by a monkey in a few hours. Hacking is mindless the way the clear majority of hackers seem to be practicing it. In this presentation, you will learn tasks that require real technical skills and abilities. Not only will this provide you with more of a challenge, it will provide you with real marketable skills. If you "really" want to challenge your abilities and stay out of jail, you won't want to miss this session. Otherwise go play with the other Tools Kiddies. [> Panel Discussion - Securing Distributed Systems. Members include Brian Martin, Gale Katz, Ira Winkler, Route, Ejovi Nuwere, Mudge, Alhambra and Anthony Eufemio. [> Dan Veeneman - Several low earth orbiting satellite systems are already in orbit, and commercial service is just around the corner. Global wireless voice and data services will be available from handheld terminals. Dan Veeneman will bring us up to date on existing and future systems and answer questions from the audience. Dan Veeneman has served in various management and technical positions in the computer industry since 1980. He has developed financial programs for the banking, investment and real estate industries, as well as software for a variety of companies including A.C. Nielsen, McDonalds, Reuters and Baxter-Travenol. Dan has installed and supported many local and wide area networks, including a nation-wide data delivery network. He also has experience supporting Internet connectivity, including Motorola's world-wide Network Information Center. Dan has provided data security and encryption services for a number of government and civilian clients, encompassing video and data delivered over telephone, satellite and the Internet. He also edits a quarterly newsletter concerning cryptography. Dan holds an engineering degree from Northwestern University. Dan also writes a monthly column for Monitoring Times magazine called PCS Front Line. [> Trask - Hacking the Big Iron - Security Issues in Large Unix Environments. I will be using the Sun Ultra Enterprise 10000 and IBM SP/2 as examples of how some of the newer, bigger unix systems (which are increasingly being used for jobs previously performed by mainframes) present some interesting challenges in the area of system security. As you may know, the Ultra Enterprise 10000 is a SMP system that can be configured with up to 64 processors, which may then be partitioned into a maximum of 8 independent partitions. The SP/2, on the other hand, is an MPP architecture that can be configured with up to 64 8-way SMP nodes. These two architectures are different in almost every way, however both are extremely fast, and both have some security concerns not present in more traditional unix systems. What I have found is that the security problems are surprisingly similar between the two types of machines. By failing to consider all aspects of security when implementing the system management tools provided with these computers, the vendors are selling million-dollar-plus products that are less secure than typical end-user workstations. I contend that as unix offerings start providing mainframe class computing power, they need to also look towards providing mainframe class security. [> Morgan Wright - The best social engineers understand behavioral analysis, and how to use it. The police have been using it for years to obtain confessions from homicides to simple misdemeanors. Have you ever wondered why someone would confess to homicide when they know they will go to prison for the rest of their life? Why is non-verbal behavior more accurate than verbal behavior? How do proxemics affect an interview? How do you obtain information from someone unwilling to give it to you? The art of interview and interrogation relies more on understanding human behavior than on cliché techniques from your favorite cop shows. A sole source study of the Reid Technique of Interview/Interrogation funded by the NSA revealed that a properly trained interviewer, analyzing both verbal and non-verbal behavior, and supplied with the case facts, can correctly assess truthful or deceptive behavior 96% of the time. Find out how these techniques are used to SE the opposition, regardless of which side of the fence you're on. Morgan Wright is a former law enforcement officer with 15 years experience. He is court qualified as an expert in computer crime, and interview and interrogation. He is a regular instructor for the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists ( in the areas of computer crime. He has also taught interview/interrogation techniques nationally for Reid and Associates ( to the FBI, Secret Service, NSA, and many state and local agencies. Part of his training has included extensive work in the area of criminal personality profiling and behavioral analysis interviews. He works in the private sector conducting internet investigations for software piracy, copyright and trademark infringement, economic and corporate espionage investigations, and with intellectual property law firms in the area of electronic discovery. In addition he has conducted over 200 undercover internet investigations, and has been asked to provide training to the FBI and RCMP on undercover internet investigative techniques. [> Jeff Thompson, Product Area Manager for Argus Systems Group, Inc. - Developing a 32 bit operating system. Jeff Thompson is a Product Area Manager for Argus Systems Group, Inc. with extensive experience in low level operating systems development, trusted operating systems, network development, and security architecture design, development, and reviews. Mr. Thompson will be presenting on the design and development of his personal operating system, which is being developed for the hacker community. The OS, while egotistically being called JeffOS, will be released under the name GuildOS in honor of its roots. [> Richard Thieme, Thiemeworks, Inc. Richard Thieme is a business consultant, writer, and professional speaker focused on the human dimension of technology and the work place. His creative use of the Internet to reach global markets has earned accolades around the world. "Thieme knows whereof he speaks," wrote the Honolulu Advertiser. He is "a prominent American tchno-philosopher" according to LAN Magazine (Australia), "a keen observer of hacker attitudes and behaviors" according to Le Monde (Paris), "one of the most creative minds of the digital generation" according to the editors of Digital Delirium, and "an online pundit of hacker culture" according to the L A Times. Thieme's articles are published around the world and translated into German, Chinese, Japanese and Indonesian. His weekly column, "Islands in the Clickstream," is published by the Business Times of Singapore, Convergence (Toronto), and South Africa Computer Magazine as well as distributed to subscribers in 52 countries. Recent clients include: Arthur Andersen; Strong Capital Management; System Planning Corporation; UOP; Wisconsin Power and Light; Firstar Bank; Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.; W. H. Brady Company; Allstate Insurance; Intelligent Marketing; and the FBI. [> SCHEDULE:-------------------------------------------------------------------- FRIDAY July 31st: Network Setup, Sign in, Informal PGP Keysigning at the "PGP table", Lots of Partying. Capture the Flag Contest Starts earlier this year. 10:00 - Doors open, sign in starts Demonstrations, Live DJ action in main hall 16:00 - Capture the Flag III starts 22:00 - 23:59 SATURDAY August 1st: Speeches, people selling stuff, Capture the Flag, The DEF CON shoot, other special events to be announced. There will be on track of speaking for the larger interest more general topics. 10:00 - 10:50 Richard Thieme - 11:00 - 11:50 Bruce Schneier - Tradecraft on Public Networks. 12:00 - 12:50 Ian Goldberg- Cryptanalysis of the GSM Identification Algorithm. 13:00 - 13:50 Jennifer Grannick - A review of several major computer crime cases from the past year or two. 14:00 - 14:50 Lorenzo Valeri - Why are we talking about Information Warfare? 15:00 - 15:50 Ira Winkler, Tasks that require real technical skills and abilities. 16:00 - 16:50 John Q. Newman - 17:00 - 17:50 Winn Schwartau - Introducing the Time Based Security model and applying military strategies to network and infra structural securities. A/K/A Humbug. 19:30 - 21:30 The Black and White Ball. 22:00 - 23:59 Final Rounds of Hacker Jeopardy in the main speaking hall. SUNDAY August 2nd: Wrapping up Capture the Flag, award giveaways, demonstrations to be announced. There will be two tracks of speaking for more focused discussion of more techinical topics. Track A 10:00 - 10:50 Dan Veeneman - LEO systems, Iridium, and a satellite hacking update. Track B 10:00 - 10:50 Jeff Thompson - Developing a 32 bit operating system. Track A 11:00 - 11:50 Dr. Byte - Technical presentation on The security of wireless technology. Track B 11:00 - 11:50 Morgan Wright - The best social engineers understand behavioral analysis, and how to use it. Track A 12:00 - 12:50 Peter Shipley - An overview of a 2 year effort in massive multi-modem wardialing. Track B 12:00 - 12:50 Prof. Feedlebom - Operating your own micro power radio station. Track A 13:00 - 13:50 Se7en - Hacking the Travel Industry. Track B 13:00 - 13:50 Trask - Hacking the Big Iron, Security Issues in Large Unix Environments. Track A 14:00 - 14:50 Panel Discussion - Securing Distributed Systems. Track B 14:00 - 14:50 Gregory Gilliss - Track A 15:00 - 15:50 Super Dave, of the DoC - Copyright vs. Freedom of Speech. Track B 15:00 - 15:50 Shamrock - 16:00 Awards for Capture the Flag, Final give aways. It's the End of it all! Cleanup, etc. See you all next year! EVENTS:---------------------------------------------------------------------- [> BLACK & WHITE BALL Saturday evening 19:30-21:30 in the speaking hall: New Rule: No one allowed into the Black & White hall with out dressing up one way or the other. You can always hang out in the main hall if you don't like it! I have learned from last year, and have refined the Black & White ball for this year. For the last two years at DEF CON there has been a sort of unspoken Saturday night dress up event. People have worn everything from party dresses and Tuxedoes to AJ's ultra pimp Swank outfit with tiger print kilt. Wear your cool stuff Saturday night, be it gothic, PVC vinyl, or Yakuza looking black MIBs. No prizes, just your chance to be the uber-bustah pimp. Live DJ action, a cash bar and some cooling out to be had by all. [> THE L0PHT'S TCP/IP DRINKING GAME: If you don't know the rules, you'll figure 'em out. [> CAPTURE THE FLAG (CTF) Part 3: Sure Meinel stole the idea, but capture the flag started here. Going on the third year, the rules have changed once again to reflect the reality of letting everyone attack a network at once. This year the capture the flag network is looking to borrow any working computers that are strange, historic, goofy looking or somehow deserve to be hacked. If you're willing to bring a machine to defcon, have it hacked, and either bring or give it away, mail All the donated machines will be put on an ethernet network, which will have 3-5 gateway machines (in parallel) separating it from the hacking network. When the contest ends, the gateway machines will be unplugged. Whichever hacker or team has the most machines with their pgp public key in the machine's root directory wins. This year there will be a $2 dollar entrance fee, which will get you a copy of the small print rules and an ip address on the hacking network. There will be a $250 prize for the first machine hacked, and the team which hacks the most machines. Last year the winner won $500? for winning in both categories. A third category may be introduced. [> NET CONNECTION AND TOPOLOGY: T-1 availability. Bring your own hubs, cables, etc. if you want to jump on it. The network will be switched into several segments. More info as it becomes available. [> STREAMING AUDIO AND VIDEO: There will be various audio and video streams generated this year. Check the homepage during the convention to select streams. RealMedia stream will be mirrored by the pirate-radio servers ( in (at least): UK - Telehouse, INSNET USA - L.A., DEF CON Seattle Hopefully, by then our two new servers will also be on line: Brasil Japan [> 6th ANNUAL SPOT THE FED CONTEST: The ever popular paranoia builder. Who IS that person next to you? "Like a paranoid version of pin the tail on the donkey, the favorite sport at this gathering of computer hackers and phone phreaks seems to be hunting down real and imagined telephone security and Federal and local law enforcement authorities who the attendees are certain are tracking their every move.. .. Of course, they may be right." - John Markhoff, NYT Basically the contest goes like this: If you see some shady MIB (Men in Black) earphone penny loafer sunglass wearing Clint Eastwood to live and die in LA type lurking about, point him out. Just get my attention and claim out loud you think you have spotted a fed. The people around at the time will then (I bet) start to discuss the possibility of whether or not a real fed has been spotted. Once enough people have decided that a fed has been spotted, and the Identified Fed (I.F.) has had a say, and informal vote takes place, and if enough people think it's a true fed, or fed wanna-be, or other nefarious style character, you win a "I spotted the fed!" shirt, and the I.F. gets an "I am the fed!" shirt. NOTE TO THE FEDS: This is all in good fun, and if you survive unmolested and undetected, but would still secretly like an "I am the fed!" shirt to wear around the office or when booting in doors, please contact me when no one is looking and I will take your order(s). Just think of all the looks of awe you'll generate at work wearing this shirt while you file away all the paperwork you'll have to produce over this convention. I won't turn in any feds who contact me, they have to be spotted by others. DOUBLE SECRET NOTE TO FEDS: This year I am printing up extra "I am the Fed!" shirts, and will be trading them for coffee mugs, shirts or baseball hats from your favorite TLA. If you want to swap bring along some goodies and we can trade. Be stealth about it if you don't want people to spot you. Agents from foreign governments are welcome to trade too, but I gotta work on my mug collection and this is the fastest way. [> Spot the Screenwriter Contest So basically if you see some very well dressed, Gucci loafer wearing, well tanned, double decaf expresso drinking person packing a laptop beyond the budget of your average hacker, technology journalist, or "I'm not a fed, I'm a hacker, and I try very hard to look like a hacker, Fed" asking lots of questions that could have already answered in 'Secrets of an Uber-Hacker' Then you may have spotted a screenwriter! Again the discussion can start if this person is truly a screenwriter and not a vacationing member of the board of a recently IPO'd Silicon Valley start-up! :) After voting, If the screenwriter fesses up and admits to scouting for information on hackers, That lucky resident living near the corner of Hollywood & Vine will get a... 'I am the screenwriter' shirt, (Design being worked on) Followed up by the lucky person who likely reads Variety as much as Wired, will recive the 'I spotted the screenwriter!' t-shirt (Design also being worked on) Note to screenwriters and journalists thinking about taking up screenwriting, I am really doing this insure that hacking and bleeding egde technology gets reported correctly and not like some sort of the privacy sucking Flash Gordon wizzbang dohicky that most of the technology gets percived as by Joe Couch-Potato and Joe Senator. I also need more leads for my portfolio at the Hollywood Stock Exchange. :) Comments, Complains, and Flames to the usual address, and you wouldn't be reading this if I was already in your killfile. Cheers! William Knowles [> Who Are You, anyways? A Social Engineering Competition For NocFed 6.0 brought to you by Rev. Krusty. This year I would like to introduce a new competition to the DefCon lineup. A Social Engineering competition dealing with the creativity aspect of the art. This competition is based on the show 'Who's line is it anyways'. (notice the rip off name) The object of the competition it to see who can bull shit their way in or out of the situation in the best manner, fashion, grace, or whatever. This will require a lot of impromptu Bull Shit. The situations for the competition will hopefully come from you! We will be accepting ideas for situations to put our competitors into before and during DefCon. The audiance will have to be controlled and discreat as the situations will move around from place to place and we do not need to attract any undo notice. The competitor's will be matching wit's with ppl they have never met (hopefully) and will not have anything to do with the competition. IE...they will be ppl picked at random. HOTELS:---------------------------------------------------------------------- [> Book your room NOW!!! We have a block of rooms, but it is first come, [> first served. Rooms get released about one month before the convention. [> Book by June 9th or risk it. The room rates are quite cool this year. Jackie Gaughan's Plaza Hotel Number One Main Street in the Old Downtown Las Vegas Reservations Phone Number: 1-800-634-6575 When reserving a room reference the "Network Security Solutions" conference. There are four room sizes available. On Friday and Saturday night they are $50 for a single/double room, $60 for a 1 king bed room, $100 for a suite with 1 bedroom and 1 king sized bed or 2 queen sized beds and $150 for two bedrooms with 1 king and two queens. STUFF IN VEGAS:-------------------------------------------------------------- URLs Listings of other hotels in Las Vegas, their numbers, WWW pages, etc. - - Radio Scanner frequency list by Clay Irving for Nevada. - A list of local pubs and nightlife in Las Vegas. - VENDORS / SPONSORS / RESEARCH:----------------------------------------------- If you are interested in selling something (shirts, books, computers, whatever) and want to get a table contact me for costs. If you have some pet research project and you want to have the participants fill out anonymous questioners please contact me for the best way to do this. If you want to sponsor any event or part of DEF CON 6.0 in return for favorable mentions and media manipulation please contact me. Current Sponsors Include: Index Publishing Group, publishers of books covering alternative information, scanning, credit and much more. Check them out at The London Pirate Radio show InterFace with the best live DJs, concerts, live events and the hippest tunes at A Caffinated Drink Company are currently sponsoring events and atmosphere. MORE INFO:------------------------------------------------------------------- [> DEF CON Voice Bridge (801) 855-3326 - New Software!! This is a multi-line voice bbs, VMB and voice conference system. There are 9 conference areas, with up to eight people on each one. Anyone can create a free VMB, and there are different voice BBS sections for separate topics. There is a new Power Chat feature aas well as the ability to create private voice bridges and to invite people into them. This is a good neutral meeting place to hook up with others. [> WWW Site Convention updates and archives from previous conventions are housed here. Past speakers, topics, and stuff for sale. Also a growing section of links to other places of interest and current events. This is the main source for all convention updates. Hotel contact information, room rates, updated speakers lists, etc. can be found here. [> MAILING LIST Send email to and in the body of the message include the following on a separate line. subscribe dc-stuff dc-stuff is related to general conversation, planning rides and rooms, etc. Be warned! When the convention time is near the list starts to generate quite a bit of traffic (As if it doesn't now!) [> The DEF CON Shoot Event Catch all the information and links necessary to participate at this years official DEF CON Shoot. [> The DEF CON 6.0 Car ride sharing pages: These people have taken their own time and resources to set up ride sharing pages for people in their area. This is very cool. A special thanks to these guys for helping out any way they can. Boogah187 has set up an Orange County California Ride share page. The Colorado 303 Area Code ride sharing page by the alien: BroncBuster is in effect with the First Annual Northern California Ride Sharing page at The 604/250 Area Code (British Columbia, Canada) 2600 chapter welcomes you to share ride, room, and board to DEFCON and back. Hosers Kick Ass. No NT people. Email if you are interested in his ride caravan to Defcon from Phoenix and surrounding cities in the 602. The Seattle area 206 ride sharing page is being done by Jack T.Dragon. The 416/905/519 area (Ontario, Canada) ride sharing page is up at owenf's place. [> EMAIL Send all email questions / comments to It has been said that my email is monitored by various people. If you want to say something private, please do so with my pgp key (At the bottom of this announcement) I usually respond to everything, if not I'm swamped or had a system problem. DO YOU WANT TO HELP?--------------------------------------------------------- Here is what you can do if you want to help out or participate in some way: Donate stuff for the continuous giveaways and the various contests. Got extra ancient stuff, or new cool stuff you don't use anymore? Donate it to a good cause! One person was very happy over winning an osborne "portable" computer. ORGANIZE sharing a room or rides with other people in your area. Join the mailing list and let people know you have floor space or some extra seats in your car. Hey, what's the worst that can happen besides a trashed hotel room or a car-jacking? CREATE questions for hacker jeopardy (you know how the game is played) and email them to No one helped out last year, so this year let's try. Everything from "Famous narks" to "unix bugs" is fair game. BRING a machine with a 10bt interface card, and get on the local network, trade pgp signatures, etc. Here is Flea's DEF CON resource page with what to bring and not to bring, hotel info, etc. FINAL CHECK LIST OF STUFF TO BRING:------------------------------------------ MY PGP KEY:------------------------------------------------------------------ -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.1 mQCNAy6v5H8AAAEEAJ7xUzvdRFMtJW3CLRs2yXL0BC9dBiB6+hAPgBVqSWbHWVIT /5A38LPA4zqeGnGpmZjGev6rPeFEGxDfoV68voLOonRPcea9d/ow0Aq2V5I0nUrl LKU7gi3TgEXvhUmk04hjr8Wpr92cTEx4cIlvAeyGkoirb+cihstEqldGqClNAAUR tCZUaGUgRGFyayBUYW5nZW50IDxkdGFuZ2VudEBkZWZjb24ub3JnPg== =ngNC -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----