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2. Installing LIDS

2.1 How do I apply the LIDS kernel patch?

Xie has included instructions on how to patch the kernel in the LIDS download. However, I will briefly cover the necessary steps. This example assumes your kernel sources are installed in /usr/src/linux.

2.2 How do I install the LIDS administration utility lidsadm?

The source for the lidsadm utility is located in the directory containing your LIDS source and is called:


(NOTE: If you are upgrading lidsadm, you should backup everything in the /etc/lids directory first!)

To compile and install lidsadm simply:

$ make
# make install

from the lidsadm source directory. This will install lidsadm in the /sbin directory. It will also create an /etc/lids directory and place a few default configuration files in it for you.

If you wish to use the view option with lidsadm, replace the

$ make


$ make VIEW=1

2.3 What next?

Before you reboot into your LIDS enhanced kernel, you should configure your LIDS ACLs first. Otherwise your system may be unusable when you reboot. Configuring LIDS ACLs is covered later.

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