From: CHAOS COMPUTER CLUB POSITION OF HACKERS IN THE GAME OF "INFOWAR" In general, hackers are some kind of humans (or aliens) using technology in a critical creative way to keep "learning by doing" in the handling of technology. There is not only the fun of the know-how on controlling a computer systems kept by people who spend a lot of money and years in a university to be able to handle these machines. The feeling of 14 to 17 year olds, having the "most fun of pissing in american military computers" has to be seen in the context of the social situation of teenys having their fun not with playing football or going to a disco but get feelings of success by exploring computer systems. Computers just seem to be more sexy then make-uped girls who use arrogance to play over their insecureness - and their are sometimes easier to handle, too. But there is a serious side of hacking, too - which has not so much to do with the fascination of technology. It is the side of the believe in the freedom of information. In between of these sides is the understanding of technology; if it's the phone system or computer-networks. This understanding includes especially the understanding for what the technology was made for. Computers were never made to keep information secret. There were made to process, distribute and organize information - but not for keeping it away from someone. Very near it's with the phone system; in the first sense it was made to connect people speaking together. Counting Units to get money for this was an "added" technology to the phone-system just as the software in computers to avoid that everyone could read all information. So the more serious side of hacking is to take this good feature from technology and make a political program out of it - where politic is here meant as actively planing life and not by the bullshit which happens today under the name of politics. The hacker ethics was originally created at the MIT and contained six rules. - Access to computers - and anything which might teach you something about the way the world really works - should be unlimited and total. - All information should be free. - Mistrust Authority - Promote Decentralization - Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogous criteria such as degrees, age, race or position. - You can create art and beauty on a computer. - Computers can change your life for the better. It's not neccessary to read Steven Levy's Book "Hackers" to realize the spirit of the 70's beeing expressed in these ethic rules. At the MIT the need for the freedom of information was a very practical need for the sharing of know-how to improve software and everything around. Today in a world where most of the information is processed in computers, the need for information is just the same - not only for computer-freaks but for everyone who lives on this planet (and plans it). A hack was (and still is) the best solution for a problem - expressed in very short code of software ("software" contained in human brains included). "Information is power" might be a little to easy to explain the wish to set all information free. But the anarchistic thought (in the meaning of things in order without authority-structures) to get more power through information to the people plays a big role in the hacker's game. The natural enemy of the hacker is secret services - who institutionalize the secret keeping of information. On the other side, there is the need for privacy in the information society - by using cryptographic methods. The actual version of the hacker ethics has two more rules, that take the changed role of computers related to society in consideration: - Don't mess around with other peoples data. - Make public information free, keep private Information secure. So hacking doesn't have to do with technology. It can also be done by social engineering, the art of getting information from someone who is not allowed or doesn't normally want to give it to you. Andy Mueller-Maguhn,