YU2.TXT Part 2 of 3 See YU1.TXT, YU3.TXT Freedom of Privacy and Thoughts by Alan Yu ========== Revision-10-22-95 (5). The evil belief of EMR mind machine operators is that when there's a whip, there's a way. The security of mind machine system is considered by the machine control group above the constitution of their country. So they do everything follow this group special operating way. Their actions appeared that they only believe forces and always use their invisible radiaytion waves as a weapon to force victims to follow their intention. That's only because these radiation waves are invisible, noise-less ( except the painful howling of victim), no external injuries evidence, & without physical contact, so there is no trace of any evidence of their crime. They are never held responsible by law. Since they don't pay any responsibility to their crime, their evil belief is that there's a whip then there's a way. They usually used this way such as torture, humiliation, threat, blackmail, or brainwash, etc. to hurt you & force you to follow their order. (6). The Mind Machine Operators are practising Stalinism. Not only will they read your thoughts, but they will also harm your body with their invisible Electromagnetic radiation weapon. By doing so, they can decide how bad your health condition is or in what health condition they will allow you to live. Their actions are kind of Stalinism in Russia but getting worse. The political Stalinism only determine the distribution of material ("the redistribution"), but the mind machine operators will allocate other people's life (live or die ) or distribute their health condition because they can use radiation weapon (nonlethal weapon ) to hurt your body in your homes, cars, or everywhere according to their remote control ability & entire nation metwork survilliance system. I would like to show readers some evidences to prove what I said are true. There are eight of such kind cases had been reported in the " Microwaves harassment & mind-control experimentation". (See page 8, 9 on electronic survilliance project- Author Julianne Mekinney December 1992) (Attachment) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ One dividual (driven to extremes of streee by ongoing electronic harassment focusing on her children) killed one child in an effort to protect her fromfurther pain. Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was told by an employee of a local power company that , if she value the lives of her children, she would drop the her opposition to the company's installation of high power lines. Since receiving that threat, the invidual 11-wear-old daughter has been reduced to extrrement of il;lness which cannot be diagnosed. It's now also apparent to this invidual that her three-year-old son ids on the receiving end of externally induced auditory input. (DoE figures prominently in this case.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- If the Departmemt of Energy really involved in above case then what facts will show us. It only proved that few Dep. of goverment indeed use this EMR mind machine or at least use the invisible microwaves weapon. In this cases, the family didn't receive message which directly deliver to their brain by Mind machine operators. You might ask what's the real reason? In my own opinion, I would like to say that these families basically shouldn't be their tourture subject of mind machine operators because they're under control. However once these family member's action or position against the interest of the mind machine group then mind machine operators still can use the invisible microwaves weapon (direct energy weapon) to hurt these victims' children then black mail them in opened way ( call these victims by telephone.). The above informations already proved that none place is safety when you live under the EMR mind machine survilliance system. So even the above regular families children who live at home or even stay at hospital, the children still can't avoid to be hurt by the remotely control invisible radiation weapon ( or direct energy weapon). These parents can't do nothing to help their children so a invidual even killed one child to protect her from further pain. This kind situation only prove that the EMR mind machine survilliance system have already established & network whole nation. Also the invisible EMF waves (microwaves) weapon can remotely control the emitters then focus waves to hurt anyone in any where. (The emitters should be designed as a new electrical parts which combine with old parts as a new parts so it not only has the original parts fuction but also can emit radiation waves by remotely control way.) The above evidence also show that actions of Mind Machine Operators are extremely evil. What are the real problems of this Mind machine group to our the society? Here are some of the basic operational principles of this machine and the problems that existe because of the usage of this machine. 1. Your privacy no longer exist when you are being investigated with the use of the Mind Reading Machine. This machine use electromagnetic radiation waves to investigate subject, so he who is being investigated will be totally unaware (Electromagnetic radiation is invisible and can penetrate walls, bricks, most metals and almost anything in its way). Next, it sends these collected brain waves to the CPU, and the cpu translates these brain waves into words or picture to describe human thoughts. Then, these pictures and words are display on a monitor for analysis by the investigators. Because the subject that's being investigated cannot see the electromagnetic radiation, he is totally unawared of the violation of his privacy (of his thoughts read by others). This machine can be used in day or night. It is often used with any stop, so the victim's thoughts are constantly being monitored. Therefore, the dreams, the ideas, the inner secrets or the other private feelings and thoughts of the victim will be will be a open book to these investigators. So, the investigators just have to use the machine near where you live or work, then they steal your most inner secret and take your privacy from you. The process of reading the thoughts work like this. First, two machine is set up from two different angles. Then, both machines emits a high intensity radiation which crosses the subjects' brains. One machine will emit radiation, and the machine on the opposite side will intercept the radiation wave and interpret the informations. After the detected subject's brain waves had send to the CPU,it will be translated into thoughts with words or picture, finally appears on the monitor which operator can read & understand. (Machine schematic) ( EMR) Electromagnetic waves | --<---------<--------- Subject--------<-------<-------- | | | --------- | ------------ Brain waves|->---------Central process unit---------->---| Radiation receiver | |translate brain waves into thoughts| | Emitter ___________| |with words, pictures, or languages,| ----------- |also translates commands into | |electromagnetic waves which imitates| |----->-----|electrical impulse of the brain |----->-----| | ------------------------------------- | -----------| |------------- command | |monitor ------------ -------------- The best way to read thoughts is to make the subject fall asleep and dreams because at those time the person being investigated has very little control what his mind is thinking, and this allow the investigator to influence the subject to dream about matters which the investigators think are important. So the investigator will conduct their investigations mostly at night. But you must remember, they can read your thoughts any time even when you completely awake. If the investigators are interested in some special information, then they will not just read the thoughts, but they will also actively direct subject to think about the things the investigators are interested. Not only can the EMR mind machine decode brain patterns, it can also send information to the brain using brain patterns. As an example, the investigators might send a picture of something the investigator is interested to the subject's brain, and this will trigger the subject start thinking about the information the investigators are after. This also allow the investigators to study the personality and the history of the subject. For example, They can fax the nude photo of a girl or man into a person's dream. Then, the operators can study how the person reacts to determine his sexual preference etc. (In the earlier cited article about the San Dieago Hopsital's study, it was mentioned that the research team can determine whether or not a picture is familiar to a test subject with 80% accuracy (A computer is used to analyze the subject's brain patterns, and the computer can determine whether or not the subject is familiar with the picture without the subject having to say anything). This established that a certain brain pattern represents certain "pictures"; and if this brain pattern is send to the human brain, the subject's brain will start to form the "picture" that's associated with that particular brain pattern. 2. Exposure to the radiation emit by this machine is not only harmful to your body, it can also kill you. Whenever this machine is being operated on high frequency, it can be used to kill you. The beam of high frequency radiation emitted from the machine can be aimed at your head or your body. If the target is your head, your central nervous system will be damaged. If the target is your body, your organs will be damaged. If the target is your heart, it can cause heart diseases and the machine can cause someone to die as if he was killed by natural causes. Even if the machine is not being operated on extreme high frequency, prolong exposure to the radiation will still make a person ill and slowly cause his death. Also the neurologists involved in this behavior alteration research can promise the microwaves weapon ( invisible radiation waves) user how to effectively damage subject's nervous system. Now let's back to see what will be the reaction of government officers when people report to them such situation. * The FBI spokesman do acknowledge that they have received large number of requests for asistance from "persons" who believe that they are being "zapped by radio waves".... (See page 10 on Microwaves Harassment & Mind Control Experimentation.----1992 December) Unfortunately according to above report, these victims are only treated as " Mental problem persons" then dismiss their cases. * Now, let's investigate if a person can be zapped by electromagnetic radiation? If some of the people believe that these victims were zapped by accidental electrical discharge, I would like to point out why this cannot be the cause. Almost everyone has heard the cliche "lightening never strike the same place twice." This is an observation that is extremely valid. The chance of lightening striking something is pretty low; and the chances of it striking the same place again is considered astronomically small (or nearly zero). That's because although lightening always strike the topest point of a area, but the topest point will no longer on the topest after it was striken (down) by lightening. Therfore, lightenlig will never strike any place ( a point) twice. ( or It should say never strike a same topest point twice.) The same logic is applicable to these reported cases of being "zapped by radio waves". If this type of "zapping" is caused by nature, then it would not strike the same place (subject) twice (just like lightening). If it does strike some place (or subject) a number of times, then this should be considered as a weapon used intentionally by Man or under human control to cause harm. I believe that these victims have been "zapped by radio waves" repeatly. Since if these "zapping" happened only once or twice, the victims would have dimissed it as accidental. Only when these victims are zapped constantly by "radio waves" also cause harming their health, would they request help from authorities or the FBI. So, these "radio waves" can't be caused by lightening or a naturally occured strong electrical discharge, then it must something that's man-made and designed specially to hurt or torture human beings. Therefore, these man-made devices must be a type of radiation wave weapons. So far we know that only "Non-Lethal Weapons" can cause the sensation of being electrically zapped. It is the only weapons that we know of which can focused radiation waves to injure the targeted human being. According to scientist report, these "Non-Lethal Weapons" includes high power Microwaves emittered (non-thermal), electromagnetic pulse generator, infrasound, isotropic radiator, etc. Currently, we know that only certain departments of the government possess these Non-Lethal weapons in our society. None of the civilians have or use these weapon unless they are involved with intelligence agencies. Therefore, these users of the "Non-Lethal weapons" all have to be officers of the government (whether they are in uniforms or under-covered). So, the "smoking guns" is hiding in the pockets of some corrupted officers who have abused their privilege and human rights of American citizens. These corrupted officials are criminals who have betrayed the trust placed on them by the U.S. citizens. Furthermore, their actions have violated the U.S. Constitutions, the civil rights, and the very basic human rights of the victims. Based on the deduction and the evidences presented from the above paragraphs, a frightening picture is emerging. When the victims report that they're being "zapped by radio waves," most of them are treated as "mental problem persons" by Authorities and then dismissed their cases (According to the report of "Microwaves Harassment & Mind Control Experimation" of ANSA). If we supposed the Authorities really did not possess the "Non-Lethal Weapons," then they might be making only judgemental mistakes. However, the evidence shows that only the officers or authorities indeed possess these "Non-Lethal Weapons." Therefore, authorities' who accuses that these victims are "mentally ill" should be considered as suppressing the truth of the abuse of these weapons. By suppressing truth about these abuse, it shows that this is a conspiracy against all the people living in the United States. By suppressing the truth, it indicates that they want to continue to abuse these weapons without public awareness. Without public awareness, then there will be no pressure to the legislative body to regulate the use of theese weapons. Without these regulations, these corrupted officials may do what they please without the fear of punishment from law, nor can the victims find legal recourse. The continuation of abuse of such weapon will be a threat to every American. Although on the surface, the United States may still appear as the "Land of the Free" and may be more peaceful because the dissidents and critics of these corrupted official have been slienced, but in reality, our country will be moving in the direction of a police state. Also these victims surely are the sacrifices of a political & social consopiracy. So far we know that the Nonlethal wreapon can cause the same symptoms & also use invisible radiation waves. These Nonlethal weapon include the high power Microwaves emitters, Electromagnetic pulse generatotrs, infrasound,isotropic radiators,etc. Also so far we know that only some Departments of Government possess the Nonlethal weapon in our society. So people feel that they're being "zapped by radio waves" constantly or even twice is a alarm to our society because these victims have proved that few offices had abused the Nonlethal weapon to our US citizens constantly in a deep covert operation way. The few officers who abuse the Nonlethal weapons to US citizens are real crimals because they already abuse human rights & against US Constitution. According to the ANSA's report of "Microwaves Harassment & mind control experimentation"--1992 December, It did prove that some officers (those who abuse Human Rights) have already used these " Nonlethal weapon " on our US citizens for a long time. (ANSA: See explanation at below 3.) 3. This machine can be used to drive people mad: Whenever the operators of the mind machine had decided to dispose of their subject, one of their tactics is to play with the mind of the subject (their victim). First, they will use the Mind Reading machine to find out about the victim's secret or plan. Then, they will intentionally "bump" into the victim whereever the victim goes. These operators will create the impression that they know all the victim's secrets or plans. Their purpose is to make the victim feels that he has absolutely no privacy at all. This will mislead the victim to believe that everyone know everything about him. Eventually, the constant stress lead to paranoia and insanity. If that doesn't work, the operators will "talk" to the victim. This "talk" is done 24 hours a day util it drives the victim crazy or to make the victim to be appeared as to be insane. Now let me explain how it works! The human brain is not only responsible for thoughts, but it's also a receiver for electrical impulses from various parts of the body. The brain translates these impulses into actual sound or sensation. For example, the human ears only collect sound waves. Then, one of the organ is the audiatory canal translates these sound waves into electrical impulses and send it to the brain. Then, the brain translates these impulses into the sounds that you "hear". So, if you can directly send the electrical signal (characterizing somebody's conversion) straight to the subject's brain. Then the subject will "hear" the conversation without actually hearing it through the ears. The ears is completely bypass in this hearing process. (This type of technology had been used by the medical community: "They have enable deaf people to talk on the phone again by putting electrodes into the ears of deaf people" & "they've made a blind woman see patterns of light by putting electrodes in the back of her brain"-- In a special report from the mystery of sense of" Discover" magazine June 93). There is another report about how this technology was developed along with mind control technologies was printed on "Lobster" magazine of United Kingdom in June 1993. It's as below: Mrs. Janet Morris confirmed John Alexander's involvement in mind control and psychotropic projects in the Los Alamos National Laboratories. Alexander and his team have recently been working with Dr Igor Smirnov, a psychologist from the Moscow Institute of Psychocorrelations. They were invited to the U.S. after Janet Morris' visit to Russia in 1991. There she was shown the technique which was pioneered by the Russian Department of Psycho-Correction at Moscow Medical Academy. The Russians employ a technique to electronically analyze the human mind in order to influence it. They input subliminal command messages, using key words transmitted in "white noise" or music. Using an infrasound very low frequency-type transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone conduction - ear plugs would not restrict the message. To do that would require an entire body protection system. According to the Russians the subliminal messages by-pass the conscious level and are effective almost immediately. The above device although is developed in Russia proves that the idea of sending voices to someone's mind without him actually "hearing" these voice through his ears can be done. ( Those people who stay in a same room with the target person but not at same place couldn't hear the voices too.) Now let's back to watch what reaction of our Authority will be if our citizens report that they're "hearing voices" in brain. The FBI sopokesman have acknowledged that they have received large numbers of requests for asistance from persons who believe they're being " zapped by radio waves" and/or " are hearing voices".... ( See page 10 on microwaves harassment & mind control experimentastion. However according to the report, these people will only be treated as "mental problem persons" and their cases dismissed by the FBI. Now, let's investigate if hearing voices in the brain can be caused by electronics means? The following is an excerpt from the book of Dr. Robert Becker (who was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for his work in the field of bio-electromagnetism) published in 1985 (titled: The Body Electric). In the early 1960s, Frey [Dr. Frey is a scientists who worked on the Project Pandora funded by the U.S. Navy] found that when microwaves of 300 to 3,000 megahertz were pulsed at specific rates, humans (even deaf people) could "hear" them. In 1973, Dr. Joseph C. Sharp served at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Dr. Sharp, serving as a test subject himself, heard and understood spoken words delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulsed-microwave audiogram (an analog of the word's sound vibrations) beamed into his brain. Dr. Becker went on to comment that "Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with "voices" or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin." Therefore, it is a fact that voice message can be delievered to the human brains by electronics mean. We must educate the public that this is indeed possible and this technology has been incorporated into weapons, so the operators of these "Non-Lethal Weapons" can no longer mislead the American publics that these victims are insane and crazy when in reality, these victims are perfectly sane. Only through this education and general consensus, will create an atmosphere which will allow these victims to come out to make legitmate legal claims against these criminals. Unless this happens, these criminals will forever be above the law and never be held accountable for their evil actions. The "Mind Reading Machine" use the same principle to imitating the frequency of electrical impulses and actual sound(generated by the ears). Then, this electromagnetic wave is aimed directly at the subject's brain. This will cause the subject to hear what the operators want him to hear without hearing by others. (not sound waves) The investigators abuses the above scientific principles to drive their victims mad. They will use this second method when the victim doesn't sccumb to their first tactic. They will use the microwave radiation to send the operators' voices to the victim (shooting it directly at the subject's brain). The subject will hear what they say as normal dialogue in a whisper, but actually it is not a voice of sound waves which can be heard by ears. Since the victim can't find anyone around him speaking to him, he might start to think that he is hearing things. But, as this type of audio harassment continues, the subject will eventually think that he is mad. If even this doesn't work, the investigators will try to start agruments with the victims by sending him dialogues which will cause victim to get angry. The victim might be provoked to response to the taunts, insults or profane language. Often, the victim will respond with outburst in public (which is where the operator will try to actively engage in this type of operation). This will mislead the people around the victim to believe the victim is insane (because all they can see or hear is the "unprovoke" outburst of the victim). This is how the mind reading machine operators try to set up their victims to make the victim to appear as insane to other people. The other might also be mislead to think that the victim is arguing with ghost and make the victim to think himself is crazy. At the end, everyone will think the victim is crazy, and the victim will be completely isolated. To avoid any general public who might meet the same situation & fall into the trap, I would like to use a reply to Dr. Stevenson to clarify the microwaves voices right now. (attachment) ----------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Steveson is a Ph D of psychology who is a reader of my post on Internet & has mailed me a question about that how could one differentiate the microwaves voices & schizophrenia? The reply is as below: In 1973, the experiment of Dr. Sharp had proven that he heard & understood the spoken words delivered to his brain by using the microwaves frequency. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Since the spoken voices (deliever to the brain through microwaves) is coming from other person, this voices should carry the tone & accent of that particular person who spoke. So a victim who heard the microwaves voices in his brain ( and no one around can hear this voice because it is not sound wave, but deliever through microwaves) should differentiate the voices as that of another person whisper in victim's mind. If a person can make such differentiation, then the voices should be caused by microwaves. Thoughts is voice-less language in your mind, and language express the thoughts with voices. When you're thinking, it is just like you whispered to yourself in your mind with your tone. This is very different than if someone use microwave to deliever words to you. With this obvious difference, anyone can easily differentiate if the voice is coming from microwave. This also already answer the question. So if other people use microwaves frequency to deliver the spoken words to a victim, then these voices should carry tones or accents of others which is different with that of the victim. So victims of such kind device can be educated to analyze the difference, then they won't trust the microwaves voices and fall into the traps again. However if a person believe the spoken voices belong to his/her own or a good friend, or even misunderstood these kind spoken voices came from the god (if the spoken words is voices of man) or the angel ( if it's the voices of women.) & try to follow the voices, then I will consider this person as a victim who has been driven to schizophrenia. Sincerely Yours, Alan Yu ------------------------------------------------------------------ There's one more method which the mind machine operators use to drive their victim mad: When the victim knows that he is being hurt by radiation waves, but he doesn't know who are hurting him. When these investigators want to dispose the victim, they will hurt the victim by using Nonlethal weapon (high frequency radiation weapon). If the victim doesn't know this and take actions to protect himself, he will slowly die. But, even if he realizes that he is being hurt, the investigators will continue to harm the victim. It will make the victim extremely angry, but often the victim cannot fight back. This is because these operators will remote control the Radiation weapon & hide into building or house which are around the subject. The victim will find himself surround by enemies who are "invisible". It will be difficult for the victim to find where the radiation waves is coming from. If the victim can't locate it and figure out who are hurting him, his frustration will drive him insane. It will be similar to what newspapers had reported numerous time. "The gun man open fires on the street and takes out his anger on innoncent bystanders." This guy will be charged with murder or be commited to mental hospital by authority. Acutally, this man isn't really crazy. He knows someone is setting him up, but he doesn't have enough knowledge of "Mind Reading Machine." Nor, do they know where to find his "invisible enemies who use the Nonlethal weapon (radiation weapon)". In his final frustration, he will takes out his anger on anyone. This is because he can't find or locate his real enemy (the Mind Machine Operators) to retailate. The whole story is very simple to those who knows the existence of the "Mind Reading Machine", because the victim was just set up by the operators of mind machine- "TRM". I would like to discuss two cases which happened in New York city to readetrs right now. These two murderers had been charged as schitzophtrenic. However I would like to discuss these two cases & clear the differentiation between schitzophtrenic or being efected by the EMR mind machine. Concerning the events of schizophrenia which occurred in New York, I will further clarify it. There were two case that were discussed in my previous article. One was brought up by Mr. Mark concerning the case of "Son of Sam", the other one was something that I ran across reading the newspaper. I'll admit that I don't really know the details of the case (son of sam) All I know was what Mark had said that the murderer had killed seven guys. If murderer killed these seven people on different days, and he has no financial dispute, emotional conflicts, and does not have any competitive conflict with his victims, then I agree he should be insane. But if all of the seven people were killed on almost the same time on the same day without any provocations, then I would suspect the machine might be one of possible causes of this case. I want to make a clear differentiation between the two possibilities (insanity and being affected by the Mind machine). If the operators want to ruin their subject, they'll just need to drive him into killing one person. This is enough to make him appear to be insane to put him in jail or send into mental institution (although in reality, the subject may not be truly insane. He may be just releasing the stress that's been created by having the machine used on him). So, logically the operator will not make any more effort to drive the person to kill more on different days. But, the person who is driven mad by the machine may use a powerful weapons such as AK-47 sami-automatic to kill a lot of people at one place to unleash his anger. (This place should be a regualar place which the person always go or stay, also where he met a few people who would be the operators and taunting him with their actions to drive him mad. The person doesn't know this Mind machine but he felt some people know too much about him and everyone seems taunting him. It make him angry at the people of the place. ) The other case happened in spring of 1994 & involves a person who lived in New York: This person & his family was from China. He killed his wife while she was working. The newspaper reported that the killer have recently heard a voice that he changed his bad luck by killing his wife. The Chinese guy had followed the voice' "advice" to kill his wife when she was working at home because he thought the voices was from the angel & try to help him. The Chinese newspaper--World Journal (This newspaper publish in US.) wrote this event & reported the husband's words as above. I suspect that this case might be caused by something else (such as EMR mind machine operators.) other than schizoprenia. That's because the mind machine operators can use the EMR mind machine to set up anyone whom they don't like. If the operators of mind machine don't like this Chinese husband then a female of operators can pretend as a sky angel & deliver the message to the brain of Chinese husband. The message should be just like the news report that to kill your wife in order of change your bad luck. If the deduction is correct then both husband & wife are all victims but the mind machine operators are the real crimals. Here I would like to show you another information concerned about this subject. It's as below: (attachment) ======================================================= Big Brother's Recipe for "Revolution in Military Affairs" In light of recent events, are we currently in the midst of an engineered revolution such as this? by Glenn Krawczyk PO Box 1540 Burleigh Heads, Qld 4220 Australia ..................... THE RECIPE The Association of National Security Alumni is a Maryland based organization composed primarily of former US national security establishment employees who oppose the use of covert operations. The Association's letterhead declares their credo: " actions are counterproductive and damaging to the national interest of the United States. They are inimical to the operations of an effective national intelligence system and corruptive of civil liberties, including the functioning of the judiciary and a free press. Most importantly, they contradict the principles of democracy, national self-determination and international law to which the United States is publicly committed." In 1992, an Association sub-group known as the Electronic Surveillance Project published a preliminary investigative report, entitled "Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control Experimentation", which detailed the covert deployment and testing of emerging behavior - modifying ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ directed-energy technologies on US citizens against whom the United States ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Government has no legitimate legal or moral claim. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The initial study investigated the claims of 12 alleged victims of covert harassment and experimentation. By mid-1993 the Association had been contacted by approximately 72 victims, and at the time of this writing has been approached by over 200 such individuals. In a 1993 supplement to the original report, written by Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project and author of the initial report, it states: "While the majority of these 'experimentees' reside in the United States, a number of virtually identical complaints have also been received from England, Canada, and Australia. It would appear that these activities are also ongoing on the European continent,..... McKinney later states: "It has been suggested that the long-term objective of all this experimentation is to develop a system by which all (surviving) citizens of this country may be monitored and tracked by a sophisticated, perhaps satellite-based cybernetics system. Certainly some of the research being dedicated to 'mapping of the brain' shows this potential. We are in receipt of preliminary information which points to magnetic resonance imaging as being critical to this process." (...................) =========================================================== The above information had provcen the Microwaves technology had been used in mind control or as a invisible weapon to hurt or get rid of US citizens who legally live in the society. 4. This machine had built a new slave system, because the subject who be investigated had been treated only as a property of them. The machine uses invisible electromagnetic waves to invade people's privacy and read people's thoughts without trace of any evidence. The subject is unaware that his thoughts are being read. So, the operators can uses this machine on anyone as many times as he please and hurt anyone without any permit. The most horrible thing is that the operators always use this machine depending on his mood. When the operators are in a good mood, the subject may face a fair treatment. But when the operators are in bad mood because he does not complete understand the subject with this machine, the operator will take out his anger on the subject and punish the subject with this machine until the subject is dead. The subject is not under any protection of law because there are no trace of any evidence with the weapon of radiation waves. The subject is treated only as their property. The investigators do believe that we (who are detected) belong to them (their "kids" or property), and they can do anything to us even take away our life. Because they do everything by this invisible electromagnetic waves and shows no trace of evidence. The country will no longer belong to people but will belong to the mind machine operators day by day. It's because our citizen's rights can't oppose the operators' invisible power, if we still keep quiet to this situation. If you don't care the serious situation then we won't have law to regulate this groups. The operating way of mind machine- "Mind Reading Machine" had built a real new slave system and treated us only as their "kids" whom can be punished by the operators in any way, and their properties which the operators can deal with as they desire. 5. The actions of the Mind Reading Machine operators are violation of U.S. Constitutions and human rights. Since the operators use this machine to share your thoughts, your dreams, your ideas, your privacy, your body, and your life, (They even can hurt your body and take away you life just by operating the machine at high frequency.) You are definitely not the true owner of yourself. No longer, do you belong only to yourself? The "Mind Reading Machine's operators share all of you memories and everything that is in you mind. Which the Communists cannot even do , but the operators of this machine had achieved it. There is a information I would like to show you right now which came from German, a phychologist & member of the Freedom of Thoughts Fundation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- German report: (Freedom of Thoughts Foundation) A New member of Freedom of Thought Foundation, a psychologist, wrote Advisory Board member, W.H. Bowart, from Germany to report his first hand knowledge of mind control: The functions of torture are at least: to associate the original personality of the victim with pain, panic and horror - the desired personality is conditioned with pleasure afterwards; to function as aversive conditioning to establish new behavior patterns; to establish a panic- controlled mechanism of amnesia ("If you remember, you will ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ try to betray us, but we will be informed before you succeed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ in managing this, because we are everywhere, then you will ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ be tortured again, so you will not remember!"); to produce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ an artificial, controlled multiple personality disorder (which is under natural conditions a result of traumatization (ill-treatment, sexual abuse in childhood too). And by the way torture itself, even if not combined with mind control techniques, elicits amnestic disorders or memory blockades concerning the process of torture in many cases. -------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the words of Mind machine operators-----" If you try to betray us, we'll be informed before you succeed, because we're everywhere, then you will be tortured again." So terrible threaten words only show readers that the evil action of the EMR mind machine operators. Not only German but already lots countries ( such as US, Taiwan,etc.) should use the same mind machine. So the operators of EMR mind machine are really everywhere & that's why they can keep their secret. That's because they not only destroy every subject psychologically or even tourture the whole family of subject with their invisible EMF (electromagnetic frequency) weapon or even get rid of them. I would like to show you the evidences from the report of Microwaves harassment & Mind control experimentation ( Electronic survilliance Project) --December 1992 ----------------------------------------------------------------- The victim will be isolated from their members of his/her family when highly focused forms of electronic harassment commence. The exception to this is when elderly patrents and young children in the family became targets for apparent purposes of intimidation. There is two cases which had been reported on above. One individual (driven to extremes of stress by ongoing electronic harassment focusing on her children.) killed one child in an effort to proitect her from further pain. One individual during a telephone conversation, was told by an employee of a local power company,that if she value the lives of her children, she would better drop her opposition to the installation of power line. -------------------------------------------------------- The above cases indeed prove this group is challenging the current law, & Consititution. 6. Who are investigated by the "Mind Reading Machine operators". Based on how this machine has been used in Taiwan. I should say that they try investigate everyone in their country. They do not have enough agents, however, to do this. Therefore, they focus their attention on investigating the key person in politics, business, science, organized crime, etc. These people are mayor, the congressmen, highly ranked scientists, businessmen, the crime bosses or anyone whom they are interested in. The actions of these operators are beyond all logical thinking. They not only investigate criminal, but also normal people whom are important or they are interested in. The operators will keep their records on the subject forever. They will continue their investigation of same person until the subject is under their handle ( The mean they can predict the subject's action.). These people should be totally unaware of that they are being read thoughts or spyed & the operators can predict their actions. If some important people are against the interests of the mind machine group, then the operators will use the machine to read and influence the minds of these people (also a kind of unawared victims) to eliminate opposition. If any important people cannot be controlled by the mind machine group, "Non-lethal" weapons will be used to induce death. The mind machine group won't torture the high position people but only induce the artificial death to them (who oppose their interests & can't be controlled.), if there's no opportunity the mind machine group will make the chance. (if not then the mind machine group will keep waiting or find the next chance.). That's because these people's complaints will cause large attention from the society if they are tortured. In general public, he who knows, will be torture and tracked forever until death. Those who remained ignorant is allow to live peacefully because they can be spyed on at any time and then, they will be under controlled. However this kind peace living will only last as long as they are not aware of this mind macnine & no intention to oppose the interests of mind machine group. And that's what the under control meanning of mine. They think it's the best way to protect the country. So if it's the same situation in United States. Who are investigated by them? I believe "most of us are investigated by them at least once." If we don't make a new law to regulate this groups and machine right now. The situation will only get worse. The unauthorized power of the investigators will extent to maxima. And it will be even more difficult to be changed in the future. Especially now the information or report have proven that the local law enforment already use such kind equipment. ( Time Magazine reported such as Russian mind machine & nonlethal weapon have been used by local law enforement of US.) It prove what I say are purely true. I suspect that they might already build a general public surveillance system of entire nation in these countries. I would like to show you a information as below: In August 1971, there is a general efficiency surveillance security system program proposal submitted to the President Nixon. It proposed to wire every house, car, and boat in America. The plan included a blueprint for a government- operated propaganda system via a TV network that would have linked every state, city, and home. (See page 181 on the"Uncloaking the CIA") Although this program wasn't accepted At that time. It did prove that they have this plan and can make it for a long time. If once they carry out this plan in right now, they can combine with current scientific technique such as "remote viewing", non-lethal weapon, mind machine-"TRM". They can easily to make it also advance to the invisible (electromagnetic waves) way. In 1980, the Senate passed the Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980. This Bill include estabilishing no standars for covert operations or employment of academics, clergymen or journalists as spies or informers and npopewnalty for the public disclosure of agents working for the US. (See page 73 on "CIA"-by Brian Freemantle) The above Bill already prove that they were allowed to build the general survelliance system if they could operate it in covert way. Then this machine might have been installed in all public buildings, such as shopping centers, schools, supermarkets, bank, airports, etc, also include the vehicles. (The main intersection of street, the shoulder of highway might have installed the electrical receiver.) The law abiding citizens will be totally under their control wherever he/she goes. That's why they so serious to deal with any security leak. Some of them also already abuse their Mind machine surillian system & invisible EMF waves weapon to pursuit personal interest or unlesh personal anger. The above cases of children being hurt by the invisible waves weapon are the perfect examples of Mind Machine Operators abuse of power. Since the Mind machine- "TRM" have been invented and kept as a top secret ,certain part of authorities have changed their position to protect the mind machine-"TRM" secret and the operators first. If people mention about this machine or be aware of this machine, they will be accused as insane or gotten rid of by the operators in spite of their human rights. If the authority deny this device also allow the machine operators using the invisible Nonlethal weapon to get rid of people, then I'll ask you a question. Do you believe some of the authorities is still abiding the founding principles--FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, and OF THE PEOPLE?! 7. The machine can be used as a tool of surveillance and interrogation to any subject in any place, if the operators so desire. How could they do it in the whole country? There are three reasons to explain it. The first reason: The machine combine with a special surveillance system--" remote watching" ( or later might combine to use the injectable micro-chips to track people.). There are some radar which can find a fly a kilometer away or track a human at twenty five miles.(see the report of Dr. Becker on above) Also there is a " PSI TECH" company hold a " remote viewing" technique, they can used this to find the Saddam's scud missile site and the napped person in the hidden place.(see report of Ms.Armen Victorian.) I suspect the both report concerning a same equipment but the "remote viewing" is the advanced & final product. The "remote watching" use such kind of radical waves( with the penetrate ability of walls, brick, metal) to find and locate the subject (or object) accurately in any place ( home or building) no matter day or night. This EMR mind machine (TRM) also can connect with the surveillance videos in the public building. If the really carry out the program of general surveillance system, the machine suppose to be installed with remote watching on the outside of building-top or light poles to watch the people in the outside space area. Also it can be remotely emitted the microwave to hurt any subject. Now let me show you such kind information which is " Project Slammer. Project Slammer is a CIA-fund study, managed by CIA & FBI behavioral scientists, which explores the "mental make-up" of alleged security risk, along with their family members & close associate. Ms. Julianne Mekinney, a former intelligency agent of US Army, point out that a survillian activities might fall under purview of "Project Slammer". The response of spokesman of FBI was angrily declaim that " You don't know who is conducting that survillian system! You don't know if that is a state police survilliance!...or a local police survilliance! It could be a totally unleated operation! You don't know who is conducting that survilliance! ..[etc.,etc.] [ See page 10 on --Microwaves Harassment & Mind control experimentation ( Electronic survilliance project) December 1992 ] However the answer of spokesman proved that the FBI is at least acknowledging existence of the survilliance. Also it proved they all can use this survilliance system fropm local police , state police untill FBI, CIA. The second reason: There are lot invisible weapons have been invented and can be combined with the (TRM) machine to use (such as the microwave emitter, electromagnetic generator, the infrasound weapon) to interrogate or threat anyone, or interfere with any victim brain's electrical activity. This kind action won't earn any other to pay attention to it because these kind weapons are invisible, noise-less (except the painful holwing of the victims.), and no exteral injuries evidence. So these EMR mind machine operators always pride that they can tourture peoople & never can be held by law. There are eight cases of microwaves harassment happened in families which have been reported on above. (See page 9. microwaves harassment & mind control control ex[erimentation.) The third reason: The (TRM) mind machine can be remotely controlled & installed in the vehicle just like the mobile-phone. So wherever you go(by car) or wherever you stay (any place), you're totally under spied, if they so desire. So if any top Authority had maken the bad decision --" install this machine in all building & vehicle also install the electrical waves receiver in the intersection of streets (or highway shoulder ) such as light poles. Then what will happen? Only the law abiding citizens will be totally under spied without any privacy, no matter of where you go or where you stay? Now let's figure out that --Does our society have been built these kind electric survilliance system in entire nation? I would like to show you this kind information to you. It's reported on the article of "remote mind control technology". (Author-Anna Keeler) (attachment) ---------------------------------------------------------- In 1984, U.S. House of Representatives report, a large number of stores throughout the country use high ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ frequency transmitted words (aboive the range of human hearing) to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ discourage shoplifing. Stealing is reported to be reducec by as much ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ as 80% in some cases. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The above situation seems this microwaves frequency of delivering message (device) had been used in these stores. What is frightening is that words, transmitted vialow density microwaves or radio frequencies, or by other covert methods, might be used to create other influence. (...........) it is now known that applied biological (and other) frequencies can also be ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ used as direct "information inputs" (e.g., of feeling or emotion) and to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ reinforce brain rhythms associated with conditioning and information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ processing. One way to get such a signal into a human may be through ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ use of a high frequency carrier frequency. Results of research into information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ processing, unconscious processes, decision making, memory processes, and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ evoked brain potentials would likely be exploited or integrated in an ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ interdisciplinary system. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Covert technological influence is not so foreign to the American way of life as one may think. ** The above report in a 1984 U.S. House of Representatives, mentioned that high frequency audio transmissions are applied, for instance, in some department stores to prevent theft (one East Coast department store chain was reported to have saved S600,000 over a nine-month period), and in some grocery stores with the result that employee induced cash shortages significantly decreased and employees are better mannered. In other words, as Helms wrote of, verbal messages are delivered at frequencies above human hearing. Technology for commercial applications is relatively sophisticated (one studio uses a "layered" approach and 31 channels in preparing tapes; some employ a "dual coding" approach, integrating scientific knowledge of information processing modes of the two brain hemispheres, and others use techniques where a consumer is spoken to as a three year old child). There is no U.S. law specifically regulating these types of transmission (over radio and TV a Federal Communication Commission "catch all" provision might apply). If industry uses undetectable audio transmissions to meet security concerns, it seems that the military and CIA would exploit the same technology and would have developed much more sophisticated technology for applications. The public's conception of "subliminal" [programming] is naive compared to capabilities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- According to above information, I would like to deduce that these bussiness stores' owners might have cooperated with the Authorities or Intelligence agencies in a covert manner. So these stotres owner can spy any special subject (empolyee) for authorities (or even help to drive a subject mad.) with such device. On the other hand, these bussiness owners also can get benifet from such device, such as to protect their property or easily manage their emplyees. Such kind cooperation can reduce the against opinions from society to such device. It also can help authority to build the electric survilliance system in these bussiness stores then network entire nation. ...CONTINUED... See YU1.TXT, YU3.TXT