Ok beings of this underworld. By vote the users of this sub-board have asked me to post messages describing the various books, manuals, blueprints and equiptment that is readily available to the public. ******************************************************************************* ********************************** N O T E ************************************ ^^^^^^^ Not all things I mention here can be purchased without special licences. Not to mention that most of the stuff here should only be concidered buy ones that have had some type of training and have the mentality to know when not to use them. ******************************************************************************* *********************************** N O T E *********************************** ^^^^^^^ I take no responcability as to the use of this information. I am posting material that is readily available to anyone of any age. In the form of Natnl. Magazines.How this information is used is the sole responcability of the reader. Mack Bolan the Executioner Here is a list of interesting books that are available. I will list the books with a key and then list the addresses to purchase them at the end. IF you guys want I will devote the library to these listS and you can add entries as you like. ****************************************************************************** *********************************** B O O K S ******************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^ pal The Colt .45 Exotic weapons system selective fire for the Colt .45 $12.00 pal The Ruger 1022 Exotic weapons system fire 1000 rmp from your Ruger 1022 $12.00 pal The AR-7 Exotic weapons system convert this little self-storing beauty into a true weapon for the home survilalist on a buDget. $12.00 pal Empty Hand,Loaded Gun by Dan Westerlin The ultimate system for close combat. $8.00 sur Law enforcement guide to firearms silencers. $4.50 sur Silencers for the home workshop constuction guide and photo diaGrams $10.95 sur Silencers PatterNs and PriNciples vol.1 $14.95 sur Silencers PatterNs and PriNciples vol.2 $14.95 pal= Paladin Press P.O.Box 1307-KMM Boulder CO 80306 Catalog $1.00 sur= Survival Books 11106 Magnolia Blvd N.Hollywood,CA 91601 Attn. Nancy This message contains information about the various add-ons and options you can add to your firearms. As in stocks, sights, scopes magazines (ammo) and tools. The key will work as the previous message. ******************************************************************************* ********************************** A D D - O N 'S ***************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ qms Folding Stocks by 'Choate' (good stuff) for Rem 870 Win 1200 Hi-Standard $69.95 Mini-14 $79.95 par Pachmayr Stainless Steel Magazines for Colt .45 $19.95 par standard magazines for Browning High power $15.00 AR-15/M-16 30rnd. $7.95 M-1 Carbine 30rnd $5.00 Uzi 32rnd $14.95 Mini-14 20rnd $9.95 30rnd $12.95 40rnd $24.95 par Bionic Ear size of flashlight and can amplify sounds 200 times and is very accurATe $69.95 par Little Blackbox 2"x2"x3/4" box that attaches to phone line and cassete recorder. Only turns on when phone is off hook. Absolutely no noise.. $24.95 with alligator clips $24.95 with Modular plugs saw Fake Hand Granades cannot be made real $4.95 saw Field Surgical Kit tweezers, 3 hemostats, 2scalpel handlEs, tissue forceps, banDage scissorS, 2 curved probes, 2 scalpEl blades and suture kit. $46.95(good buy) qms= Quartermaster Sales 7201 Avenida La Costa Ne Albuquerque,MN 87019 Catalog $2.00 par= Parellex Corp. 1285 Mark Streey Bensenville,IL 60106 dept 917 saw= Small Arms Weaponry 141 Donelson Pike P.O.Box 140845 Nashville,TN 37214 dept. FP-4 catalog $1.00