%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # # # MAKIN' HALF- # # STICKS # # # # by # # # # # # DEATH INCARNATE # # # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8/21/93 So you want to make a half stick of dynamite well it's not hard, only dangerous so if you kill/destroy anyone or anything don't come crying to me 'cause I'll just beat you up bad then deficate in your mouth Thingz needed Toilet paper tubes a lot of duct or packing tape Kleenex hot glue & gun Explosives (Black powder or anything else that explodes) fuse Take your toliet paper tube and hot glue one of the ends shut, if you want you can reinforce it with kleenex when dry fill the tube with black powder or any other explosive that will ignite with a fuse then take a whole lot of kleenex and cram it in there keep packing it until you can't pack anymore then glue the other end shut if you don't like using hot glue bondo works just as well. Now take some duct tape or packing tape and tape it all around so that it's even tighter now. Go to osco drugs and rip-off a compas the kind for art class not camping. Why osco? Because they are total dicks once me and my phriend were there and one of the osco bastards folowed us all through the store and we weren't even stealing anything. Another time I bought a pack of gum and the dyke clerk put the gum in a paper bag and TRIPLE stapled it shut, like I'm going to go back in there and steal some metamucial or a copy of better homes and gardens. Well after you get the compas poke a hole for the fuse. Put the fuse in the hole. Now your ready to destroy!!! The first few times you make them you may not get a loud explosion,but don't worry because if you wanted noise you could have just bought some M-60's. Just think about this, a tablespoon of black powder wrapped as tight a humanly possible will make a louder noise than a pound of black powder wrapped loosely just unwrap a black cat sometimes, the thing has at least a hundred layers of paper, HOWEVER the pound of black powder will do far more damage than the table spoon, belive me they may not sound like much but they'll blow the shit out of anything IE. mailboxes, cars people, JUST TRY IT YOU'LL LIKE IT LOOK FOR THESE UP COMING FILES BY DEATH INCARNATE HOW TO PHUCK UP SOMEONES CAR HOW TO MAKE QUATER STICKS THE HOW TO KILL PEOPLE SIERIES QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? YOU MAY CONTACT ME AT RIPCO ][ 312-528-5020 CALL THESE BOARDS MASQUEERADE 708-963-4551 CONTINUM FOUNDATION 312-248-0234 I.C.E INCORPERATED 708-357-7401