YU4.TXT Comments on "Remote Viewing" by Alan Yu Currently (12/3/95), the HEAD-LINE news report that the "Remote Viewing" technique of CIA is only related with telepathy. To avoid this news will confuse (or even mis-lead) our readers, I would like to express my own opinion to it. The very first thing, I hope our readers to read the above report from the Mrs. Janet Morris & my comments carefully. According the" Head-line news" report, this "Remote Viewing"technique only relate with the telepathy. Well,I cannot believe it. Why ? I would like to explain it to you as below: According to Mrs. Janet Morris report, this technique had been used to find the Suddam's scud missiles sites in Gulf War. We all know that the Suddam's scud missiles sites are not installed in a fixed position. That's why the US Air forces cannot destroy it. If it stays at a fixed possition then US spy satellite will locate these locations accuractely. Then there is no problem to destroy it. So the problem is that the Scud missiles sites are moveable and always change their positions to avoid attacking from US Air Forces. (These Scud missiles sites will be moved & hidden when US Air Forces are in air to attack it.) The psychic might really has the ability to locate anything in a fixed position, but how could s/he can locate a moving object ? That's because these Scud missiles sites positions are always changed and will be moved to a safe place before use it. Does the psychic can only stay in CIA building then forcast the appeared locations of these scud missiles? I don't think so. Even the psychic can do it. However, when US Air Forces fly in the air, the suddam's radar warning system will cause their soldier to move these missiles sites into a safe place to hide. So the US Air Forces still cannot find the objects. Only the PSI-TECH company should has the special technique in searching (such as using accuracy radar waves) to track the object then the moving object cannot avoid to be found. So if the "Remote Viewing" is only related with the telephay, then I disagree with it which can locate the Saddam's Scud missiles sites. Then the PSI-TECH should have other project which has the special searching technique. ( We should thank this report which prove this PSI-TECH company belong to CIA). Also we watch the name of this PSI-TECH company. It use the "HIGH-TECH" word to introduce the company's specialty but not use the "telepathy" to introduce its-self. So obviously, this "remote viewing" should relate with a kind of high technique but not telepathy. I suspect that the news report was mis-led by CIA. So that people won't worry about the remote viewing which might be used to invade peoiple's privacy. On the other hand,if the head-line report said that the telepathy is one of their research projects of "Remote Viewing", then I could accept it. (It means the Remote Viewing should include telepathy and other techniques which can use the scientific technique to search the hidden object or a subject.) Right now, I would like to show you more evidence as below: There are eight of such kind cases had been reported in the " Microwaves harassment & mind-control experimentation". (See page 8, 9 on electronic survilliance project- Author Julianne Mckinney December 1992) (Attachment) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ One individual (driven to extremes of stress by ongoing electronic harassment focusing on her children) killed one child in an effort to protect her from further pain (at their home). Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was told by an employee of a local power company that , if she value the lives of her children, she would drop the her opposition to the company's iùinstallation of high power lines. Since receiving that threat, the invidual 11-wear-old daughter has been reduced to extrrement of illness which cannot be diagnosed. It's now also apparent to this invidual that her three-year-old son is on the receiving end of externally induced auditory input. (DoE figures prominently in this case.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- The above informations proved that no place is safe when you live under the society with the threat of so called "Nonlethal weapon". So even when the children of the victims familiese living at home or staying at the hospital, they cannot avoid being hurt by the remotely controlled, invisible radiation of the "non-lethal" weapons. The parents cannot do anything to protect their children. One individual ended up killing one of her child to protect the child from further pains. ------------------------------------ According to above information, these victims of "Microwaves Harassment & Mind Control Experimentation" are tortured by microwaves weapon (or Nonlethal weapon) at home and Hospital. How could the nonlethal weapon users can torture these victims in the above cases? Do they need a psychic stay in CIA building to forcast these victims' location in victim's home and in a Hospital? No! absolutely not! and nobdy will believe it. (Also these cases aren't related with CIA). This kind situation only prove that the "Nonlethal weapon" have been combined with the survilliance system & network through the whole nation. So the " Nonlethal Weapon" abusers can focus rediation waves to hurt any people anywhere. ( Then, the Nonlethal weapon used in our current society cannot be called "non-lethal." Instead, it should change its name to the "most dangerous, criminal and muderous weapons") This survilliance system should includes a "remote watching" equipment. This "remote watching" equipment uses a kind of advanced radar and emits radiation waves that will penetrate concrete or wall to find and locates the subject accurately with surgical precision no matter day or night. So the "remote watching" equipment can locate these victims ( no matter adult & kids) and then the nonlethal weapon's abusers can focus the radiation waves to hurt the above victims ( no matter at home or in Hospitals). So if the "Remote Viewing" is really as the explanation as Head-Line report (only relate with telepathy),then the "Remote Watching" is exactly different thing with it. Also the PSI-TECH company should own the other project which include using the accuracy radar waves technique to searching the subject or a object. That's why they can locate the scud missiles sites in Gulf War. And that's why the Nonlethal weapon abusers can locate the victims' place at home or in hospital accurately.( See above report of Julianne Mckinney) The only way which can explain the existed facts is as below: They use the accuracy radar wave which can penetrate wall, brick to find the subject or locate a object accuractely then can use the nonlethal weapon to torture these victims ( which can explain the above victims' cases). So I want emphasize that the technique as above "Remote Watching" is indeed exist in the EMR mind machine system. However they might try to hide this "remote Watching" technique or have other project name to call it.