NamePhoneZip Donna(800) 555-132155423 Mark(976) 555-332355427 Tom(555) 555-119955429 "; ############################################# # SET TABLE ROW END TAG TO KNOWN VALUE $data = str_replace("", "", $data); # PARSE TABLE ROWS INTO ARRAY, USE CLOSING TAG TO AVOID CONFUSION CAUSED BY TAG ATTRIBUTES $table_array = explode("", $data); $qty_rows = count($table_array); for($row=0; $row<$qty_rows-1; $row++) { # SET TABLE DATA CELL END TAG TO KNOWN VALUE $table_array[$row] = str_replace("", "", $table_array[$row]); $table_array[$row] = str_replace("", "", $table_array[$row]); $table_array[$row] = str_replace("", "", $table_array[$row]); # PARSE TABLE COLUMNS INTO ARRAY, USE CLOSING TAG TO AVOID CONFUSION CAUSED BY TAG ATTRIBUTES $row_array = explode("", $table_array[$row]); # CLEAN UP PARSED DATA AND DISPLAY echo "Row=$row\n"; for ($yy=0; $yy