From: "ip masta" Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 08:27:01 +0800 Subject: WinU Default Passwords Overview: WinU is a full Windows user interface replacement with security access control, timeout, logging, web-browser monitoring, remote administration, and many flexible configuration options. It's easy to set up, easy to use, and virtually impossible to circumvent. It has many features heretofore found only in high-end tools, including system stabilization, access control, remote configuration, and web-browser oversight. It includes a LAN-wide management system that cuts the time and effort spent maintaining PCs in the corporate environment. It also features tech support and helpdesk tools that speed problem diagnosis and resolution. Its centralized administration tools are very useful in managing across the LAN, yet WinU is equally valuable on non-networked computers such as standalone public kiosks. Default Passwords: WinU 1.0-2.02: KX98592V63 BARRY SMILER WinU 3.2a: LRTV5 BARRY SMILER WinU 4.1-4.3: R2NAX14 BARRY SMILER WinU 5.1: 1FPW804 BARRY SMILER